Package nl.idgis.giserver

Geiode server.


Class Summary
DataSetLayer Registration class for layer characteristics.
DomUtils Singleton to keep Dom utils.
FlashGraphic FlashGraphic is een abstracte klasse die een aantal dingen beheerst die in FlashMap en FlashLegend nodig zijn
FlashImageMap FlashImageMap is verantwoordelijk voor het maken van Flash-bestand met daarin een kaartbeeld in de vorm van een Flash bitmap image
FlashLabelSymbolizer The FlashLabelSymbolizer defines the context for geometry owning label presention.
FlashLegend FlashLegend is verantwoordelijk voor het maken van legenda items in swf formaat
FlashLineSymbolizer The FlashLineSymbolizer defines the context for geometry presention based on line(s).
FlashMap FlashMap generates a static maplayer in the form of a Flash (swf) file for a set of features of a specific type
FlashPointSymbolizer The FlashPolygonSymbolizer defines the context for geometry presention based on point(s).
FlashPolygonSymbolizer The FlashPolygonSymbolizer defines the context for geometry presention based on polygon(s).
FlashSymbolizer Abstract class for flash character symbolizer characteristics.
GiServerConfiguration Registering all configuration data for this server.
GiServerLog4jAppender GiServerLog4jAppender is an log4j appender.
JDBCConnectionPool Connection pool for JDBC connections to data bases.
MapDrawingContext Drawing context will be the context in which a feature will be drawn to a map.
MapTipManager This class is collects map tips and able to translate them in a SWF action list bytestream code.
RuleDepthManager Manager assigns depth values to seperate domains associated with the available rule(s) and assign a domain value unique to a special user.
SpatialOperation This class housekeeping the spatial operations methods.
Tools Tools for the GiServer package.

Enum Summary

Package nl.idgis.giserver Description

Geiode server.


This package contains the classes to fulfill the geoide client(s) request(s). This package is supported by the packages:

Serving the geoide client request can be split up in :