GREAT-ER DB API Wrapper generator ================================= Some python programs to generate python wrappers for the GREATE-ER DB-API. The wrapper code is created and built by the script in the top-level directory. Note that you have to supply either the --orcle-interface-lib or the --oracle-interface-file option to the build command. After running build the python DB api is in the GreaterDB subdirectory. This directoy is a Python package, so put its parent directory inot Python's path (e.g. by setting the PYTHONPATH environment variable) or by copying it to some suitable location. The public interface of the API wrapper is GreaterDB.interface. Before you can call any of the DB-API functions in the module, call GreaterDB.interface.set_api_interface("dagreater") to initialize the low-level interface. The two scripts in the tools/ subdirectory, and, are helper programs to make creating the file easier. They parse function prototypes and struct declarations and print code that can be pasted into dbapi/