img 'alt' or 'title')
// * Tools/buttons that change status (zoom, pan, identify, select, measure):
// => have "0" as last array element
// => are using javascript function "domouseclick('zoom')
// * Tools/buttons that keep status (zoomfullext, print, back):
// => have the name of the javascript function as last array element
// * spaceX: space between buttons, space in pixels as argument
// => need to have unique names (e.g. space1, space2, space...)
// * separatorX: separator (image) between buttons, argument will be ignored
// => need to have unique names (e.g. separator1, separator2, separator...)
$buttons = array (
"home" => array(_p("Zoom To Full Extent"), "zoomfullext()"),
"back" => array(_p("Back"), "goback()"),
"fwd" => array(_p("Forward"), "gofwd()"),
"separator1" => "15",
"zoomin" => array(_p("Zoom in"), "0"),
"zoomout" => array(_p("Zoom out"), "0"),
//"space2" => "15",
"pan" => array(_p("Pan"), "0"),
"separator2" => "15",
"identify" => array(_p("Identify"), "0"),
"select" => array(_p("Select"), "0"),
"auto_identify" => array(_p("Auto Identify"), "0"),
"separator3" => "15",
"measure" => array(_p("Measure"), "0"),
//"find" => array(_p("Search"), "searchOpen()"),
"poi" => array(_p("Add Point of Interest"), "0"),
"separator4" => "15",
"reload" => array(_p("Refresh Map"), "clearInfo()"),
//"resize" => array(_p("Resize Map"), "resizeMap()"),
"print" => array(_p("Print Map"), "openPrintDlg()"),
//"help" => array($gString[18][$gLanguage], "openPrintDlg()")
"download" => array(_p("Download"), "openDownloadDlg()")
$buttons2 = array (
"home" => array(_p("Zoom To Full Extent"), "zoomfullext()"),
"back" => array(_p("Back"), "goback()"),
"fwd" => array(_p("Forward"), "gofwd()")
* Definition of categories for legend/TOC
$categories['cat_admin'] = array("countries", "cities", "settlements", "cities_xylayer");
$categories['cat_nature'] = array("rivers", "corine");
$categories['cat_raster'] = array("dem", "jpl_wms_global_mosaic", "wmstest");
$_SESSION['categories'] = $categories;
* Title and Heading of application
$pmTitle = _p("p.mapper $PM_VERSION: MapServer PHP/MapScript Demo Suite");
$pmHeading = "MapServer
Demo Suite 2.1";