HowTo make a new FGSK release ================================== (replace the sample "0.2.0" with the apropriate version number) 1. Take care everything is checked in properly. Adjust version number, revision-number in docs/ and commit (analog previous releases in ChangeLog). The Revision-Number can be accuired by `svnversion` 2. Make sure the following parameters are set in setup.cfg tag_build = tag_svn_revision = false 2.1 Create the Manual and the minmized JS-Files $ cd jsbuild/ $ Execute all commands listed in README.txt $ cd ../docs $ make html 3. Build an egg using this command $ python bdist_egg 4. Tag the release in SVN: $ export FGSKVERSION=`grep ^version docs/|cut -d"'" -f2` $ svn copy -m "Tagged as release 'release-$FGSKVERSION'" file:///home/projects/Geospatial/lung-fgsk-fachschale/Material/SVN/trunk file:///home/projects/Geospatial/lung-fgsk-fachschale/Material/SVN/tags/release-$FGSKVERSION 5. Package the release-tarball Run the following script which is located in the rootfolder of the checkout. First move into the rootfolder of the checkout. $ ./ 6. Public tarball from ../$FGSK_TARGET/fgsk_$FGSKVERSION.tar.gz to client!