Class FlashLabelSymbolizer

  extended by nl.idgis.giserver.FlashSymbolizer
      extended by nl.idgis.giserver.FlashLabelSymbolizer

public class FlashLabelSymbolizer
extends FlashSymbolizer

The FlashLabelSymbolizer defines the context for geometry owning label presention.
The context place holder for the flash character will be filled.There is one flashcharacter(FlashText) which will be constant for all TextSymbolizer based geometries for the concerning feature. The possible label attributes which must be taking into account when position a label will be registered if possible on initiation.
Label attributes with a variable nature will be generated each time the CreateMatrix method is invoked.


Constructor Summary
FlashLabelSymbolizer( symbolizer, org.deegree.model.feature.Feature feature, FlashMap map)
Method Summary
 nl.idgis.flash.FlashMatrix createMatrix(double world_x_pos, double world_y_pos, FlashMap map)
          Create the matrix parameter for SWF place object method.
 nl.idgis.flash.FlashMatrix createMatrix(org.deegree.model.spatialschema.Geometry geo, FlashMap map)
          Create the matrix parmeter for SWF place object method.
 java.awt.Color getColorSpaceBase()
          Get the color which can be used as color space base in colorTransform calculations.
 nl.idgis.flash.FlashCharacter getFlashCharacter()
          Getter FlashText character.
Methods inherited from class nl.idgis.giserver.FlashSymbolizer
getRotation, getScale, getSymbolizer, getTranslations, setFlashCharacter
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FlashLabelSymbolizer( symbolizer,
                            org.deegree.model.feature.Feature feature,
                            FlashMap map)
Constructor. The place holder will be filled with the created flash character (FlashText).

symbolizer - dictating (sld) symbolizer
feature - concerning feature instance
map - concerning map
Method Detail


public nl.idgis.flash.FlashMatrix createMatrix(double world_x_pos,
                                               double world_y_pos,
                                               FlashMap map)
Create the matrix parameter for SWF place object method. The matrix is created for the given x,y position in world coordinates. Registered label displacements will be taking into account at FlashMatrix construction.

world_x_pos - given position x in world coordinates
world_y_pos - given position y in world coordinates
map - concerning map
FlashMatrix instance.


public nl.idgis.flash.FlashMatrix createMatrix(org.deegree.model.spatialschema.Geometry geo,
                                               FlashMap map)
Create the matrix parmeter for SWF place object method. The matrix is created for the given geometry. A position is derived from this geometry. The derivation for gemeotry which isn't a position is done by taking the the centroid as the position. This derivation may lead to extra displacements of the label w.r.t to the calculated position. Registered label displacements and the displacements from derivation geometry will be taking into account at FlashMatrix construction.

geo - : geometry
map - : concerning map
FlashMatrix : new instance.


public nl.idgis.flash.FlashCharacter getFlashCharacter()
Getter FlashText character.

getFlashCharacter in class FlashSymbolizer
flash character


public java.awt.Color getColorSpaceBase()
Description copied from class: FlashSymbolizer
Get the color which can be used as color space base in colorTransform calculations.

getColorSpaceBase in class FlashSymbolizer
Color space base , null => no base possible