A simple mod_python based web application to render the build reports of treepkg. Tested on Debian 5.0 Lenny # apt-get install apache2 # apt-get install libapache2-mod-python # apt-get install apt-get install python-lxml Copy web dir into a place which is served by apache. Create an .htaccess file in web: ---8<--- AddHandler mod_python .py DirectoryIndex index.py PythonHandler mod_python.publisher --->8--- Create sub directories in web/treepkgs for each treepkg which reports should be served. Edit the treepkg.xml file in these directories to provide some extra information about the treepkgs. See web/treepkgs/demo as an example. Use rsync at the treepkg side to push the reports to the corresponding treepkgs directory: $ rsync -avz \ --exclude 'debian' --exclude 'src' \ --exclude 'binary' --exclude '*checkout*' \ --exclude '*.html' $TREE_PKG/mill/tracks/ $DEST/tracks If you want to generate RSS feeds for the build errors: # apt-get install python-pyrss2gen copy bin/generate-rss.py to a place where it can be run as a cronjob. Adjust BASE_URL in the to fit your installation. ---8<--- */7 * * * * /where/you/placed/generate-rss.py /where/you/placed/buildlogs/treepkgs --->8---