/3.2 (ODB.1 Dependencies: "$AVEXT/dialog.avx\n" FirstRootClassName: "Project" Roots: 2 Version: 32 ) (Project.2 Name: "avpmapper.apr" CreationDate: "Thursday, 17 October, 2002 21:37:07" GUIName: "Project" Win: 3 CSMgr: 4 DocExts: 5 VisGUIWidth: 70 Doc: 6 Doc: 10 Doc: 14 Doc: 18 Doc: 22 Doc: 26 Doc: 30 Doc: 34 Doc: 38 Doc: 132 Doc: 136 Doc: 140 Doc: 144 Doc: 148 Doc: 211 Doc: 215 Doc: 219 Doc: 223 Doc: 227 Doc: 231 Doc: 235 Doc: 239 Doc: 243 Doc: 247 Doc: 251 Doc: 255 Doc: 259 Doc: 263 ActiveDoc: 6 Buttons: 267 Buttons: 268 Buttons: 269 Dependencies: 270 Scripts: 271 Prefs: 272 GUI: 280 GUI: 549 GUI: 948 WorkDir: 1240 WinX: 10 WinY: 3 WinW: 1097 WinH: 971 SerialNumber: "825911104264" GUINames: 1241 GUINames: 1242 GUINames: 1243 GUINames: 1244 GUINames: 1245 GUINames: 1246 GUINames: 1247 GUINames: 1248 TocWidthScale: 1.00000000000000 ) (DocWin.3 Owner: 2 Open: 1 X: 11 Y: 13 W: 330 H: 520 ) (CSMgr.4 ) (DocAct.5 Doc: 2 ) (SEd.6 Name: "avmscfg.BaseConfig" CreationDate: "Thursday, 17 October, 2002 21:38:00" GUIName: "Script" Win: 7 CSMgr: 8 DocExts: 9 Source: "\n''=================================================================\n'' BASIC CONFIGURATION FOR MAP FILE\n''\n'' Calls script \"avmscfg.BaseConfig.ReturnThmProp\" for each theme\n''\n''=================================================================\n\n\ntheView = av.GetActiveDoc\n_avmscfg_theView = theView\n\n\nexistingConfig = FALSE\n\n' CHECK IF VIEW HAS ALREADY BEEN CONFIGURED\n'' Ask what to do\nif (av.Run(\"avmscfg.CheckViewOTag\",theView) = true) then\n existingConfig = TRUE\n reconfigure = msgBox.YesNo(\"Current view has already been configured for use with MapServer. \" + \n \"If you reconfigure all manual configuration \" + nl + \"will be lost.\" + nl +\n \"Do you want to continue?\",\n \"WARNING: Re-Configure?\", FALSE)\n if (reconfigure = false) then\n exit\n end\n \nend \n\n\ntheunits = theView.getunits.asstring\nif (theunits = \"UNITS_LINEAR_UNKNOWN\") then\n msgbox.info(\"It is important to have the map units set in the view properties. This is needed by mapserver. Please set them in the View-Properties dialog and try again\", \"MapServer\")\n exit\nend\n\n\nu = \"meters\"\nif (theunits = \"UNITS_LINEAR_METERS\") then u = \"meters\" end\nif (theunits = \"UNITS_UNITS_LINEAR_DEGREES\") then u = \"dd\" end\nif (theunits = \"UNITS_LINEAR_INCHES\") then u = \"inches\" end\nif (theunits = \"UNITS_LINEAR_FEET\") then u = \"feet\" end\nif (theunits = \"UNITS_LINEAR_MILES\") then u = \"miles\" end\nif (theunits = \"UNITS_LINEAR_KILOMETERS\") then u = \"kilometers\" end\n\n\nviewExtent = theView.getdisplay.ReturnVisExtent\ntotalExtent = theVi ew.ReturnExtent\n\nmapExtent = viewExtent.getleft.SetFormat( \"d.ddd\" ).asstring + \" \"+ viewExtent.getbottom.SetFormat( \"d.ddd\" ).asstring +\" \" + viewextent.getright.SetFormat( \"d.ddd\" ).asstring +\" \"+ viewextent.gettop.SetFormat( \"d.ddd\" ).asstring\nthetotalextent = totalextent.getleft.SetFormat( \"d.ddd\" ).asstring + \" \"+ totalextent.getbottom.SetFormat( \"d.ddd\" ).asstring +\" \" + totalextent.getright.SetFormat( \"d.ddd\" ).asstring +\" \"+ totalextent.gettop.SetFormat( \"d.ddd\" ).asstring\n\ndefLayStr = \"\"\nfor each l in theView.GetThemes\n bn = l.getSrcName.getFilename.GetBaseName\n layName = bn.Substitute(\".shp\", \"\")\n\n defLayStr = defLayStr + layName + \",\"\nend\ndefLayStr = defLayStr.left(defLayStr.Count -1)\n\n\n\n\n\n'-----------------------------\n'# PARAMETERS FOR MAP AND WEB\n'-----------------------------\n'# GET DEFAULT VALUES FROM INI FILE\ndatadir = av.Run(\"avmscfg.ReadIni\", {\"MAPFILE\",\"datadir\"})\nimagecolor = av.Run(\"avmscfg.ReadIni\", {\"MAPFILE\",\"imagecolor\"})\nfontset = av.Run(\"avmscfg.ReadIni\", {\"MAPFILE\",\"fo ntset\"})\nsymbolset = av.Run(\"avmscfg.ReadIni\", {\"MAPFILE\",\"symbolset\"})\nimgpath = av.Run(\"avmscfg.ReadIni\", {\"MAPFILE\",\"imgpath\"})\nimgurl = av.Run(\"avmscfg.ReadIni\", {\"MAPFILE\",\"imgurl\"})\n\n\nlabels = {\"MAP: SHAPEPATH * \", \"MAP: IMAGECOLOR\", \"MAP: FONTSET * \", \"MAP: SYMBOLSET * \", \"WEB: IMAGEPATH * \", \"WEB: IMAGEURL * \"}\ndefaults = {datadir, imagecolor, fontset, symbolset, imgpath, imgurl } \nMapWebParam = MsgBox.MultiInput (\"Settings for MAP and WEB\", \"Settings MAP and WEB\", labels, defaults)\n\nif (MapWebParam.Count = 0) then exit end\n\nshpPath = MapWebParam.Get(0) \nimgColor = MapWebParam.Get(1)\nfontSet = MapWebParam.Get(2)\nsymbSet = MapWebParam.Get(3)\nimgPath = MapWebParam.Get(4)\nimgURL = MapWebParam.Get(5)\n\n\n'-----------------------------\n'# STRINGS FOR MAP AND WEB\n'-----------------------------\n\nmapStr = \"\"\nmapStr = mapStr + \"#\" + nl\nmapStr = mapStr + \"# Start of map file - created \" + date.now.asstring + nl\nmapStr = mapStr + \"#\" + nl\nmapStr = mapStr + \"MAP \" + nl\nmapStr = mapStr + \"EXTENT \" + mapExtent + nl\nmapStr = mapStr + \"UNITS \" + u + nl\nmapStr = mapStr + \"SHAPEPATH \" + shpPath.Quote + nl\nmapStr = mapStr + \"FONTSET \" + fontSet.Quote + nl\nmapStr = mapStr + \"SYMBOLSET \" + symbSet.Quote + nl\nmapStr = mapStr + \"RESOLUTION 96\" + nl\n\n\nwebStr = \"\"\nwebStr = webStr + \"#\" + nl\nwebStr = webStr + \"# Start of web interface definition\" + nl\nwebStr = webStr + \"#\" + nl\nwebStr = webStr + \"WEB\" + nl\nwebStr = webStr + \" TEMPLATE \"\"map.html\"\"\" + nl \nwebStr = webStr + \" IM AGEPATH \" + imgPath.Quote + nl\nwebStr = webStr + \" IMAGEURL \" + imgURL.Quote + nl\nwebStr = webStr + \" METADATA\" + nl\nwebStr = webStr + \" END # Metadata\" + nl\nwebStr = webStr + \"END # Web\" + nl\n\n\n\n\n'----------------------------------------\n'# PARAMETERS FOR REFERENCE AND SCALEBAR \n'----------------------------------------\nlabels = {\"REF: IMAGE * \", \"REF: SIZE \", \"SBAR: INTERVALS\", \"SBAR: SIZE\" }\ndefaults = {\"images/reference.png\", \"180 140\", \"4\", \"200 3\" } \nRefSbarParam = MsgBox.MultiInput (\"Settin gs for REFERENCE MAP and SCALEBAR\", \"Settings REFERENCE MAP and SCALEBAR\", labels, defaults)\n\nif (RefSbarParam.Count = 0) then exit end\n\n\nrefImg = RefSbarParam.Get(0) \nrefSize = RefSbarParam.Get(1)\nsbarInt = RefSbarParam.Get(2)\nsbarSize = RefSbarParam.Get(3)\n\n\nrefStr = \"\"\nrefStr = refStr + \"#\" + nl\nrefStr = refStr + \"# Start of Reference map definition\" + nl\nrefStr = refStr + \"#\" + nl\nrefStr = refStr + \"REFERENCE\" + nl\nrefStr = refStr + \" EXTENT \" + mapExtent + nl\nrefStr = refStr + \" IMAGE \" + refImg. Quote + nl\nrefStr = refStr + \" SIZE \" + refSize + nl\nrefStr = refStr + \" COLOR -1 -1 -1\" + nl\nrefStr = refStr + \" OUTLINECOLOR 255 0 0\" + nl\nrefStr = refStr + \"END # Reference\" + nl\n\n\n\nsbarStr = \"\"\nsbarStr = sbarStr + \"#\" + nl\nsbarStr = sbarStr + \"# Start of ScaleBar definition\" + nl\nsbarStr = sbarStr + \"#\" + nl\nsbarStr = sbarStr + \"SCALEBAR\" + nl\nsbarStr = sbarStr + \" INTERVALS \" + sbarInt + nl\nsbarStr = sbarStr + \" SIZE \" + sbarSize + nl\nsbarStr = sbarStr + \" UNITS \" + u + nl\nsbarStr = sbarStr + \" COLOR 250 250 250\" + nl\nsbarStr = sbarStr + \" OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0\" + nl\nsbarStr = sbarStr + \" BACKGROUNDCOLOR 100 100 100\" + nl\nsbarStr = sbarStr + \" STYLE 0\" + nl\nsbarStr = sbarStr + \" POSTLABELCACHE true\" + nl\nsbarStr = sbarStr + \" LABEL\" + nl\nsbarStr = sbarStr + \" COLOR 255 255 255\" + nl\nsbarStr = sbarStr + \" OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0\" + nl\nsbarStr = sbarStr + \" SIZE small\" + nl\nsbarStr = sbarStr + \" END # Label\" + nl\nsbarStr = sbarStr + \"END # Reference\" + nl\n\n\n'# WRITE STRING LIST TO VIEW OBJ ECT TAG\nviewOTag = {\"avmscfg\",{\"MAP\",mapStr}, {\"WEB\",webStr}, {\"REFERENCE\",refStr}, {\"SCALEBAR\",sbarStr} }\ntheView.SetObjectTag(viewOTag)\n\n\n\n'------------------------------------\n' CREATE LAYER ENTRY FOR EACH THEME\n'------------------------------------\nif (existingConfig = TRUE) then\n reconfigThms = msgBox.YesNo(\"Do you want to re-configure also all THEMES/LAYERS?. \" + \n \"All existing manual configuration will be lost.\" + nl +\n \"Do you want to continue?\",\n \"WARNING : Re-Configure THEMES?\", FALSE)\n if (reconfigThms = false) then\n exit\n end \nend\n\n\ntheThemes = theView.GetThemes\n\nfor each t in theThemes\n layConfig = av.Run(\"avmscfg.BaseConfig.ReturnThmProp\", t)\n t.SetObjectTag(layConfig)\nend \n\n\n" SearchStr: "existingconfig" ) (DocWin.7 Owner: 6 Open: 1 X: 215 Y: 59 W: 820 H: 734 ) (CSMgr.8 ) (DocAct.9 Doc: 6 ) (SEd.10 Name: "avmscfg.BaseConfig.ReturnThmProp" CreationDate: "Thursday, 17 October, 2002 21:38:00" GUIName: "Script" Win: 11 CSMgr: 12 DocExts: 13 Source: "\n''\n'' RETURNS THEME/LAYER PROPERTIES\n'' Is called from script \"avmscfg.BaseConfig\"\n''\n\n\n'v = av.GetActiveDoc\n't = v.GetActiveThemes.Get(0)\n\nt = self\ntheLegend = t.GetLegend\n\nlayType = \"type???\"\nif (t.Is(FTheme)) then\n tType = \"f\"\n if (t.GetFTab.GetSrcName.GetSubName = \"Point\") then\n layType = \"point\" \n elseif (t.GetFTab.GetSrcName.GetSubName = \"Arc\") then\n layType = \"line\" \n elseif (t.GetFTab.GetSrcName.GetSubName = \"Polygon\") then\n layType = \"polygon\"\n end \nelseif (t.Is(ITheme)) then\n t Type = \"i\"\n layType = \"raster\"\nend \n\n\nbn = t.getSrcName.getFilename.GetBaseName\nlayData = bn.Substitute(\".shp\", \"\")\n\n'msgBox.info(layData,\"\")\nlayDescr = t.GetName\n\nlayStr = \"\"\nlayStr = layStr + \"#\" + nl\nlayStr = layStr + \"# Start of Layer \"+ layDescr + nl\nlayStr = layStr + \"#\" + nl\n\nlayStr = layStr + \"LAYER\" + nl\nlayStr = layStr + \" NAME \" + layData.Quote + nl\nlayStr = layStr + \" TYPE \" + layType + nl\nlayStr = layStr + \" DATA \" + layData.Quote + nl\n\n\n' MIN/MAXSCALE\nthmThreshold = t.GetThreshold \nif (th mThreshold <> nil) then\n if (thmThreshold.IsMaximumOn) then\n layStr = layStr + \" MAXSCALE \" + thmThreshold.GetMaximum.AsString + nl\n end \n if (thmThreshold.IsMinimumOn) then\n layStr = layStr + \" MINSCALE \" + thmThreshold.GetMinimum.AsString + nl\n end\nend\n\n' SYMBOL SCALED TO REF SCALE\nif (theLegend.IsScaled) then\n refScale = theLegend.GetRefScale.SetFormat(\"d\")\n layStr = layStr + \" SYMBOLSCALE \" + refScale.AsString + nl\nend \n\n\n' METADATA SECTION\n'------------------\nlayStr = layStr + \" MET ADATA \" + nl\nlayStr = layStr + \" \"\"DESCRIPTION\"\" \" + layDescr.Quote + nl\n\n\n'# FIELD NAMES FOR FEATURE THEMES\nif (tType = \"f\") then\n FieldList = t.GetFTab.GetFields \n fld0 = \"\"\n for each f in FieldList\n if (f.IsTypeShape.Not) then \n fld0 = fld0 + f.GetName + \",\"\n end\n end\n fldStr = fld0.left(fld0.Count -1).Quote\n\n layStr = layStr + \" \"\"RESULT_FIELDS\"\" \" + fldStr.Ucase + nl\n layStr = layStr + \" \"\"RESULT_HEADERS\"\" \" + fldStr + nl\nend\n\nlayStr = layStr + \" END # Metadata \" + nl \n\n\nif (t.getlabelfield.asstring <> \"\") then\n if (t.getgraphics.count >0) then\n layStr = layStr + \"LABELITEM \" + t.getLabelField.asString.Quote + nl\n end\nend\n\n\n\n'----------------------------\n' CLASSES FOR FEATURE THEMES\n'----------------------------\n\nif (tType = \"f\") then\n\n 'msgBox.Info(t.GetLegend.GetLegendType.asString, \"\")\n\n '# SINGLE SYMBOL\n '----------------\n if (t.GetLegend.GetLegendType.asString = \"LEGEND_TYPE_SIMPLE\") then \n\n lstSymbols = t.GetLegend.GetSymbols\n theSymbol = lstSymbols. get(0)\n\n theColor = theSymbol.GetColor\n lstRGB = theColor.GetRGBList\n fgRGB = lstRGB.get(0).asstring +\" \"+ lstRGB.get(1).asstring +\" \"+ lstRGB.get(2).asstring\n\n\n layStr = layStr + \" CLASS\" + nl\n layStr = layStr + \" Name '\" + t.getname + \"'\" + nl\n layStr = layStr + \" COLOR \" + fgRGB + nl\n\n\n if (layType = \"polygon\") then \n if (theSymbol.IsOutlined) then\n outlColor = theSymbol.GetOlColor \n lstRGB = outlColor.GetRGBList\n outlRGB = lstRGB.get(0).asstring +\" \" + lstRGB.get(1).asstring +\" \"+ lstRGB.get(2).asstring\n layStr = layStr + \" OUTLINECOLOR \" + outlRGB + nl\n end\n elseif ((layType = \"point\") or (layType = \"line\")) then \n symSize = theSymbol.GetSize.Round\n if (symSize = 0) then \n symSize = 1 \n end\n layStr = layStr + \" SYMBOL 'circle' \" + nl\n layStr = layStr + \" SIZE \" + symSize.AsString + nl \n end\n\n layStr = layStr + \" TEMPLATE void\" + nl\n layStr = layStr + \" END # Class\" + nl\n\n\n\n '# UNI QUE VALUE\n '---------------\n elseif (t.GetLegend.GetLegendType.asString = \"LEGEND_TYPE_UNIQUE\") then \n\n lstSymbols = t.GetLegend.GetSymbols\n theclasses = t.GetLegend.getClassifications\n classIndex = 0\n classFldName = t.getlegend.getFieldNames.get(0)\n\n layStr = layStr + \" CLASSITEM \" + classFldName + nl\n\n for each theSymbol in lstSymbols\n theColor = theSymbol.GetColor\n\n if (theColor.isTransparent.not) then \n lstRGB = theColor.GetRGBList\n fgRGB = lstRGB.get(0).ass tring +\" \"+ lstRGB.get(1).asstring +\" \"+ lstRGB.get(2).asstring\n\n theId = theClasses.get(classIndex).ReturnMaximum.AsString\n clsName = theClasses.get(classIndex).getLabel\n\n layStr = layStr + \" CLASS\" + nl\n layStr = layStr + \" NAME \" + clsName.Quote + nl\n layStr = layStr + \" EXPRESSION \" + theId.Quote + nl\n layStr = layStr + \" COLOR \" + fgRGB + nl\n\n if (layType = \"polygon\") then\n if (theSymbol.IsOutlined) then\n outlColor = theSym bol.GetOlColor\n lstRGB = outlColor.GetRGBList\n outlRGB = lstRGB.get(0).asstring +\" \"+ lstRGB.get(1).asstring +\" \"+ lstRGB.get(2).asstring\n\n layStr = layStr + \" OUTLINECOLOR \" + outlRGB + nl \n end\n end\n \n \n \n\n layStr = layStr + \" TEMPLATE void\" + nl\n layStr = layStr + \" END # Class\" + nl \n\n classindex = classindex + 1 \n end\n end\n\n\n '# GRADUATED COLORS VALUE\n '-------------------------\n elsei f (t.GetLegend.GetLegendType.asString = \"LEGEND_TYPE_COLOR\") then \n\n lstSymbols = t.GetLegend.GetSymbols\n theclasses = t.GetLegend.getClassifications\n classIndex = 0\n\n classFldName = t.getLegend.getFieldNames.get(0)\n classFld = t.GetFTab.FindField(classFldName)\n\n for each theSymbol in lstSymbols\n theColor = theSymbol.GetColor\n\n if (theColor.isTransparent.not) then \n lstRGB = theColor.GetRGBList\n fgRGB = lstRGB.get(0).asString +\" \"+ lstRGB.get(1).asstring +\" \"+ lstR GB.get(2).asstring\n\n clsName = theClasses.get(classIndex).getLabel\n\n\n '# CLASS EXPRESSION\n valPrecision = t.GetLegend.GetPrecision \n if (valPrecision < 0) then\n numFormat = \"d.\"\n for each n in 1..valPrecision.Abs \n numFormat = numFormat + \"d\"\n end \n else\n numFormat = \"d\"\n end\n\n 'msgBox.Info(valPrecision.AsString,\"\")\n\n minValStr = theClasses.get(classIndex).ReturnMinimum.SetFormat(numFormat).AsString\n maxValStr = theClasses.get(classIndex).ReturnMaximum.SetFormat(numFormat).AsString\n\n\n clsExpr = \"([\" + classFldName.Ucase + \"]>\" + minValStr + \" AND [\" + classFldName.Ucase + \"]<=\" + maxValStr +\")\" \n\n\n layStr = layStr + \" CLASS\" + nl\n layStr = layStr + \" NAME \" + clsName.Quote + nl\n layStr = layStr + \" EXPRESSION \" + clsExpr + nl\n layStr = layStr + \" COLOR \" + fgRGB + nl\n\n if (layType = \"polygon\") then\n if (theSymbol.IsOutlined) then\n outlColor = theSymbol.GetOlColor\n lstRGB = outlColor.GetRGBList\n outlRGB = lstRGB.get(0).asstring +\" \"+ lstRGB.get(1).asstring +\" \"+ lstRGB.get(2).asstring\n\n layStr = layStr + \" OUTLINECOLOR \" + outlRGB + nl \n end\n end\n\n layStr = layStr + \" TEMPLATE void\" + nl\n layStr = layStr + \" END # Class\" + nl\n\n classindex = classindex + 1 \n end\n end\n\n \n '# Graduated Symbol Legend\n '--------------------------\n e lseif (t.GetLegend.GetLegendType.asString = \"LEGEND_TYPE_SYMBOL\") then \n\n lstSymbols = t.GetLegend.GetSymbols\n theclasses = t.GetLegend.getClassifications\n classIndex = 0\n\n classFldName = t.getLegend.getFieldNames.get(0)\n classFld = t.GetFTab.FindField(classFldName)\n\n for each theSymbol in lstSymbols\n 'msgBox.Info(lstSymbols.Count.AsString, \"\")\n theColor = theSymbol.GetColor\n\n if (theColor.isTransparent.not) then \n lstRGB = theColor.GetRGBList\n fgRGB = lstRGB. get(0).asString +\" \"+ lstRGB.get(1).asstring +\" \"+ lstRGB.get(2).asstring\n\n clsName = theClasses.get(classIndex).getLabel\n\n\n '# CLASS EXPRESSION\n valPrecision = t.GetLegend.GetPrecision \n if (valPrecision < 0) then\n numFormat = \"d.