2011-09-06 Jachym Cepicky PyWPS 3.2.0 New stable release * Bugs: - Many * Features: - Many 2009-06-01 Jachym Cepicky PyWPS 3.1.0 New stable release * Bugs: - Minor namespace fix 2009-05-19 Jachym Cepicky PyWPS 3.0.1rc4 * Features: - new pythonish wrapper cgi script example added * Bugs: - Fixed bug on MS Windows: configuration files can be read now - Partly solved problem with os.fork() on MS Windows: PyWPS can NOT run in assynchronous mode on MS Windows (but it does not fail) - Fixed bug on Ubuntu 9.04 && Python 2.6 in the installing process 2009-03-15 Jachym Cepicky PyWPS 3.0.1rc3 * Features: - Updated examples * Bugs: - small bugfixes 2009-03-11 Jachym Cepicky PyWPS 3.0.1rc2 * Features: - Updated debian configuration files - New examples - Basic logfile enabled * Bugs: - few namespaces bugs - lineage works better now - setValue and getValue methods do accept file object as well, not only file names (string) - multiple bugs in status and store, process forking is back - bugfix for complex input data 2009-01-23 Jachym Cepicky PyWPS 3.0.1rc1 * Features: - Updated debian configuration files * Bugs: - lineage and status attributes are parsed with namespaces - "http://" can be parsed as encoded string - bugfix in InAndOutputs.py: bad variable name - fixed missing default value parameter in describe process document - bugfix for complex input data 2008-09-16 Jachym Cepicky PyWPS 3.0.0 * Support for OGC(R) WPS 1.0.0 * New code strucuture: - completely rewritten source base - more object-orientation - simplification - python-htmltml templating system - support for internationalization * New configuration file /etc/pywps.cfg * New WPSProcess class with predefined methods for easier process coding: - addBBoxInput - addBBoxOutput - addComplexInput - addComplexOutput - addLiteralInput - addLiteralOutput - cmd - getInput - getInputValue - i18n - message - setOutputValue * New Status class with predefined methods: - set (msg='', percentDone=0) * New Input and Output classes: - setValue - getValue