SHA1 checksums
SHA1_EXE gpg4win-VERSION.exe SHA1_EXL gpg4win-light-VERSION.exe SHA1_EXS gpg4win-src-VERSION.exe SHA1_SRC gpg4win-VERSION.tar.bz2
MD5 checksums
Attention: Using of MD5 is insecure! Please use SHA1 only.
MD5_EXE gpg4win-VERSION.exe MD5_EXL gpg4win-light-VERSION.exe MD5_EXS gpg4win-src-VERSION.exe MD5_SRC gpg4win-VERSION.tar.bz2
OpenPGP signatures
For gpg4win-VERSION.exe:
For gpg4win-light-VERSION.exe:
For gpg4win-src-VERSION.exe:
For gpg4win-VERSION.tar.bz2:
The signatures have been created with the following OpenPGP certificate
Intevation File Distribution Key
The certificate be retrieved from OpenPGP certificate servers. Loading a certificate from a certificate server can be done e.g. via Kleopatra or GPA. Checking the the signature of a file is best done with GpgEX via the Explorer.
File lengths
If you have a mismatch on the checksum or a bad signature you should first verify that you really downloaded the complete file. Here are the lengths you should get:
LEN_EXE bytes for gpg4win-VERSION.exe LEN_EXL bytes for gpg4win-light-VERSION.exe LEN_EXS bytes for gpg4win-src-VERSION.exe LEN_SRC bytes for gpg4win-VERSION.tar.bz2