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C Test Plan



Test plan version: 1.1

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Test Duration:


This test plan can be used to confirm that all functions of the animated zooming & panning feature OpenLayers work as expected.

Each test suite can be carried out separately, therefore it is not necessary to carry out the tests in any particular sequence.

For error messages please indicate the version number of this document (1.1) as well as the number of the failed test.

The OpenLayers sample demo controls.html shown in the index examples will be used for all tests.

Overview Test segment completely successful?

Testsuite 1: Zooming with Zoom bar .............. O yes O np
Testsuite 2: Zooming with mouse .............. O yes O np
Testsuite 3: Zooming with keyboard .............. O yes O np

Testsuite 4: Panning with Pan bar .............. O yes O np
Testsuite 5: Panning with mouse .............. O yes O np
Testsuite 6: Panning with keyboard .............. O yes O np
Testsuite 7: Panning using overview map .............. O yes O np

Test suite: Zooming with Zoombar Preparation: Load the OpenLayers sample demo controls.html. Open the overview map by clicking on the blue lower »+« located at the map edge.

  1. Click the »+« button located at the upper edge of the zoom bar. Does zooming into the main map take place? .............. O yes O np
    Is the zoom level increased by exactly one level? .............. O yes O np
    Is the zoom-in process animated? .............. O yes O np
    During zoom-in, does the slider move up simultaneously with the zoom-in process? .............. O yes O np
    Does the red rectangle in the overview map move simultaneously and centered along with the section of the main map? .............. O yes O np
    Is the scaled main map updated with (successively) newly-drawn tiles? .............. O yes O np
    Does the status bar of the browser show the completion of the map loading process (ex. confirmation done)? .............. O yes O np
  2. Click the »-« button located at the lower edge of the zoom bar. Does zooming out of the main map take place? .............. O yes O np
    Is the zoom level decreased by exactly one level? .............. O yes O np
    Is the zoom-out process animated? .............. O yes O np
    During zoom-out, does the slider move down simultaneously with the zoom-out
    process? .............. O yes O np
    Does the red rectangle in the overview map move simultaneously and centered along with the section of the main map? .............. O yes O np
    During the zoom animation, is the visible area around the shrinking original map supplemented with new map information?. .............. O yes O np
    Is the scaled main map updated with (successively) newly-drawn tiles? .............. O yes O np
    Does the status bar of the browser show the completion of the map loading process (ex. confirmation done)? .............. O yes O np
  3. On the zoom bar, click on a point near the highest zoom level (directly under »+« button) on the zoom bar. Is the main map zoomed in to the maximum zoom-in level? .............. O yes O np
    During the zoom-in process, does the zoom slider move simultaneously to the highest (ie.most upper) level? .............. O yes O np
    Does the status bar of the browser show the completion of the map loading process (ex. confirmation done)? .............. O yes O np
  4. Click the »+« button located at the upper edge of the zoom bar. Do the main map, zoom slider and status bar remain unchanged? .............. O yes O np
  5. Click on a point near the lower limit of the zoom bar (directly above the »-« button). Is the main map zoomed out to the maximum zoom-out level? .............. O yes O np
    During the zoom-out process, does the zoom slider move simultaneously to the lowest
    level? .............. O yes O np
    Does the status bar of the browser show the completion of the map loading process (ex. confirmation done)? .............. O yes O np
  6. Click the »-« buttonlocated on the lower edge of the zoom bar. Doe the main map, zoom slider and status bar remain unchanged? .............. O yes O np
  7. Click the slider and, pressing down on the left mouse key, move it slowly to the upper end of the zoom bar. Release the mouse key in the most upper zoom level area. Is the main map zoomed in by moving the slider? .............. O yes O np
    Is the overview map zoomed in by moving the slider? .............. O yes O np
    Does the red rectangle in the overview map move simultaneously and centered along with the section of the main map? .............. O yes O np
    Is the scaled main map updated with (successively) newly-drawn tiles upon releasing the mouse key? .............. O yes O np
    Does the status bar of the browser show the completion of the map loading process (ex. confirmation done)? .............. O yes O np
  8. Click the slider and, pressing down on the left mouse key, move it slowly to the lower end of the zoom bar. Release the mouse key in the lowest zoom level area. Is the main map zoomed out by moving the slider? .............. O yes O np
    Is the overview map zoomed out by moving the slider? .............. O yes O np
    Does the red rectangle in the overview map move simultaneously and centered along with the section of the main map? .............. O yes O np
    During the zoom animation, is the visible area around the shrinking original map supplemented with new map information? .............. O yes O np
    Does the status bar of the browser show the completion of the map loading process (ex. confirmation done)? .............. O yes O np
  9. Click the slider and, pressing down on the left mouse key, move it slowly first to the upper and then to the lower end of the zoom bar. Release the mouse key in the lowest zoom level area. Is the main map first zoom in and then zoomved out by moving the slider? .............. O yes O np
    Is the overview map first zoom in and then zoomved out by moving the slider? .............. O yes O np
    Does the red rectangle in the overview map move simultaneously and centered along with the section of the main map? .............. O yes O np
    Do the main map and slider stop at zoom level 0 when the mouse key is released? .............. O yes O np
  10. Double-click the »+« button located at the upper end of the zoom bar. Is the zoom level increased by exactly one level? .............. O yes O np
  11. First click the »+« button. Then double-click the »-« button located at the lower end of the zoom bar. Examine only the effects of the double-click action. Is the zoom level decreased by exactly one level? .............. O yes O np

