# # spec file for Skencil # Summary: python-based vector drawing program Name: skencil Version: 0.6.17 Release: 1 License: LGPL, Python style Group: unsorted Source: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/sketch/sketch-%PACKAGE_VERSION.tar.gz URL: http://www.skencil.org/ Packager: Andrew Grimberg Prefix: %{_prefix} BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-buildroot Requires: python >= 1.5.1, python-imaging, tkinter BuildRequires: python >= 1.5.1, python-imaging %description Skencil is an interactive X11 vector drawing program. It is written almost completely in Python, an object oriented interpreted programming language. %prep %setup mv Pax/README Pax/README.pax mv Pax/COPYING Pax/COPYING.pax mv Filter/COPYING Filter/COPYING.filter mv Filter/README Filter/README.filter mv Tools/README Tools/README.tools mv Tools/COPYING Tools/COPYING.tools %build ./setup.py configure --with-nls ./setup.py build %install strip -S Pax/*.so strip -S Filter/*.so strip -S Sketch/Modules/*.so ./setup.py install --prefix=%{buildroot}%{_prefix} %{__install} -m 755 Tools/mkfontdb.py %{buildroot}%{_bindir} %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %files %defattr(-, root, root) %{_libdir}/%{name}-%PACKAGE_VERSION %{_bindir}/skencil %{_bindir}/sketch %{_bindir}/sk2ps %{_bindir}/skshow %{_bindir}/sk2ppm %{_bindir}/skconvert %{_bindir}/mkfontdb.py %doc Examples %doc Doc %doc README INSTALL BUGS CREDITS COPYING TODO PROJECTS FAQ NEWS %doc Pax/README.pax Pax/COPYING.pax Pax/COPYING.xext %doc Filter/README.filter Filter/COPYING.filter %doc Tools/README.tools Tools/COPYING.tools %doc Misc #%post #for i in $(/usr/sbin/chkfontpath | %{__grep} Type1 | %{__sed} 's/[0-9]*: //g'); do # if [ -e $i ]; then # %{_bindir}/mkfontdb.py -s -o $i/std.sfd $i # fi #done %changelog * Sun Nov 30 2003 Bernhard Herzog - Renamed Sketch to Skencil where applicable * Wed Jan 29 2003 Andrew Grimberg - Updated for 0.6.15 - Changed 'Copyright' field to 'License' as Copyright appears to be deprecated * Mon Dec 30 2002 Andrew Grimberg - Commented out the postinstall script. It doesn't appear to be fixing the problems that I was attempting to correct. When I can figure out the fix I'll get a script in to do that. * Mon Nov 04 2002 Andrew Grimberg - Updated the requiremnts to require python-Imaging instead of _imaging.so - Added a requirement for tkinter to be installed - Added build requirements of pythong >= 1.5.1 and pythong-Imaging - Added in the mkfontdb.py tool (and associated docs) into the distributed rpm (wasn't doing that before) - Added a postinstall script to build the std.sfd file (sketch fonts database for Type1 fonts) for each Type1 directory on the font path * Sat Sep 21 2002 Andrew Grimberg - Updated Packager: field for RPM build. - Moved changelog entry from Bernhard into the proper location for build of rpms. (Gotta be in descending chronological order). * Sat Sep 21 2002 Bernhard Herzog - Make the Packager: field empty and tweak the Version: field so that it can be incorporated in the sketch 0.6 source archive. * Tue Mar 19 2002 Andrew Grimberg - Added in sk2ppm and skconvert to the installed package - Removed an unneeded pre variable (wasn't being properly used anyway) - Added in a cleanup from the setup.py install call * Sat Mar 16 2002 Andrew Grimberg - Rebuilt .spec to support user building of package and package relocation