## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
${_('New subsription after other ending')}${_('help icon')} % if c.show_neuaufnahme:
%else: % if c.num_verlaengerung > 0: ${_('A new subscription is not possilbe, because of an existing extension.')} % elif c.wiederaufn_abg: ${_('A new subscription is not possible, because of a rejected reopening.')} % elif c.cm_neuauf_genehm in (0,1): ${_('For this case a new subscription is already documented!')} % elif c.num_wiederaufnahme >= 1: ${_('A new subscription is not possible, because a reopening has been already done.')} % elif not sonstige_beendigung: ${_('A new subscription is not possible, because the case has been closed with a other finish.')} % elif not c.is_anonymizable: ${_('A new subscription is not possible, because the case is not anonymised cause of missing fields.')} % else: ${_('A new subscription is not possible at the moment.')} % endif %endif