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This is the clipboard editor. It allows you to load data from a file, copy and paste data, and to save clipboard data to a file.

Here is an example of the WinPT preference dialog. All the settings can be accessed in one place. 

This is the File Manager (FM) which can be used to encrypt, decrypt sign and/or verify files. You can also use it to send an encrypted file to a mail recipient or dump the packets of an OpenPGP file.  

The Key Manager (KM) is used for key maintenance. This includes deleting, signing, exporting and importing keys.  

This is dialog you get when you import a key via a file.  

The key properties dialog gives an overview of a key. It contains information about the algorithms the key uses, date of creation and the ownertrust. 

The key edit dialog is used to perform all key editing operations. These includes adding a new subkey, an userid, an revoker or a photo-id. You can also set the primary user-id and many more things.