## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- <%inherit file="../main.mako" /> <% formular_labels = {'ka_name': _('Name of the institution'), 'fkz': _('Formular number of the institution'), 'max_speicherdauer': _('Automatic review after days') } %> <%def name="buildNavipath()"> ${parent.buildNavipath()}
  • ${_('Administration')}
  • ${_('Show settings')}
  • ${_('Edit settings')}
  • ${_('Edit settings')}

    ${_('Edit institution settings.')}

    ${_('Specification for agency')}
    % if c.form_errors.get('ka_name'): % else: % endif
    % if c.form_errors.get('ka_adresse'): % else: % endif
    ${_('Specification for cases')}
    % if c.form_errors.get('max_speicherdauer'): % else: % endif

    ${_('Automatic reminders are used to identify cases, which has not been edited for longer than the specified value. Additionally there can be further conditions when a reminder is created. Further condition: %s') % g.mpuls_config.get('case', 'reminderconditiondesc')}

    % if c.form_errors.get('anon_transfer'): % endif % if c.agency.isAnonTransfer(): % else: % endif

    ${_('If this option is activated, anonymized cases are transmitted for evaluation purpose to a central agency. Anonymized cases do to not contain any personal data such as name or addresses.')}

    % if g.mpuls_config.is_enabled('case-module', 'meta-server'):
    ${_('Edit meta user settings')}
    % endif