\"\n for each n in 1..valPrecision.Abs \n numFormat = numFormat + \"d\"\n end \n else\n numFormat = \"d\"\n end\n\n symSize = theSymbol.GetSize.Round\n\n 'msgBox.Info(valPrecision.AsString,\"\")\n \n minValStr = theClasses.get(classIndex).ReturnMinimum.SetFormat(numFormat).AsString\n maxValStr = theClasses.get(classIndex).ReturnMaximum.SetFormat(numFormat).AsString\n\n if (minValStr = minValStr) then\n clsExpr = \"([\" + classFldName.Ucase + \"] = \" + minValStr +\")\"\n else\n clsExpr = \"([\" + classFldName.Ucase + \"]>\" + minValStr + \" AND [\" + classFldName.Ucase + \"]<=\" + maxValStr +\")\" \n end\n\n layStr = layStr + \" CLASS\" + nl\n layStr = layStr + \" NAME \" + clsName.Quote + nl\n layStr = layStr + \" EXPRESSION \" + clsExpr + nl\n layStr = layStr + \" COLOR \" + fgRGB + nl\n layStr = layStr + \" SYMBOL 'circle' \" + nl\n layStr = layStr + \" SIZE \" + symSize.AsString + nl\n\n\n\n layStr = layStr + \" TEMPLATE void\" + nl\n layStr = layStr + \" END # Class\" + nl\n\n classindex = classindex + 1 \n end\n end\n \n end\n \n\nend ' for feature themes \n\nlayStr = layStr + \"END # Layer\" + nl + nl\n\n\n''msgBox.Report(layStr,\"\")\n\nlayConfig = {\"avmscfg\", bn, layStr}\n\n\nreturn layConfig\n\n\n\n" ) (DocWin.11 Owner: 10 X: 50 Y: 50 W: 943 H: 763 ) (CSMgr.12 ) (DocAct.13 Doc: 10 ) (SEd.14 Name: "avmscfg.CheckThemeOTag" CreationDate: "Thursday, 17 October, 2002 21:38:00" GUIName: "Script" Win: 15 CSMgr: 16 DocExts: 17 Source: "\n'' avmscfg.CheckThemeOTag\n'' Checks if theme has assigned ObjectTag\n''\n\n't = av.GetActiveDoc\nt = self\n\n\nviewOTag = t.GetObjectTag\n\nif (viewOTag = nil) then\n return false\nelse\n if (viewOTag.Is(List).Not) then\n return false\n else \n if (viewOTag.Get(0) <> \"avmscfg\") then\n return false\n else\n return true\n end\n end \nend" ) (DocWin.15 Owner: 14 X: 65 Y: 65 W: 365 H: 247 ) (CSMgr.16 ) (DocAct.17 Doc: 14 ) (SEd.18 Name: "avmscfg.CheckViewOTag" CreationDate: "Thursday, 17 October, 2002 21:38:00" GUIName: "Script" Win: 19 CSMgr: 20 DocExts: 21 Source: "\n'' avmscfg.CheckViewOTag\n'' Checks if current view has extension object tag assigned to\n''\n\n'v = av.GetActiveDoc\nv = self\n\n\nviewOTag = v.GetObjectTag\n\nif (viewOTag = nil) then\n return false\nelse\n if (viewOTag.Is(List).Not) then\n return false\n else \n if (viewOTag.Get(0) <> \"avmscfg\") then\n return false\n else\n return true\n end\n end \nend" ) (DocWin.19 Owner: 18 X: 80 Y: 80 ) (CSMgr.20 ) (DocAct.21 Doc: 18 ) (SEd.22 Name: "avmscfg.DefineThemeFields" CreationDate: "Tuesday, 15 July, 2003 21:55:23" GUIName: "Script" Win: 23 CSMgr: 24 DocExts: 25 Source: "' avmscfg.DefineThemeFields\n\n\ntheTheme = self\n\ntheView = av.GetActiceDoc\ntheTheme = theView.GetActiveThemes.Get(0)\n\ntheFTab = theTheme.GetFtab\n\n" FontSize: 1 ) (DocWin.23 Owner: 22 X: 373 Y: 268 W: 548 H: 401 ) (CSMgr.24 ) (DocAct.25 Doc: 22 ) (SEd.26 Name: "avmscfg.EditIni" CreationDate: "Thursday, 17 October, 2002 21:38:00" GUIName: "Script" Win: 27 CSMgr: 28 DocExts: 29 Source: "\n'' LOAD INI FILE INTO NOTEPAD\n\nhomeVar = system.getEnvVar(\"AVHOME\")\niniFile = homeVar + \"\\etc\\avpmapper.ini\"\nif (iniFile.AsFileName.IsFile.Not) then\n msgBox.Error(\"Config file avpmapper.ini not in directory ..\\ARCVIEW\\ETC\", \"INI File Not Found\")\n exit\nend \n\ncmd = \"notepad.exe \" + iniFile \nsystem.Execute(cmd)" ) (DocWin.27 Owner: 26 X: 95 Y: 95 W: 810 H: 516 ) (CSMgr.28 ) (DocAct.29 Doc: 26 ) (SEd.30 Name: "avmscfg.ImgCat2TileShape" CreationDate: "Thursday, 17 October, 2002 21:52:53" GUIName: "Script" Win: 31 CSMgr: 32 DocExts: 33 Source: "' TILEINDEX FOR MAPSERVER FROM ESRI IMAGECATALOG\n' Author: Armin Burger\n' Calculates the tileindex shape file from an ESRI \n' image catalog for use in the MapServer map file.\n' Usage: Load dbf/Info table as table in ArcView. \n' Run the script for this table.