Uses of Class

Packages that use FlashSymbolizer
nl.idgis.giserver Geiode server. 

Uses of FlashSymbolizer in nl.idgis.giserver

Subclasses of FlashSymbolizer in nl.idgis.giserver
 class FlashLabelSymbolizer
          The FlashLabelSymbolizer defines the context for geometry owning label presention.
 class FlashLineSymbolizer
          The FlashLineSymbolizer defines the context for geometry presention based on line(s).
 class FlashPointSymbolizer
          The FlashPolygonSymbolizer defines the context for geometry presention based on point(s).
 class FlashPolygonSymbolizer
          The FlashPolygonSymbolizer defines the context for geometry presention based on polygon(s).

Methods in nl.idgis.giserver that return types with arguments of type FlashSymbolizer
 java.util.Vector<FlashSymbolizer> MapDrawingContext.getFlashSymbolizers()
          Getter for collection involved FlashSymbolizers

Methods in nl.idgis.giserver with parameters of type FlashSymbolizer
 void FlashMap.drawSegment(nl.idgis.flash.FlashShape shape, FlashSymbolizer lsym, org.deegree.model.spatialschema.CurveSegment segment)
          Draw a segment , this is a line.