## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in EXTRA_DIST = README build-dll INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/jnlib -I$(top_srcdir)/intl noinst_LIBRARIES = libgpapa.a noinst_PROGRAMS = #libgpapa_a_LDFLAGS = libgpapa_a_SOURCES = gpapa.c gpapa.h \ gpapatypedefs.h \ gpapafile.c gpapafile.h \ gpapaintern.c gpapaintern.h \ gpapakey.c gpapakey.h \ gpapapublickey.c gpapapublickey.h \ gpapasecretkey.c gpapasecretkey.h \ gpapasignature.c gpapasignature.h \ keyserver.c keyserver.h \ rungpg.c rungpg.h \ gpgme.c gpgme.h \ wait.c wait.h \ ops.h \ gpgme_types.h \ gpgme_io.h \ status-table.h \ util.c util.h \ syshdr.h \ posix-io.c \ w32-io.c \ posix-sema.c \ sema.h \ w32-sema.c \ data.c \ errors.c \ debug.c \ context.h gpapatest_SOURCES = gpapatest.c gpapatest_LDADD = -L . -lgpapa -L ../jnlib -ljnlib -lwsock32 -liberty