dnl dnl Configure script source for GPA dnl dnl (Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.) AC_REVISION($Revision$)dnl AC_PREREQ(2.52) # The version number goes here. # # The CVS version is usually the next intended release version with # the string "-cvs" appended. The reason for this is that tests for a # specific feature can already be done under the assumption that the # CVS vesiuon is the most recent one in a branch. # AC_INIT(gpa, 0.6.1, [bug-gpa@gnupg.org]) ALL_LINGUAS="de fr zh_TW.Big5 pt_BR ja nl es sv" AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR(src/gpa.c) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE($PACKAGE_NAME, $PACKAGE_VERSION) PACKAGE=$PACKAGE_NAME VERSION=$PACKAGE_VERSION AC_SUBST(PACKAGE) AC_SUBST(VERSION) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE, "$PACKAGE", [Name of this package]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(VERSION, "$VERSION", [Version of this package]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE_BUGREPORT, "$PACKAGE_BUGREPORT", [address for reporting bugs]) AH_TOP([ /* We need this, because some autoconf tests rely on this (e.g. stpcpy) and it should be used for new programs anyway */ #define _GNU_SOURCE 1 ]) AH_BOTTOM([ #include "gpadefs.h" ]) AM_MAINTAINER_MODE dnl Check for libraries AC_CHECK_LIB(m, sin) AC_CHECK_LIB(z, compress) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(strsep) development_version=no # Allow users to append something to the version string (other than -cvs) # without flagging it as development version. The user version parts is # considered everything after a dash. if test "$development_version" != yes; then changequote(,)dnl tmp_pat='[a-zA-Z]' changequote([,])dnl if echo "$VERSION" | sed 's/-.*//' | grep "$tmp_pat" >/dev/null || echo "$VERSION" | grep -- "-cvs$" >/dev/null; then development_version=yes fi fi if test "$development_version" = yes; then AC_DEFINE(IS_DEVELOPMENT_VERSION,1, [Defined if this is not a regular release]) fi dnl dnl Setup some stuff depending on host/target. dnl try_gettext=yes GPG= case "${target}" in *-*-mingw32) try_gettext=no dnl AC_DEFINE(USE_ONLY_8DOT3,1, dnl [set this to limit filenames to the 8.3 format]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DRIVE_LETTERS,1, [defined if we must run on a stupid file system]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM,1, [defined if we run on some of the PCDOS like systems (DOS, Windoze. OS/2) with special properties like no file modes]) AC_DEFINE(USE_SIMPLE_GETTEXT,1, [because the Unix gettext has too much overhead on MingW32 systems and these systems lack Posix functions, we use a simplified version of gettext]) AC_CHECK_LIB(wsock32, connect) GPG='c:\\gnupg\\gpg.exe' ;; *) ;; esac dnl dnl Checks for programs dnl AM_MISSING_PROG(ACLOCAL, aclocal, $missing_dir) AM_MISSING_PROG(AUTOCONF, autoconf, $missing_dir) AM_MISSING_PROG(AUTOMAKE, automake, $missing_dir) AM_MISSING_PROG(AUTOHEADER, autoheader, $missing_dir) AM_MISSING_PROG(MAKEINFO, makeinfo, $missing_dir) AC_PROG_CC AC_ISC_POSIX AC_STDC_HEADERS AC_PROG_RANLIB if test -z "$GPG"; then AC_PATH_PROG(GPG, gpg) if test -z "$GPG"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([[ *** *** GnuPG not found. Please install GnuPG first. *** See http://www.gnupg.org/download.html *** ]]) fi fi dnl Find the keyserver plugins. Assume that gpgkeys_ldap is always available AC_PATH_PROG(GPGKEYS_LDAP, gpgkeys_ldap, [${libexecdir}/gnupg/gpgkeys_ldap], [$PATH:/usr/libexec/gnupg/:/usr/lib/gnupg/]) KEYSERVER_HELPERS_DIR=`dirname $GPGKEYS_LDAP` AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GPG_PATH, "$GPG", [Path to the gpg binary.]) dnl dnl Checks for compiler features dnl dnl dnl Checks for libraries dnl if test "$try_gettext" = yes; then AM_GNU_GETTEXT else USE_NLS=no USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL=no BUILD_INCLUDED_LIBINTL=no AC_SUBST(USE_NLS) AC_SUBST(USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL) AC_SUBST(BUILD_INCLUDED_LIBINTL) fi AC_CHECK_FUNC(getopt_long, AC_MSG_RESULT(using libc's getopt_long), AC_CHECK_LIB(iberty, getopt_long,[LIBS="$LIBS -liberty"], AC_CHECK_LIB(gnugetopt, getopt_long,[LIBS="$LIBS -lgnugetopt"], AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find a getopt_long function)))) dnl Where is the GTK+ toolkit AM_PATH_GTK_2_0(2.0.0, [LIBS="$LIBS $GTK_LIBS" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $GTK_CFLAGS -DGTK_ENABLE_BROKEN"], AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find GTK+ 2.0)) AM_PATH_GPGME(0.4.0, [LIBS="$LIBS $GPGME_LIBS" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $GPGME_CFLAGS"], AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find an up to date GPGME)) dnl FIXME: Remove after 0.4.1 is released. dnl Hack to be compatible with gpgme versions 0.4.1 and later. AC_ARG_WITH(gpgme-prefix, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-gpgme-prefix=PFX], [prefix where GPGME is installed (optional)]), gpgme_config_prefix="$withval", gpgme_config_prefix="") if test x$gpgme_config_prefix != x ; then gpgme_config_args="$gpgme_config_args --prefix=$gpgme_config_prefix" if test x${GPGME_CONFIG+set} != xset ; then GPGME_CONFIG=$gpgme_config_prefix/bin/gpgme-config fi fi GPGME_VERSION=`$GPGME_CONFIG $gpgme_config_args --version` if test $GPGME_VERSION == "0.4.0"; then AC_DEFINE(GPGME_VERSION_0_4_0,1,[Defined if using GPGME 0.4.0]) fi dnl dnl Checks for typedefs and structures dnl GNUPG_CHECK_TYPEDEF(byte, HAVE_BYTE_TYPEDEF) GNUPG_CHECK_TYPEDEF(ushort, HAVE_USHORT_TYPEDEF) GNUPG_CHECK_TYPEDEF(ulong, HAVE_ULONG_TYPEDEF) GNUPG_CHECK_TYPEDEF(u16, HAVE_U16_TYPEDEF) GNUPG_CHECK_TYPEDEF(u32, HAVE_U32_TYPEDEF) if test "$GCC" = yes; then if test "$USE_MAINTAINER_MODE" = "yes"; then # FIXME: # # Should have -Wshadow here too, but it causes too many warnings # along with GTK+, due to: # # http://gcc.gnu.org/cgi-bin/gnatsweb.pl?cmd=view&pr=529&database=gcc # # Add it again if that bug is ever fixed. # # The same goes to -Wstrict-prototypes, as it causes too many warnings # in gtkitemfactory.h:51 (see comment in the code for the reason). # # All those warnings make it difficult to tell apart real GPA # warnings. # # CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall -Wcast-align -Wshadow -Wstrict-prototypes" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall -Wcast-align" else CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall" fi fi AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS(gpadefs.h,[[ cat >gpadefs.tmp </dev/null; then echo "gpadefs.h is unchanged" rm -f gpadefs.tmp else rm -f gpadefs.h mv gpadefs.tmp gpadefs.h echo "gpadefs.h created" fi ]],[[ prefix=$prefix exec_prefix=$exec_prefix libdir=$libdir KEYSERVER_HELPERS_DIR=$KEYSERVER_HELPERS_DIR datadir=$datadir DATADIRNAME=$DATADIRNAME GPG=$GPG ]]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([ Makefile intl/Makefile po/Makefile.in src/Makefile pixmaps/Makefile ]) AC_OUTPUT