Test suite: Zooming with Mouse Preparation: Load the OpenLayers sample demo controls.html. Open the overview map by clicking on the blue lower »+« located at the map edge.

  1. Double-click anywhere in the main map. Is the main map centred to the position where the double-click occured? .............. O yes O np
    Does zooming into the main map take place? .............. O yes O np
    Is the zoom level increased by exactly one level? .............. O yes O np
    Is the pan-zoomIn process animated? .............. O yes O np
    Does the zoom slider move up by one zoom level simultaneously with the Pan-ZoomIn
    process? .............. O yes O np
    Does the red rectangle in the overview map move simultaneously and centered along with the section of the main map? .............. O yes O np
    Is the scaled main map updated with (successively) newly-drawn tiles? .............. O yes O np
    Does the status bar of the browser show the completion of the map loading process (ex. confirmation done)? .............. O yes O np
  2. Move the mouse cursor to any point on the main map. Then roll the mousewheel up by one turn (away from the body). Does zooming into the main map take place? .............. O yes O np
    After the zoom process, is the geographic location under the mouse cursor in the same position on the main map as before the zoom process? .............. O yes O np
    Is the zoom level increased by exactly one level? .............. O yes O np
    Is the Pan-ZoomIn process animated? .............. O yes O np
    Does the zoom slider move up by one zoom level simultaneously with the Pan-ZoomIn
    process? .............. O yes O np
    Does the red rectangle in the overview map move simultaneously and centered along with the section of the main map? .............. O yes O np
    Is the scaled main map updated with (successively) newly-drawn tiles? .............. O yes O np
    Does the status bar of the browser show the completion of the map loading process (ex. confirmation done)? .............. O yes O np
  3. Move the mouse cursor to any point on the main map. Then roll the mousewheel down by one turn (towards the body). Does zooming out of the main map take place? .............. O yes O np
    After the zoom process, is the geographic location under the mouse cursor in the same position on the main map as before the zoom process? .............. O yes O np
    Is the zoom level decreased by exactly one level? .............. O yes O np
    Is the Pan-ZoomIn process animated? .............. O yes O np
    Does the zoom slider move down by one zoom level simultaneously with the Pan-ZoomIn
    process? .............. O yes O np
    Does the red rectangle in the overview map move simultaneously and centered along with the section of the main map? .............. O yes O np
    During the zoom animation, is the visible area around the shrinking original map supplemented with new map information? .............. O yes O np
    Is the scaled main map updated with (successively) newly-drawn tiles? .............. O yes O np
    Does the status bar of the browser show the completion of the map loading process (ex. confirmation done)? .............. O yes O np
  4. Move the mouse cursor to any point in the main map. Then roll the mousewheel up by several turns (away from the body). Is the zoom level increased by exactly one level? .............. O yes O np
  5. Move the mouse cursor to any point in the main map. Then roll the mousewheel down by several turns (towards the body) . Is the zoom level decreased by exactly one level? .............. O yes O np
  6. Using the mouse and holding down the Shift-key, delineate a map area which comprises at maximum 1/4 of the main map. Is the map zoomed-in to the approximate area? .............. O yes O np
    Is the Pan-ZoomIn process animated? .............. O yes O np
    Does the zoom slider move up by one zoom level simultaneously with the Pan-ZoomIn
    process? .............. O yes O np
    Does the red rectangle in the overview map move simultaneously and centered along with the section of the main map? .............. O yes O np
    Is the scaled main map updated with (successively) newly-drawn tiles? .............. O yes O np
    Does the status bar of the browser show the completion of the map loading process (ex. confirmation done)? .............. O yes O np
  7. Using the mouse and holding down the Shift-key, click on any point in the main map Is the main map centered to the (geographic) position where the mouse click occured? .............. O yes O np
    Does zooming in of the main map take place? .............. O yes O np
    Is the zoom level increased by exactly one level? .............. O yes O np
    Is the Pan-ZoomIn process animated .............. O yes O np
    Does the zoom slider move up by one zoom level simultaneously with the Pan-ZoomIn
    process? .............. O yes O np
    Does the red rectangle in the overview map move simultaneously and centered along with the section of the main map? .............. O yes O np
    Is the scaled main map updated with (successively) newly-drawn tiles? .............. O yes O np
    Does the status bar of the browser show the completion of the map loading process (ex. confirmation done)? .............. O yes O np

