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Using the foregoing analysis results as a base, the objective of the following section is to: a) devise a definion of the term Smart Map Browsing, b) derive its properties, and c) outline its potential.
The expression Smart Map Browsing is not used in current literature and will be further defined and elaborated in this thesis.
The definition for the term Smart Map Browsing is based on the ISO standard for usability (see Section 2.2.1):
The characteristics of Smart Map Browsing are defined by a variety of self-explanatory, interactive elements and functions which display the expected interactive properties - they define the ideal, user-friendly web mapping application, taking into account the most current technology available.
The current state of technology related to Smart Map Browsing can be described in more detail using two categories - GUI components and Pan/Zoom properties. It should be noted that because these characteristics are based on the current state of technology (effectively a Smart Map Browsing 1.0), medium-term modifications will be required as newer technology becomes avaialble.
According to [R�ber u. Jenny 2003] navigation and control elements in web mapping applications should be self-explanatory and efficient. They should also be logically grouped to facilitate the use of the web mapping program. The user should be able to quickly find the required function instead of being overwhelmed by the available functions. The navigation of a map containing many different elements is quite complicated and requires a fairly steep learning curve. As a result, a map navigation control pad which is intuitive should be the main focus, while the more demanding functions should be simplified as much as possible or at least reduced to a minimum [R�ber u. Jenny 2003].
It it not imperative to place navigation components outside the map view. The advantage of placing the controls inside the map is that the user is always aware of the available options, as they are in plain view (and easily noticed) rather than being relegated to the side. Having a correspondingly attractive representation of the controls is also beneficial [R�ber u. Jenny 2003].
Temporal animation displays spatial changes which occured in a specific period of time [Dickmann 2004][R�ber u. Jenny 2003]. An example of temporal animation is the display of population growth of a city in, say, the last century. The user should be able to interact with the animation by using self-explanatory navigation elements. It is easier to display complex data with time flow. These types of animations should take place within the confines of the main map and not replace a web mapping application's interactive Map Browsing.
Non-temporal animation displays spatial data of one concrete point in time with different illustrations [Dickmann 2004][R�ber u. Jenny 2003]. An example of non-temporal animation would be an automatic »ZoomTo« feature, whereby the user is led to a specific location through the use of non-temporal animation. This in combination with map navigation controls results in very dynamic pan and zoom properties, which are described as animated panning and animated zooming in [OpenLayers b]. The user's orientation and ability to judge distances ie. scale is not hindered.
Cartographic animations increase the user's attention and add considerable value to the map. Animations (within a reasonable range) are an important characteristic of Smart Map Browsing.
Inherent in the definition of Smart Map Browsing is the user's ability to interact with a web mapping application in a variety of ways. At the same time, the usability of each interaction is of paramount importance, that is, the performance of the component(s) should always conform to expectations.
The main characteristics of Smart Map Browsing along with their potential in the web mapping area are featured below:
Tiling (client-side tiling only) is without doubt one of the most significant characteristics of Smart Map Browsing, with great potential for user-friendly web mapping applications. However, tiling on its own (see Chapter 2.3.5) does not guarantee good Smart Map Browsing. Even the highest-performance application cannot offer good usability if the response time of the map server is very long. Tiling does not predict the objective load times of tiles. In the spirit of the Smart Map Browsing definition, the goal should be to reduce objective load times as much as possible.
One solution is server-side Tile
Caching (client-side caching will not be discussed). Here the tiles are kept on the server in the form of readily rendered graphics, thereby reducing the response time of the map server: When a client requests a map, the server does not have to generate the map, instead it accesses the finished tiles (usually stored in the file system) and sends them to the client in a considerably shorter time frame. For this purpose, the tiles must be of uniform size and available in a pre-defined tile grid.
WMS Tile Caching18
or WMS-Cached - in short, WMS-C - is representative of an initial recommendation on how such a standard could look based on the OGC WMS specifications. A more detailed suggestion for a standardized solution is described in the WMS Tiling Client Recommendation19, a result of the Tiling Discussion Group at the FOSS4G Conference 200620 in Lausanne.
Based on this recommendation the US company MetaCarta21 has developed the implementation of TileCache22 -
a WMS-C compliant server, available under the BSD license. TileCache is a Python-based
WMS/TMS23 server containing mechanisms for the rendering and caching of tiles. In the most simple scenario, TileCache can create its own local cache of (all) tiles on the hard drive. It accomplishes this by means of write access to the hard drive, the ability to execute Python CGI scripts and the designation of a chosen WMS server. The tiles are subsequently requested by a WMS-C or TMS-supporting client (such as OpenLayers).
TileCache is said to speed up WMS requests by a factor of 10 to 100. The use of TileCache under
mod_python24 supports more than 300 requests per second
Server-side tile caching offers significant potential for the further development of Smart Map Browsing in web mapping applications. Despite the short history and still outstanding OGC standardization of WMS-C, noticeable progress in the load times of WMS maps has been made. Accordingly, tile caching promises to become a fundamental feature of Smart Map Browsing.
By turning the focus to the navigational elements of web mapping applications the Smart Map Browsing ability of the Zoom Bar is noteworthy. The analysis (see Section 3.1) shows a noticeably improved usability in the four applications which feature this type of component. The zoom bar in combination with a pan navigation panel and a zoom reset button enables an implementation of the above-mentioned usability guidelines. The defined aspects of the zoom depth orientation (see Section 3.2.2) offer additional opportunities to influence the concept of usability.
In conclusion, the use of a zoom bar offers great future potential.
Closely connected to this development are the very recent and innovative attempts at animating different navigational features.
Animated panning and
animated zooming are Smart Map Browsing
features which are currently implemented in only three of the analyzed applications.
Animated panning, in conjunction with tiling, offers a good method of assisting users to go from point A to B by way of an animated and no-delay process. Similar to Drag&Drop panning, this process demonstrates to the user that the viewed map selection is only a part of a whole, seamlessly connected map - a clear advantage in preserving the user's orientation in the viewing process.
Essentially, the animated zooming feature is an automatic zooming process that animates the transition from zoom level A to level B. During the zooming process the map is scaled and redrawn once zooming level B is reached. This type of animation permits the zooming in and out of the map at one or more zoom levels.
animated panning and zooming is also a possibility.
Furthermore, the animated zooming feature implies an additional function: Moving the slider of a zoom bar results in a seamless rescaling (up or down) of the current map. This is an example of manual non-temporal animation.
An accepted glossary term for zooming animations in web mapping applications does not yet exist. Given the similarity to
animated panning characteristics the term animated zooming seems a plausible choice. On the other hand, Google Maps, uses the term continuous zooming to denote zooming animation per mouse wheel (currently only in
Windows operating systems). In this discussion the term animated zooming is used to denote automatic zoom processes (initiated by e.g. click, double-click, mouse wheel or zoom box). Furthermore, animated zooming is used as a collective term describing all animation-supporting zoom processes in web mapping applications, including continuous zooming (used interchangeably with seamless
It stands to reason that these two recent features (animated
panning und zooming) will play a signficant role in the further development of Smart Map Browsing. Currently, some performance problems (caused by limited band width or client hardware) can occur with extensive animation, which could negatively influence usability. At the same time, the future potential of these extensions is clearly recognized, and it is conceivable that they will soon become an intrinsic part of any web mapping application.
© June 1, 2007 |
Emanuel Schütze |
some rights reserved.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons License
Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Germany.
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