Class RuleDepthManager

  extended by nl.idgis.giserver.RuleDepthManager

public class RuleDepthManager
extends java.lang.Object

Manager assigns depth values to seperate domains associated with the available rule(s) and assign a domain value unique to a special user. The depth values domain range will be distributed equaly for the involved rules over the domains (depth value range domain 1 ... 65555).


Constructor Summary
RuleDepthManager([] rules)
          Domain for create new depth values.
Method Summary
 int getNewDepth( rule)
          create a new depth value
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RuleDepthManager([] rules)
Domain for create new depth values. The depth range is distribute over the maximum available rules. The order of the rule will give a indication which sub range for depth management will be used for that rule. The first rule will become the highgest number and all the charcters create under this role context will be drawn on top.

rules -
Method Detail


public int getNewDepth( rule)
create a new depth value

the new depth value