============================================================== === SCHMITZM README (2009-03-02, Martin Schmitz) === === === === http://wald.intevation.org/projects/xulu/ === === http://wald.intevation.org/projects/schmitzm/ === ============================================================== This file contains some informations ... (1) about the dependencies of the SCHMITZM library (2) about localization in SCHMITZM ----------------------------------------------------------- (1) Dependencies to other libraries ----------------------------------------------------------- Because SCHMITZM is not an executable application, but an library for experienced programmers, I renounced to put all necessary libraries to the project. I expect that the SCHMITZM developer/builder is able to include the following dependencies to its individual Java (Eclipse) project: - JRE/JDK 1.6 (http://java.sun.com) - JAI plus ImageIO (if not already included in your JRE/JDK) because gt2-2.6.0 already includes jai_codec-1.1.3.jar and jai_imageio-1.1.jar it is recommended only to include: - clipwrapper_jiio.jar - jai_core.jar - mlibwrapper_jai.jar - Geotools 2.6.0 (http://www.geotools.org) - jFreeChart 1.0.13 (http://www.jfree.org/jfreechart/) - Log4j 1.2.14 (http://logging.apache.org/log4j/) - JINI (http://java.sun.com/products/jini/) - Colt (http://acs.lbl.gov/~hoschek/colt/) Only the following individual JARs are included in the SCHMITZM project (lib folder) because of several reasons. For middle term it is planned to remove them: - gt-shapefile-renderer-2.6-SNAPSHOT.jar >> ShapefileRenderer is still needed, but unsupported in gt2-2.6.0. When GT has included all its advantages in StreamingRenderer the ShapefileRenderer will be removed from SCHMITZM An example for an Eclipse project can be found in "defaults" folder. But please DO NOT USE, MODIFY AND COMMIT THIS FILES, but instead copy first '.classpass' and '.project' to SCHMITZM root folder!! ----------------------------------------------------------- (2) Localization in SCHMITZM library ----------------------------------------------------------- Localization is done by the SCHMITZM class ResourceProvider, which is an extension to standard Java ResourceBundle. For example ResourceProvider.getString(..) allowes to specify additional parameters to fill wildcards ${0}, ${1}, ${2}, ... in the localization strings (see ResourceProvider class for more details). The SCHMITZM library contains resource bundles in the following packages, each located in sub-folders /resource/locales: - schmitzm.data -> DataResourceBundle - schmitzm.geotools.feature -> FeatureResourceBundle - schmitzm.geotools.gui -> GTResourceBundle - schmitzm.lang -> LangResourceBundle - schmitzm.swing -> SwingResourceBundle - skrueger.swing -> SwingResourceBundle If you want SCHMITZM to provide an additional language, you have to translate all of these ResourceBundles. =========================================================== http://wald.intevation.org/projects/xulu/ http://wald.intevation.org/projects/schmitzm/ ===========================================================