m4_dnl -*-html-*- m4_include(`template.m4') m4_dnl $Id$ m4_define(`EN') m4_define(`DE_FILE', `donate-de.html') m4_define(`TITLE', `Donate') m4_define(`MAIN', `donate') PAGE_START


Your donation supports the maintenance and further development of Gpg4win and helps us to push the Free Software initiative Gpg4win. We are gratful for every financial aid.

Contribute to Gpg4win!

Give a small amount via the payment opportunity of this web page. Add a short comment along with a payment and explain for which improvements you would again pay. Even smallest amounts help and motivate.

For an average amount, contact one of the project members and receive an official invoice. You could also contract for some specific step, update, bug fix or new features. Take care that your contracted improvements will be integrated into the main development of Gpg4win.

As a company or authority, contract for more extensive measures that will ensure continuation of the project. This way you will ensure sustainable availability of Gpg4win for your organisation. Such measures do provide the collateral benefit of generally improving security for data exchange.

List of sponsors

The following list shows all sponsors who have supported the Gpg4win initiative and accepted to publish their donation.

Make your donation now and you will appear in this list! Please click on the "Donate" button (on the right).
