<%@page import="org.apache.axiom.om.util.Base64"%><%@ page language="java" import="java.io.OutputStream,java.io.InputStream,java.util.*,java.util.Enumeration,org.apache.commons.httpclient.*,org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.*" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%><% // PLEASE NOTE: // // Do *not* add anything (header, whitespace, etc.) in front or after the JSP // code in this file -- it will cause Servlet#getOutputStream() to be called more than // once and thus the execution will fail!!! // force character encoding to UTF-8 request.setCharacterEncoding( "UTF-8" ); // KVP or XML request? boolean isXML = request.getParameter( "GCXML" ) != null ? true : false; // GCMethod (GET / POST) String method = request.getParameter( "GCMethod" ); boolean isGET = true; if ( method != null && method.equals( "POST" ) ) { isGET = false; } // GCAction (address of service to contact) String action = request.getParameter( "GCAction" ); HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); HttpMethodBase http = null; if ( isXML ) { http = new PostMethod( action ); String xml = request.getParameter( "GCXML" ); ( (PostMethod) http ).setRequestEntity( new StringRequestEntity( xml, "text/xml", "UTF-8" ) ); } else { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( 200 ); Enumeration iterator = request.getParameterNames(); boolean first = true; while ( iterator.hasMoreElements() ) { String param = (String) iterator.nextElement(); if ( !param.startsWith( "GC" ) ) { if ( first ) { first = false; sb.append( "?" ); } else { sb.append( "&" ); } sb.append( param ).append( "=" ).append( request.getParameter( param ) ); } } if ( isGET ) { http = new GetMethod( action + sb.toString() ); } else { http = new PostMethod( action ); ( (PostMethod) http ).setRequestEntity( new StringRequestEntity( sb.toString() ) ); } } try { client.executeMethod( http ); if (http.getStatusCode() == 401) { response.setContentType( "text/plain" ); out.write(""+http.getStatusCode()); out.write("Http Authentication failed! Please provide valid username / password."); out.flush(); } // HttpStatus check not needed, we want to see exceptionReports, etc //if ( http.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK ) { else if ( http.getResponseHeader( "Content-Type" ) != null ) { String contentType = http.getResponseHeader( "Content-Type" ).getValue(); if ( contentType.contains( "xml" ) ) { contentType = "text/xml"; } response.setContentType( contentType ); } else { response.setContentType( "text/plain" ); } OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream(); InputStream is = http.getResponseBodyAsStream(); byte [] buffer = new byte [4096]; int bytesRead = 0; while ((bytesRead = is.read(buffer)) != -1) { os.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } os.flush(); //} else { // response.setContentType( "text/plain" ); // out.write( "Unexpected failure: " + http.getStatusLine().toString() ); //} } finally { http.releaseConnection(); } %>