\n\n\n'-----------------------------------------\n' INTABLE - INPUT TABLE FOR IMAGE CATALOG\n'-----------------------------------------\ntheInTable = av.GetActiveDoc\ntheInVTab = theInTable.GetVTab\ntheInFields = theInVTab.GetFields\n\ntheLocFld = theInVTab.FindF ield(\"IMAGE\")\nminXFld = theInVTab.FindField(\"XMIN\")\nminYFld = theInVTab.FindField(\"YMIN\")\nmaxXFld = theInVTab.FindField(\"XMAX\")\nmaxYFld = theInVTab.FindField(\"YMAX\")\n\n'-----------------------------------\n' OUT SHAPE FILE AS TILEINDEX SHAPE\n'-----------------------------------\nfileDef = av.GetProject.MakeFileName(\"tileind\", \"shp\")\nmyFileName = FileDialog.Put(fileDef,\"*.shp\",\"Save the new theme\")\nnewFTab = FTab.MakeNew(myFileName,Polygon)\n\nGrdID = Field.Make(\"ID\", #FIELD_LONG, 10, 0)\ntheLoc = Field.Make(\"Loca tion\", #FIELD_CHAR, 100, 0)\n\nfldList = {}\nfldList.Add(GrdID)\nfldList.Add(theLoc)\n\nnewFTab.AddFields(fldList)\n\n\n'------------------------------\n' CALCULATE COORDINATES\n'------------------------------\nid = 1\nfor each rec in theInVTab \n\n ' POINTS\n ' 2--3 <== order of points\n ' | |\n ' 1--4\n\n minX = theInVTab.ReturnValueNumber(minXFld, rec)\n minY = theInVTab.ReturnValueNumber(minYFld, rec)\n maxX = theInVTab.ReturnValueNumber(maxXFld, rec)\n maxY = theInVTab.ReturnValueNumber(max YFld, rec)\n\n p1 = Point.Make(minX,minY)\n p2 = Point.Make(minX,maxY)\n p3 = Point.Make(maxX,maxY)\n p4 = Point.Make(maxX,minY)\n \n ' POLYGON AND ATTRIBUTE VALUES\n newPoly = Polygon.Make({{p1, p2, p3, p4}})\n \n n = newFTab.AddRecord\n newFTab.SetValue(newFTab.FindField(\"Shape\"),n,newPoly)\n \n newFTab.SetValue(GrdID,n,id)\n id = id + 1\n \n newFTab.SetValue(theLoc,n,theInVTab.ReturnValue(theLocFld, rec))\n \nend\n" FontSize: 1 ) (DocWin.31 Owner: 30 X: 35 Y: 35 W: 365 H: 247 ) (CSMgr.32 ) (DocAct.33 Doc: 30 ) (SEd.34 Name: "avmscfg.Map2Browser" CreationDate: "Thursday, 17 October, 2002 21:38:00" GUIName: "Script" Win: 35 CSMgr: 36 DocExts: 37 Source: "\n'-----------------------------------------------------------\n' NOW CALL DEFAULT BROWSER AND OPEN QUERY RESULT HTML FILE\n' © for this part by Juna Papajorgji, University of Florida\n'-----------------------------------------------------------\n\nmapURL = self\n\n\n'Setup DLL file objects.\n'-------------------------------------------------------------\nif (System.GetOSVariant = #SYSTEM_OSVARIANT_MSWNT) then\n dllShell32 = DLL.Make(FileName.FindInSystemSearchPath(\"shell32.dll\"))\n dllUser32 = DLL.Make(FileName.FindI nSystemSearchPath(\"user32.dll\"))\nElseIf (System.GetOSvariant = #SYSTEM_OSVARIANT_MSW95) then\n dllShell32 = DLL.Make(FileName.FindInSystemSearchPath(\"shell32.dll\"))\n dllUser32 = DLL.Make(FileName.FindInSystemSearchPath(\"user32.dll\"))\nElse\n MsgBox.Warning(\"Required DLL files cannot be found\"+NL+\"Check that the SYSTEM folder is in your path.\", \"Stop, is this a Windoze machine?\")\n return nil\nEnd\n\n'Setup Win32API functions as Avenue DLLProc objects\ndpGetActivewindow = DLLProc.Make(dllUser32, \"GetActiveWindow \",\n #DLLPROC_TYPE_INT32, 'return value type\n {}) 'argument list\n\ndpShellExecute = DLLProc.Make(dllShell32, \"ShellExecuteA\",\n #DLLPROC_TYPE_INT32, 'return value type\n {#DLLPROC_TYPE_INT32, 'argument list\n #DLLPROC_TYPE_STR,\n #DLLPROC_TYPE_STR,\n #DLLPROC_TYPE_STR,\n #DLLPROC_TYPE_STR,\n #DLLPROC_TYPE_INT32})\n\n\n'Get the Window Handle (hWnd) of the ArcView window\n'---------------------------------------------------\nhWnd_active = dpGetActivewindow.Call({})\n'''or-> hWnd_active = DLL.GetAVWindowHandle\n\n\n'Send the URL to the default browser\n'-------------------------------------------\nretvalue = dpShellExecute.Call({hWnd_active, \"Open\", mapURL, \"\", FileName.GetCWD.AsString, 1})\n\n\n'Let the user know if the link failed. The \"ShellExecuteA \"\n'function returns an integer greater than 32 if the process succeeded.\n'---------------------------------------------------------------------\nif (retvalue <=32) then \n MsgBox.Warning (\"Loading map failed.\",\"Server error\")\nEnd\n\n" ) (DocWin.35 Owner: 34 X: 93 Y: 79 W: 398 H: 296 ) (CSMgr.36 ) (DocAct.37 Doc: 34 ) (DEd.38 Name: "avmscfg.mapDlg" CreationDate: "Saturday, 12 October, 2002 16:42:34" GUIName: "DialogEditor" Win: 39 CSMgr: 40 DocExts: 42 DocExts: 43 Graphics: 44 Dpy: 83 Dialog: 86 DialogExtent: 131 Compiled: 1 ) (DocWin.39 Owner: 38 X: 241 Y: 65 W: 593 H: 545 ) (CSMgr.40 Client: 41 ) (CSClient.41 Client: 42 ReqName: "ClientNfy" ) (PanMgr.42 Doc: 38 ) (DocAct.43 Doc: 38 ) (GList.44 Child: 45 Child: 48 Child: 51 Child: 54 Child: 57 Child: 61 Child: 64 Child: 67 Child: 71 Child: 74 Child: 77 Child: 80 Dpy: 83 FormatNumb: 85 ) (GCtrl.45 Name: "but_map" Bounds: 46 ControlConstraints: 0x55 Control: 47 Editable: 1 ) (RectD.46 Left: 0.40625000000000 Top: 4.73958333333333 Right: 1.64583333333333 Bottom: 4.50000000000000 ) (LButn.47 InternalName: "but_map" UseGraphicNfy: 1 Tag: "1" Label: "MAP" Click: "avmscfg.mDlg.ShowParams" ) (GCtrl.48 Name: "but_web" Bounds: 49 ControlConstraints: 0x55 Control: 50 Editable: 1 ) (RectD.49 Left: 0.40625000000000 Top: 4.40625000000000 Right: 1.64583333333333 Bottom: 4.16666666666667 ) (LButn.50 InternalName: "but_web" UseGraphicNfy: 1 Tag: "2" Label: "WEB" Click: "avmscfg.mDlg.ShowParams" ) (GCtrl.51 Name: "but_ref" Bounds: 52 ControlConstraints: 0x55 Control: 53 Editable: 1 ) (RectD.52 Left: 0.40625000000000 Top: 4.06250000000000 Right: 1.64583333333333 Bottom: 3.82291666666667 ) (LButn.53 InternalName: "but_ref" UseGraphicNfy: 1 Tag: "3" Label: "REFERENCE" Click: "avmscfg.mDlg.ShowParams" ) (GCtrl.54 Name: "but_sbar" Bounds: 55 ControlConstraints: 0x55 Control: 56 Editable: 1 ) (RectD.55 Left: 0.40625000000000 