/* trem01.readme */ Author: Artur T. Hara electric engineer Brazil I work with 3D & Design, using tools as Blender, Gimp & Sketch. trem01.sk was done at Conectiva, Linux distro in Brazil. I worked for a year there. The draws were made to a graphic tool book. This draw was inspired in a photo of a train. First I did the contour lines. Second, I did the blends, marking the bright points. The wheels, I did one block and I copied this block in sequence. I use some gradients, bacuse I like the shinny of metal. It took 4 days to do. **Copyrights: It's free to use the image, if you put my name. I'm doing master degree now in telematics. I'm teaching in a college that use only Linux with free software, the matter is TD02 - digital tecnology for graphics. The content is based in Blender, Gimp & Sketch. e-mail: arturhara@hotmail.com icq: 109641537