## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- <%inherit file="/casemanagement/main.mako" /> <%! import mpulsweb.lib.helper.filters as F %> <%def name="buildNavipath()"> ${parent.buildNavipath()}
  • ${_('Selected case documents')}
  • ${_('List statements')}
  • ${_('Avaliable statements')}


    <%include file="list_statements_base_body.mako"/>


    ${_('Agreement: Supporting Plan')}

    ${_('Agreement between a young person and an institution about a supporting plan that was collaborativly elaborated in the context of the case management (social work).If the supporting plan or other information will be sent to another institution, a separate written consent from the young person or guardian has to be obtained.')}

    ${_('Print statement')}

    ${_('Written consent for forwarding personal data to the institution.')}

    ${_('Confidentiality release form for confidants with confidentiality according to 203 penal code (StGB) to the institution.')}

    ${_('Print statement')}