Test suite: Zooming with Keyboard Preparation: Load the OpenLayers sample demo controls.html. Open the overview map by clicking on the blue lower »+« located at the map edge.

  1. Press the »+« key. Does zooming into the main map take place? .............. O yes O np
    Is the zoom level increased by exactly one level? .............. O yes O np
    Is the ZoomIn process animated? .............. O yes O np
    Does the zoom slider move up by one zoom level simultaneously with the ZoomIn
    process? .............. O yes O np
    Does the red rectangle in the overview map move simultaneously and centered along with the section of the main map? .............. O yes O np
    Is the scaled main map updated with (successively) newly-drawn tiles? .............. O yes O np
    Does the status bar of the browser show the completion of the map loading process (ex. confirmation done)? .............. O yes O np
  2. Press the »-« key. Does zooming out of the main map take place? .............. O yes O np
    Is the zoom level decreased by exactly one level? .............. O yes O np
    Is the ZoomOut process animated? .............. O yes O np
    Does the zoom slider move down by one zoom level simultaneously with the ZoomOut
    process? .............. O yes O np
    During the zoom animation, is the visible area around the shrinking original map supplemented with new map information? .............. O yes O np
    Is the scaled main map updated with (successively) newly-drawn tiles? .............. O yes O np
    Does the status bar of the browser show the completion of the map loading process (ex. confirmation done)? .............. O yes O np
  3. Press the »+« key twice (quickly). Is the zoom level increased by exactly one level? .............. O yes O np
  4. Press the »-« key twice (quickly). Is the zoom level decreased by exactly one level? .............. O yes O np

Test suite: Panning with Pan Bar Preparation: Load the OpenLayers sample demo controls.html. Open the overview map by clicking on the blue lower »+« located at the map edge.

  1. Click on . Does the section of the main map move east? .............. O yes O np
    Is the panning process animated? .............. O yes O np
    Along with changes to the main map, is the section in the overview map adjusted simultaneously? .............. O yes O np
  2. Click on . Does the section of the main map move south? .............. O yes O np
    Is the panning process animated? .............. O yes O np
    Along with changes to the main map, is the section in the overview map adjusted simultaneously? .............. O yes O np
  3. Click on . Does the section of the main map move west? .............. O yes O np
    Is the panning process animated? .............. O yes O np
    Along with changes to the main map, is the section in the overview map adjusted simultaneously? .............. O yes O np
  4. Click on . Does the section of the main map move north? .............. O yes O np
    Is the panning process animated? .............. O yes O np
    Along with changes to the main map, is the section in the overview map adjusted simultaneously? .............. O yes O np

Test suite: Panning with Mouse Preparation: Load the OpenLayers sample demo controls.html. Open the overview map by clicking on the blue lower »+« located at the map edge.

