# Demo config file for sendnotificationmails.py. The default config # file used by sendnotificationmails.py is notification.cfg, so to use # this file as the basis for your configuration, copy or rename this # file and adapt it to your needs. [notification] # Username and host on which the a remote treepackager runs. # Leave commented if treepkg runs locally # sendnotificationmails.py has to be able to connect to that host as the # builduser via ssh without knowing the password. This is best # achieved with the ssh-agent. # build_user: builder # build_host: localhost # the program to run on build_host to list the pending notifications # currently sendnotificationmails.py assumes that the default # configuration for that program works. build_listpending: ~/treepkg/bin/listpendingnotifications.py # Template of the notification email. The expanded text is sent as the # entire email. This means that the file should contain both the # headers and the body of the email. The recipients of the mail are # taken from the expanded template's To: and CC: headers. The smtp # envelope sender is taken from the From: header. # # Substitutions have the form %(NAME)s where NAME can be one of these: # # track The name of the package track # # revision The revision number for which the notification has to be sent # # notification_template: notification_template.txt # host/port of the smtp server to use smtp_host: localhost smtp_port: 25