##The name of this module module.name=services build.by=${user.name} ##which java version should be compiled to. target.version=1.6 source.version=1.6 ## # For the compilation of this module ## #location of the sources. src.dir=${basedir}/src src-api.dir=${basedir}/src-api #The test sources test.src.dir=${basedir}/test #Location to which the classes will be compiled build.dir=${basedir}/build # compile dir classes.dir=${build.dir}/classes ## # For the documentation of this module ## doc.dir=${build.dir}/doc #The java doc javadoc.dir=${doc.dir}/javadoc # dependencies report dir report.dir=${doc.dir}/report #location all depending libs will be copied to. lib.dir=${build.dir}/lib #Compile with debug symbols debug.enabled=true #Location of the ivy scripts ivybuild.dir=${basedir}/scripts/build/ivy ## # filesystem locations of modules this module (services) depends upon. # If a new dependency has to be added, the target:module-list must be updated for the publish-modules target to be affective # it might be that the ivy-xml file has to be updated as well (if a new dependency path was created). core.location=../d3_core # path to derby jar derby.jar=${java.home}//db/lib/derby.jar # the following properties are only needed for deployment tasks tomcat.basedir=${user.home}/apache-tomcat-6.0/ tomcat.contextsdir=${tomcat.basedir}/conf/Catalina/localhost tomcat.webapp.name=${module.name} resources=${basedir}/resources #version of the configurations config.version=0.4.0 #For building a webapp webapp=${build.dir}/webapp meta.inf=${webapp}/META-INF web.inf=${webapp}/WEB-INF web.data=${web.inf}/data web.classes=${web.inf}/classes web.conf=${web.inf}/conf web.lib=${web.inf}/lib