-*- outline -*- In no particular order: * Redo the key generation wizard stuff, as it is one ugly hack on top of another at this point. * Dialogs should check user input and react to it. ** Don't allow the user to go on unless the input makes sense (particularly for the advanced key generation dialog and the import dialog). ** Select options automatically if it's clearly what the user intends For example, if a filename is written in the export dialog, obviously the user intends to export to a file. We should either check the "export to file" radio button automatically, or disable the file entry unless it's checked. * Context menus. * Add more options to the "Edit key" dialog. ** Manage UID's. ** Manage subkeys. * Check which options should be available from the toolbar. Draw new icons if needed. * Documentation! * When/If the gpgme key cache becomes solid enough, we should drop the keytable stuff and use gpgme directly. * All operations (import/export/decrypt/backup, etc) should be carried out inside the *_dialog_run functions, to avoid passing too much control info back and forth. * Support a "File Status" (encrypted, signed, etc..) column in the filemanager, if GPGME allows it. * Use the fd/stream gpgme data objects in the filemanager, to support large files. * Use the GPGME event loop inteface to avoid blocking on long operations. This is important mostly for the file manager.