$Rev$ [ Notes for a speciffic release might be changed after the source] [ has been published, so check online for updates. ] Release Notes for Thuban-1.2.1 (released 2008-02-03) ```````````````````````````````````````````````````` Announcement Thuban 1.2.1 Bringing out to light what was hidden - is a fitting motto of this maintenance release. Thuban had a few interesting Extensions, but if users saw them depended on their customisation. Now all Extensions can be enabled per installation. Not all of these gems have been fully brought back to life. With ogr you can still open up all formats this powerful library can read. Wms currently needs a makeover which is on the list for the next release. Of course a number of defects have been fixed. The Thuban 1.2.x series seems a little less stable than usual because of the way we are half way there to fully support unicode internally. But thanks to our users, all reports help us to iron out the problems! Thanks to all that have send us feedback! Bernhard Reiter Didrik Pinte Notable issues: - gdal version 1.5.0: The following issue was reported with this new version: https://wald.intevation.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=587 gdal 1.5.0-3 (from Debian sid) leads to error messages and test failures - Extension OGR: - Two tests fail (probably because of an ogr/shapelib problem.) https://wald.intevation.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=91 The failure looks harmless. As the ogr layer support is beta it did not block the release. - Is slower than native Shapefile support. - Classification might not work. - Extension WMS: probably does not work correctly, thus it is disabled in Thuban/thuban_cfg.py. - Extension profiling: makes use of a non-free "profile" module which therefor will not be available on all python installations. Consequently it is also not enabled by default. - Because we enabled translations for the Extensions only recently, some translations will be outdated more then usual. Release Notes for Thuban-1.2.0 (released 2007-03-13) ```````````````````````````````````````````````````` Announcement Thuban 1.2.0 Thuban is back. There was a period of slow development with Thuban, where it just worked. Since the 1.0.0 release of Thuban in 2003 quite a bit of new features got added and released as a development 1.1.0. Our users were never presented a version called stable. Now they are - with Thuban 1.2.0. Beside this long due duty, the new development team has brought Thuban up to be compatible with newer versions of python, wxWidgets, pysqlite and more. There is a new windows installer. This was classic boring maintenance, but now we are in a position to add new features and accelerate Thuban's rate of innovation again. Give Thuban a spin and help us to improve it. Bernhard Reiter Didrik Pinte Notable issues: - Extension OGR: - Two tests fail (probably because of an ogr/shapelib problem.) https://wald.intevation.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=91 The failure seems harmless. As the ogr layer support is beta it did not block the release, but packagers running the tests must pay attention. - Is slower than native Shapefile support. - Classification might not work. - On Windows with language settings that have decimalpoint != '.', e.g. German, Thuban might throw an exception, due to a python defect in the locale module (https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1699853&group_id=5470&atid=105470). The fix for Thuban is in SVN, you can also set Windows to English. - On Windows raster images with setting "bitmap" will not be displayed. Workaround: use setting "alpha" instead. - The Windows installer is still dependant on some prerequisites in order to work correctly. See the INSTALL.txt file on wald for more information on the complete installation procedure.