Uses of Class

Packages that use FlashMap
nl.idgis.giserver Geiode server. 

Uses of FlashMap in nl.idgis.giserver

Methods in nl.idgis.giserver that return FlashMap
 FlashMap MapDrawingContext.getMap()
          Getter for placeholder concerning map

Methods in nl.idgis.giserver with parameters of type FlashMap
 nl.idgis.flash.FlashMatrix FlashLabelSymbolizer.createMatrix(double world_x_pos, double world_y_pos, FlashMap map)
          Create the matrix parameter for SWF place object method.
 nl.idgis.flash.FlashMatrix FlashPointSymbolizer.CreateMatrix(double x, double y, FlashMap map)
          Create the matrix parameter for SWF place object method.
 nl.idgis.flash.FlashMatrix FlashLabelSymbolizer.createMatrix(org.deegree.model.spatialschema.Geometry geo, FlashMap map)
          Create the matrix parmeter for SWF place object method.

Constructors in nl.idgis.giserver with parameters of type FlashMap
FlashLabelSymbolizer( symbolizer, org.deegree.model.feature.Feature feature, FlashMap map)
MapDrawingContext(org.deegree.model.feature.Feature feature,[] rules, FlashMap map)
          Constructor MapDrawingContext.