## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- <%inherit file="base.mako" /> <%def name="buildStatusBar()">
${_('Login as')}: ## Instead creating the usersettings link with url_for we ## construct the link explicitly because we need to make it ## point to the other the normal case setting application. The ## usersettings in the struktur-part only offer limited ## functionality and it's confusing for the user when there are ## two slightly different user settings pages. % if h.getLogin() != 'adm': ${h.getUserFullname()} (${h.getRole()}) % else: ${h.getUserLastname()} % endif
<%def name="buildStartMenu()">
<%def name="buildNavipath()">
  • ${_('%s Start') % h.get_app_title()}
  • <%def name="buildInfofield()"> <%def name="buildPrivacyfield()"> <%def name="buildIco()"> >> <%def name="buildNavigation()"> % if (h.getLogin() != 'adm'): % if h.hasRole(['cm', 'admin']): % endif % if g.mpuls_config.is_enabled('module', 'agency-overview'): % else: <%include file="switch_to_other_datasets.mako" /> % endif % if g.mpuls_config.is_enabled('module', 'evaluation'): % endif % endif <%def name="buildEvaluations()"> <%def name="buildFormErrors(labels=None)"> <% formular_labels = labels or {} %> % if len(c.form_errors) > 0:

    ${_('Wrong formular input')}

    % endif <%def name="buildFooter()"> <%def name="buildContentHeader()"> ${self.buildUeberschrift()} ${self.buildModusfield()} <%def name="buildUeberschrift()"> <%def name="buildModusfield()"> Zum Hauptmenü springen Zum Bereichsmenü springen Zum Inhalt springen
    % if h.hasRole(['cm']): ${self.buildPrivacyfield()} % endif ${next.buildNavigation()}
    % if c.status_msg: ${c.status_msg} % else: Hinweis: Gegen ${h.get_logouttime()} Uhr wird diese Sitzung automatisch beendet. Speichern sie bitte vorher Ihre Eingaben! % endif
    ${self.buildContentHeader()} ${self.body()}