*** PyWMS *** DESCRIPTION: PyWMS is a wrapper for GRASS GIS and makes it working as a WMS server. With PyWMS you can make the maps in your GRASS database accessible via OGC-WMS webservice standard (currently: Version 1.3.0). PyWMS, as a lightweight WMS server, is very easy to install and configure. (current development status:) At the moment it's just an experimental preview and should show the possibility of learning GRASS to "speak the WMS language". PLEASE USE THIS PROGRAM FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY !! FEATURES: see: http://pywms.wald.intevation.org/project.html DEPENDENCIES: In preparation for the installation of PyWMS-server, you have to assure that the following packages are installed on your system: python2.5 (or higher) python-htmltmpl apache2 grass (>= 6.3) imagemagick The additional python libraries "PyOWS-Server" and "PyOWS-WMS-Server" are a part of PyWMS and will be installed automatically during the installation process. INSTALLATION: When you read these lines, it can be assumed that you have successfully unpacked the source tar file of this program. This archive contains the following files/directories: * README.txt (the file, you currently read ...) * install.sh (runs the installation) * pyows_wms.cfg-dist (configuration template for the WMS server) * wms.py (the main program file) * ows_server (python package: common server functions) * wms1_3_0 (python package: implementation of WMS 1.3.0 standard in python) * install (python package: routines, to ease the installation process) The installation process is very easy, but it is assumed that you're basically familiar with your operating system (esp. the unix-shell) and the configuration of apache webserver. 1. Run "./install.sh" as root (or with "sudo"). It automatically compiles all your source code files (.py/.tmpl) that belongs to this program and links the additional packages to the python site-packages directory. It also renames the file to and links it to (the default config location). 2. Copy the main program file manually to cgi-bin directory of apache webserver. Have a look at the apache config file, if you don't know the location of the cgi-bin directory. Alternatively you can create a link to the cgi-bin directory. example: $ cp wms.py /usr/lib/cgi-bin/wms.py You can find more information about installation details as comments in file "install.sh". CONFIGURATION: You can adjust the program via file. Please note, that first you have to make some essential customizations in this file, notably in section "[grass]", before you can use this program. The config file is as far as possible self explaining due to large annotations inside. Please read and adjust this file carefully! In a final step you have to set the right access permissions in order to make your GRASS database resp. your location that you want to share, available via web. The WMS server creates a temporary directory in your location at each client request. For this reason it is necessary to allow read/write/execute (rwx) access to the whole location. $ chmod a+rwx WMS-request: It is assumed, that you are familiar with the OGC-WMS specification as defined in OGC document 06-042 (http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=14416). Start your webbrowser and enter the web address of your main program file (wms.py). example: http://localhost/cgi-bin/wms.py Please consider that the specific web address on your system depends on the configuration of your apache webserver. You can transmit your request to the server via the HTTP-GET method, by appending it on the URL. example: http://localhost/cgi-bin/wms.py?service=wms&request=getcapabilities KNOWN BUGS: - - Please use the PyWMS mailing list [1] in order to send your bug report. [1]: http://lists.wald.intevation.org/mailman/listinfo/pywms-devel TODO LIST: - POST method - layer metadata - SLD support - change background color - security routines (check query string, ...) - ...