Uses of Class

Packages that use FlashGraphic
nl.idgis.giserver Geiode server. 

Uses of FlashGraphic in nl.idgis.giserver

Subclasses of FlashGraphic in nl.idgis.giserver
 class FlashLegend
          FlashLegend is verantwoordelijk voor het maken van legenda items in swf formaat
 class FlashMap
          FlashMap generates a static maplayer in the form of a Flash (swf) file for a set of features of a specific type

Constructors in nl.idgis.giserver with parameters of type FlashGraphic
FlashPointSymbolizer( symbolizer, org.deegree.model.feature.Feature feature, FlashGraphic map)
FlashPolygonSymbolizer( symbolizer, org.deegree.model.feature.Feature feature, FlashGraphic map)