  1. Click on the middle of the main map and move the map to any position within the main map (holding down the mouse key). Release the mouse key. During this movement, does the main map always move in the direction of the current mouse position? .............. O yes O np
    Along with changes to the main map, is the section in the overview map adjusted simultaneously? .............. O yes O np
    After the mouse key is released, do the main and overview map remain at the position where the key was released? .............. O yes O np

Test suite: Panning with Keyboard Preparation: Load the OpenLayers sample demo controls.html. Open the overview map by clicking on the blue lower »+« located at the map edge.

  1. Press the key. Does the section of the main map move east? .............. O yes O np
    Is the panning process animated? .............. O yes O np
    Along with changes to the main map, is the section in the overview map adjusted simultaneously? .............. O yes O np
  2. Press the key. Does the section of the main map move south? .............. O yes O np
    Is the panning process animated? .............. O yes O np
    Along with changes to the main map, is the section in the overview map adjusted simultaneously? .............. O yes O np
  3. Press the key. Does the section of the main map move west? .............. O yes O np
    Is the panning process animated? .............. O yes O np
    Along with changes to the main map, is the section in the overview map adjusted simultaneously? .............. O yes O np
  4. Press the key. Does the section of the main map move north? .............. O yes O np
    Is the panning process animated? .............. O yes O np
    Along with changes to the main map, is the section in the overview map adjusted simultaneously? .............. O yes O np
  5. Press the »+« key, wait until the main map updated and press the »+« key again. Then press the frzHome key. Examine only the effect of the »Home« key. Does the section of the main map move west by approx. 75% of map width? .............. O yes O np
    Is the panning process animated? .............. O yes O np
    Along with changes to the main map, is the section in the overview map adjusted simultaneously? .............. O yes O np
  6. Press the »End« key. Does the section of the main map move east by approx. 75% of map width? .............. O yes O np
    Is the panning process animated? .............. O yes O np
    Along with changes to the main map, is the section in the overview map adjusted simultaneously? .............. O yes O np
  7. Press the »Bild « key. Does the section of the main map move north by approx. 75% of map width? .............. O yes O np
    Is the panning process animated? .............. O yes O np
    Along with changes to the main map, is the section in the overview map adjusted simultaneously? .............. O yes O np
  8. Press the »Bild « key. Does the section of the main map move south by approx. 75% of map width? .............. O yes O np
    Is the panning process animated? .............. O yes O np
    Along with changes to the main map, is the section in the overview map adjusted simultaneously? .............. O yes O np

Test suite: Panning using Overview Map Preparation: Load the OpenLayers sample demo controls.html. Open the overview map by clicking on the blue lower »+« located at the map edge.

  1. Press the »+« key and wait until the main map is updated, then press the »+« key again. Subsequently double-click anywhere on the overview map but outside of the red rectangle. Examine only the effect of the double-click. Does the red rectangle move (by animation) to the (geographic) position where the double-click
    occured? .............. O yes O np
    Is the overview map centered to the (geographic) position where the double-click occured? .............. O yes O np
    Does the main map move simultaneously with the red rectangle, with animation? .............. O yes O np
  2. Click on a point within the red rectangle in the overview map, and move the section to any location on the overview map (holding down the mouse key). Release the mouse key.

    Does the red rectangle move (by animation) to the (geographic) position where the mouse key was released? .............. O yes O np
    Is the overview map centered to the (geographic) position where the mouse key was
    released? .............. O yes O np
    Does the main map move simultaneously with the red rectangle, with animation? .............. O yes O np

© June 1, 2007 | Emanuel Schütze | some rights reserved.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons License Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Germany.

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