Top: 3.72916666666667 Right: 1.64583333333333 Bottom: 3.48958333333333 ) (LButn.56 InternalName: "but_sbar" UseGraphicNfy: 1 Tag: "4" Label: "SCALEBAR" Click: "avmscfg.mDlg.ShowParams" ) (GCtrl.57 Name: "tbx_params" Bounds: 58 ControlConstraints: 0x33 Control: 59 Editable: 1 ) (RectD.58 Left: 2.02083333333333 Top: 4.79166666666667 Right: 5.32291666666667 Bottom: 1.09375000000000 ) (TextBox.59 InternalName: "tbx_params" UseGraphicNfy: 1 Listening: 1 Constraints: 0x55 Changed: "avmscfg.SaveEnableBut" VerticalScroll: 1 HorizontalScroll: 1 NextControl: 60 ) (Nil.60 ) (GCtrl.61 Name: "but_save" Bounds: 62 ControlConstraints: 0x65 Control: 63 Editable: 1 ) (RectD.62 Left: 2.01041666666667 Top: 1.00000000000000 Right: 2.61458333333333 Bottom: 0.77083333333333 ) (LButn.63 InternalName: "but_save" UseGraphicNfy: 1 Disabled: 1 Label: "Save" Click: "avmscfg.SaveParams" ) (GCtrl.64 Name: "but_clear" Bounds: 65 ControlConstraints: 0x56 Control: 66 Editable: 1 ) (RectD.65 Left: 4.71875000000000 Top: 4.97916666666667 Right: 5.30208333333333 Bottom: 4.78125000000000 ) (LButn.66 InternalName: "but_clear" UseGraphicNfy: 1 Label: "Clear" Click: "avmscfg.mDlg.ClearBut" ) (GCtrl.67 Name: "lbx_layers" Bounds: 68 ControlConstraints: 0x35 Control: 69 Editable: 1 ) (RectD.68 Left: 0.32291666666667 Top: 3.20833333333333 Right: 1.88541666666667 Bottom: 0.77083333333333 ) (AVLBox.69 InternalName: "lbx_layers" UseGraphicNfy: 1 NextControl: 60 ContentKind: 4 Constraints: 0x55 ColumnCount: 1 HorizontalScroll: 1 Listening: 1 VerticalScroll: 1 SelectionStyle: 70 Apply: "avmscfg.mDlg.ShowThmParams" ) (AVEnum.70 Name: "LISTBOX_SELECTION_MULTIRANGE" ) (GCtrl.71 Name: "but_writemap" Bounds: 72 ControlConstraints: 0x66 Control: 73 Editable: 1 ) (RectD.72 Left: 4.35416666666667 Top: 1.00000000000000 Right: 5.29166666666667 Bottom: 0.77083333333333 ) (LButn.73 InternalName: "but_writemap" UseGraphicNfy: 1 Tag: "write" Label: "Write Map File" Click: "avmscfg.WriteMapFile" ) (GCtrl.74 Name: "txt_layers" Bounds: 75 ControlConstraints: 0x55 Control: 76 Editable: 1 ) (RectD.75 Left: 0.34375000000000 Top: 3.38541666666667 Right: 1.57291666666667 Bottom: 3.18750000000000 ) (TextLabel.76 InternalName: "txt_layers" UseGraphicNfy: 1 Constraints: 0x55 Label: "Layers/Themes" Listening: 1 ) (GCtrl.77 Name: "txt_params" Bounds: 78 ControlConstraints: 0x55 Control: 79 Editable: 1 ) (RectD.78 Left: 2.03125000000000 Top: 4.94791666666667 Right: 5.02083333333333 Bottom: 4.69791666666667 ) (TextLabel.79 InternalName: "txt_params" UseGraphicNfy: 1 Constraints: 0x55 Label: "Parameters" Listening: 1 ) (GCtrl.80 Name: "but_testmap" Bounds: 81 ControlConstraints: 0x66 Control: 82 Editable: 1 ) (RectD.81 Left: 3.19791666666667 Top: 1.00000000000000 Right: 4.13541666666667 Bottom: 0.77083333333333 ) (LButn.82 InternalName: "but_testmap" UseGraphicNfy: 1 Tag: "test" Label: "Test Map File" Click: "avmscfg.WriteMapFile" ) (PageDpy.83 Top: 5.39583333333333 Right: 6.08333333333333 ReportUnits: 1 Units: 1 Scale: 84 ZoomRight: 6.08333333333333 ZoomTop: 5.39583333333333 GridSpacingX: 0.10000000000000 GridSpacingY: 0.10000000000000 ) (Numb.84 N: 0.16438356164384 ) (Numb.85 ) (AVDLog.86 Name: "avmscfg.mapDlg" X: 26 Y: 55 W: 496 H: 418 ConstrainedControlNames: 87 ConstrainedControlNames: 88 ConstrainedControlNames: 89 ConstrainedControlNames: 90 ConstrainedControlNames: 91 ConstrainedControlNames: 92 ConstrainedControlNames: 93 ConstrainedControlNames: 94 Constraints: 95 Constraints: 96 Constraints: 97 Constraints: 98 Constraints: 99 Constraints: 100 Constraints: 101 Constraints: 102 Server: 103 ControlPanel: 104 Title: "MapFile Creator" EscapeEnabled: 1 Modal: 1 Resizable: 1 AlwaysOnTop: 1 HasTitleBar: 1 Closeable: 1 DefaultButton: 130 ) (AVStr.87 S: "but_map" ) (AVStr.88 S: "but_web" ) (AVStr.89 S: "but_ref" ) (AVStr.90 S: "but_sbar" ) (AVStr.91 S: "but_save" ) (AVStr.92 S: "but_clear" ) (AVStr.93 S: "but_writemap" ) (AVStr.94 S: "but_testmap" ) (Numb.95 N: 85.00000000000000 ) (Numb.96 N: 85.00000000000000 ) (Numb.97 N: 85.00000000000000 ) (Numb.98 N: 85.00000000000000 ) (Numb.99 N: 101.00000000000000 ) (Numb.100 N: 86.00000000000000 ) (Numb.101 N: 102.00000000000000 ) (Numb.102 N: 102.00000000000000 ) (Nil.103 ) (CPanel.104 Child: 105 Child: 106 Child: 107 Child: 108 Child: 109 Child: 110 Child: 111 Child: 112 Child: 114 Child: 115 Child: 116 Child: 117 ResBox: 118 ResBox: 119 ResBox: 120 ResBox: 121 ResBox: 122 ResBox: 123 ResBox: 124 ResBox: 125 ResBox: 126 ResBox: 127 ResBox: 128 ResBox: 129 Listening: 1 ) (LButn.105 InternalName: "but_map" Tag: "1" Label: "MAP" Click: "avmscfg.mDlg.ShowParams" ) (LButn.106 InternalName: "but_web" Tag: "2" Label: "WEB" Click: "avmscfg.mDlg.ShowParams" ) (LButn.107 InternalName: "but_ref" Tag: "3" Label: "REFERENCE" Click: "avmscfg.mDlg.ShowParams" ) (LButn.108 InternalName: "but_sbar" Tag: "4" Label: "SCALEBAR" Click: "avmscfg.mDlg.ShowParams" ) (TextBox.109 InternalName: "tbx_params" Listening: 1 Constraints: 0x33 Changed: "avmscfg.SaveEnableBut" VerticalScroll: 1 HorizontalScroll: 1 NextControl: 103 ) (LButn.110 InternalName: "but_save" Disabled: 1 Label: "Save" Click: "avmscfg.SaveParams" ) (LButn.111 InternalName: "but_clear" Label: "Clear" Click: "avmscfg.mDlg.ClearBut" ) (AVLBox.112 InternalName: "lbx_layers" NextControl: 103 ContentKind: 4 Constraints: 0x35 ColumnCount: 1 HorizontalScroll: 1 Listening: 1 VerticalScroll: 1 SelectionStyle: 113 Apply: "avmscfg.mDlg.ShowThmParams" ) (AVEnum.113 Name: "LISTBOX_SELECTION_MULTIRANGE" ) (LButn.114 InternalName: "but_writemap" Tag: "write" Label: "Write Map File" Click: "avmscfg.WriteMapFile" ) (TextLabel.115 InternalName: "txt_layers" Constraints: 0x55 Label: "Layers/Themes" Listening: 1 ) (TextLabel.116 InternalName: "txt_params" Constraints: 0x55 Label: "Parameters" Listening: 1 ) (LButn.117 InternalName: "but_testmap" Tag: "test" Label: "Test Map File" Click: "avmscfg.WriteMapFile" ) (RectD.118 Left: 16.00000000000000 Top: 52.00000000000000 Right: 135.00000000000000 Bottom: 29.00000000000000 ) (RectD.119 Left: 16.00000000000000 Top: 84.00000000000000 Right: 135.00000000000000 Bottom: 61.00000000000000 ) (RectD.120 Left: 16.00000000000000 Top: 117.00000000000000 Right: 135.00000000000000 Bottom: 94.00000000000000 ) (RectD.121 Left: 16.00000000000000 Top: 149.00000000000000 Right: 135.00000000000000 Bottom: 126.00000000000000 ) (RectD.122 Left: 171.00000000000000 Top: 379.00000000000000 Right: 488.00000000000000 Bottom: 24.00000000000000 ) (RectD.123 Left: 170.00000000000000 Top: 410.00000000000000 Right: 228.00000000000000 Bottom: 388.00000000000000 ) (RectD.124 Left: 430.00000000000000 Top: 25.00000000000000 Right: 486.00000000000000 Bottom: 6.00000000000000 ) (RectD.125 Left: 8.00000000000000 Top: 410.00000000000000 Right: 158.00000000000000 Bottom: 176.00000000000000 ) (RectD.126 Left: 395.00000000000000 Top: 410.00000000000000 Right: 485.00000000000000 Bottom: 388.00000000000000 ) (RectD.127 Left: 10.00000000000000 Top: 178.00000000000000 Right: 128.00000000000000 Bottom: 159.00000000000000 ) (RectD.128 Left: 172.00000000000000 Top: 33.00000000000000 Right: 459.00000000000000 Bottom: 9.00000000000000 ) (RectD.129 Left: 284.00000000000000 Top: 410.00000000000000 Right: 374.00000000000000 Bottom: 388.00000000000000 ) (Nil.130 ) (RectD.131 Left: 0.23958333333333 Top: 5.04166666666667 Right: 5.40625000000000 Bottom: 0.68750000000000 ) (SEd.132 Name: "avmscfg.mDlg.ClearBut" CreationDate: "Thursday, 17 October, 2002 21:38:00" GUIName: "Script" Win: 133 CSMgr: 134 DocExts: 135 Source: "\n' avmscfg.mDlg.ClearBut\n\nmapDlg = av.FindDialog(\"avmscfg.mapDlg\")\n\nparamTxtBox = mapDlg.FindByName(\"tbx_params\")\nparamTxtBox.Empty\n\nparamTxtLabl = mapDlg.FindByName(\"txt_params\")\nparamTxtLabl.SetLabel(\"Parameters\")\n\n\n\n" ) (DocWin.133 Owner: 132 X: 20 Y: 20 ) (CSMgr.134 ) (DocAct.135 Doc: 132 ) (SEd.136 Name: "avmscfg.mDlg.Open" CreationDate: "Thursday, 17 October, 2002 21:38:00" GUIName: "Script" Win: 137 CSMgr: 138 DocExts: 139 Source: "\n'====================================\n' OPEN DIALOG FOR MAP FILE CREATION\n'====================================\n\ntheView = av.GetActiveDoc\n_avmscfg_theView = theView\n\n\n'-------------------------------------------\n' CHECK IF VIEW IS CONFIGURED FOR MAPSERVER\n'-------------------------------------------\nif (av.Run(\"avmscfg.CheckViewOTag\",theView) = false) then\n msgBox.Error(\"Current view has not been configured yet for \" + nl + \n \"use with MapServer.\" + nl +\n \"Please run menu 'Bas e Configuration' first\", \"\")\n return nil\nend \n\n\n'-------------------------------------------------------\n' CHECK FOR NEW THEMES NOT YET CONFIGURED FOR MAPSERVER\n'-------------------------------------------------------\ntheLayers = theView.GetThemes\n\nnewLayers = {}\nnewLayerStr = \"\"\nfor each lay in theLayers\n if (av.Run(\"avmscfg.CheckThemeOTag\", lay) = false) then\n newLayers.Add(lay)\n newLayerStr = newLayerStr + lay.GetName + \" \"\n end\nend\n\nif (newLayers.Count > 0) then\n runConfig = msgB ox.YesNo(\"The themes \" + newLayerStr + \"have been added to the view and are not configured for inclusion in MapServer map file.\" + nl+\n \"Do you want to run configuration for them?\", \"Configure New Themes?\", TRUE) \n if (runConfig) then\n for each lay in newLayers\n layConfig = av.Run(\"avmscfg.BaseConfig.ReturnThmProp\", lay)\n lay.SetObjectTag(layConfig)\n end\n end \nend\n\n\n'-------------\n' OPEN DIALOG\n'-------------\nmapDlg = av.FindDialog(\"avmscfg.mapDlg\")\nlayLBox = mapD lg.FindByName(\"lbx_layers\")\nlayLBox.DefineFromList(theLayers)\n\nparamTxtBox = mapDlg.FindByName(\"tbx_params\")\nparamTxtBox.Empty\n\nparamTxtLabl = mapDlg.FindByName(\"txt_params\")\nparamTxtLabl.SetLabel(\"Parameters\")\n\n\nmapDlg.Open\n\n\n\n" ) (DocWin.137 Owner: 136 X: 35 Y: 35 W: 365 H: 247 ) (CSMgr.138 ) (DocAct.139 Doc: 136 ) (SEd.140 Name: "avmscfg.mDlg.ShowParams" CreationDate: "Thursday, 17 October, 2002 21:38:00" GUIName: "Script" Win: 141 CSMgr: 142 DocExts: 143 Source: "\n' SHOW PARAMETERS READ FROM VIEW OBJECT TAG FOR\n' MAP, WEB, REFERENCE, SCALEBAR\n\ntheView = _avmscfg_theView\nviewOTag = theView.GetObjectTag\n\n\nmapDlg = av.FindDialog(\"avmscfg.mapDlg\")\n\nparamTxtBox = mapDlg.FindByName(\"tbx_params\")\nparamTxtLabl = mapDlg.FindByName(\"txt_params\")\n\n\nidx = self.GetTag.AsNumber\n\nelemOTag = viewOTag.Get(idx)\nelemName = elemOTag.Get(0)\nloadStr = elemOTag.Get(1)\n\n_avmscfg_LoadedTag = {\"view\", idx, elemName}\n\nparamTxtLabl.SetLabel(\"Parameters for \" + elemName)\nparamTxtBox.SetText(loa dStr)\n\nmapDlg.FindByName(\"but_save\").SetEnabled(FALSE)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ) (DocWin.141 Owner: 140 X: 50 Y: 50 ) (CSMgr.142 ) (DocAct.143 Doc: 140 ) (SEd.144 Name: "avmscfg.mDlg.ShowThmParams" CreationDate: "Thursday, 17 October, 2002 21:38:00" GUIName: "Script" Win: 145 CSMgr: 146 DocExts: 147 Source: "\n'' \n'' SHOW PARAMETERS FOR SELECTED THEME/LAYER\n'' Read from theme object tag\n''\n\n\ntheView = _avmscfg_theView\n\nmapDlg = av.FindDialog(\"avmscfg.mapDlg\")\nparamTxtBox = mapDlg.FindByName(\"tbx_params\")\nparamTxtLabl = mapDlg.FindByName(\"txt_params\")\nlayerLBox = mapDlg.FindByName(\"lbx_layers\")\n\nlayIdx = layerLBox.GetCurrentRow\ntheLayer = layerLBox.GetSelection.Get(0) \nloadStr = theLayer.GetObjectTag.Get(2)\n\n_avmscfg_LoadedTag = {\"theme\", layIdx}\n\nparamTxtBox.SetText(loadStr)\nparamTxtLabl.SetLabel(\"Parameters for layer/theme \" + theLayer.GetName.Quote)\n\nmapDlg.FindByName(\"but_save\").SetEnabled(FALSE)" ) (DocWin.145 Owner: 144 X: 65 Y: 65 W: 742 H: 558 ) (CSMgr.146 ) (DocAct.147 Doc: 144 ) (DEd.148 Name: "avmscfg.metadata" CreationDate: "Thursday, 17 October, 2002 21:38:25" GUIName: "DialogEditor" Win: 149 CSMgr: 150 DocExts: 152 DocExts: 153 Graphics: 154 Dpy: 183 Dialog: 186 DialogExtent: 210 Compiled: 1 ) (DocWin.149 Owner: 148 X: 358 Y: 99 W: 605 H: 537 ) (CSMgr.150 Client: 151 ) (CSClient.151 Client: 152 ReqName: "ClientNfy" ) (PanMgr.152 Doc: 148 ) (DocAct.153 Doc: 148 ) (GList.154 Child: 155 Child: 158 Child: 161 Child: 166 Child: 170 Child: 174 Child: 177 Child: 180 Dpy: 183 FormatNumb: 185 ) (GCtrl.155 Name: "txt_title" Bounds: 156 ControlConstraints: 0x55 Control: 157 Editable: 1 ) (RectD.156 Left: 0.62500000000000 Top: 4.67708333333333 Right: 1.44791666666667 Bottom: 4.48958333333333 ) (TextLabel.157 InternalName: "txt_title" UseGraphicNfy: 1 Constraints: 0x55 Label: "wms_title" Listening: 1 ) (GCtrl.158 Name: "txt_onlineresource" Bounds: 159 ControlConstraints: 0x55 Control: 160 Editable: 1 ) (RectD.159 Left: 0.62500000000000 Top: 4.35416666666667 Right: 1.85416666666667 Bottom: 4.16666666666667 ) (TextLabel.160 InternalName: "txt_onlineresource" UseGraphicNfy: 1 Constraints: 0x55 Label: "wms_onlineresource" Listening: 1 ) (GCtrl.161 Name: "txl_title" Bounds: 162 ControlConstraints: 0x55 Control: 163 Editable: 1 ) (RectD.162 Left: 1.68750000000000 Top: 4.68750000000000 Right: 4.45833333333333 Bottom: 4.47916666666667 ) (TextLine.163 InternalName: "txl_title" UseGraphicNfy: 1 Label: " " Constraints: 0x55 Listening: 1 TextType: 164 NextControl: 165 ) (AVEnum.164 Name: "TEXTLINE_TYPE_ALL" ) (Nil.165 ) (GCtrl.166 Name: "txl_onlineres" Bounds: 167 ControlConstraints: 0x55 Control: 168 Editable: 1 ) (RectD.167 Left: 1.67708333333333 Top: 4.38541666666667 Right: 4.44791666666667 Bottom: 4.17708333333333 ) (TextLine.168 InternalName: "txl_onlineres" UseGraphicNfy: 1 Label: " " Constraints: 0x55 Listening: 1 TextType: 169 NextControl: 165 ) (AVEnum.169 Name: "TEXTLINE_TYPE_ALL" ) (GCtrl.170 Name: "txl_srs" Bounds: 171 ControlConstraints: 0x55 Control: 172 Editable: 1 ) (RectD.171 Left: 1.66666666666667 Top: 4.06250000000000 Right: 4.43750000000000 Bottom: 3.85416666666667 ) (TextLine.172 InternalName: "txl_srs" UseGraphicNfy: 1 Label: " " Constraints: 0x55 Listening: 1 TextType: 173 NextControl: 165 ) (AVEnum.173 Name: "TEXTLINE_TYPE_ALL" ) (GCtrl.174 Name: "but_srs" Bounds: 175 ControlConstraints: 0x55 Control: 176 Editable: 1 ) (RectD.175 Left: 0.61458333333333 Top: 4.07291666666667 Right: 1.41666666666667 Bottom: 3.86458333333333 ) (LButn.176 InternalName: "but_srs" UseGraphicNfy: 1 Label: "wms_srs" ) (GCtrl.177 Name: "aTextBox8" Bounds: 178 ControlConstraints: 0x55 Control: 179 Editable: 1 ) (RectD.178 Left: 0.60416666666667 Top: 3.43750000000000 Right: 4.45833333333333 Bottom: 1.98958333333333 ) (TextBox.179 InternalName: "aTextBox8" UseGraphicNfy: 1 Listening: 1 Constraints: 0x55 VerticalScroll: 1 NextControl: 165 ) (GCtrl.180 Name: "aTextLabel9" Bounds: 181 ControlConstraints: 0x55 Control: 182 Editable: 1 ) (RectD.181 Left: 0.61458333333333 Top: 3.60416666666667 Right: 1.19791666666667 Bottom: 3.40625000000000 ) (TextLabel.182 InternalName: "aTextLabel9" UseGraphicNfy: 1 Constraints: 0x55 Label: "Other" Listening: 1 ) (PageDpy.183 Top: 5.31250000000000 Right: 6.20833333333333 ReportUnits: 1 Units: 1 Scale: 184 ZoomRight: 6.20833333333333 ZoomTop: 5.31250000000000 GridSpacingX: 0.10000000000000 GridSpacingY: 0.10000000000000 ) (Numb.184 N: 0.16107382550336 ) (Numb.185 ) (AVDLog.186 Name: "avmscfg.metadata" X: 221 Y: 478 W: 419 H: 333 ConstrainedControlNames: 187 Constraints: 188 Server: 165 ControlPanel: 189 Title: "Metadata" EscapeEnabled: 1 Resizable: 1 AlwaysOnTop: 1 HasTitleBar: 1 Closeable: 1 DefaultButton: 209 ) (AVStr.187 S: "but_srs" ) (Numb.188 N: 85.00000000000000 ) (CPanel.189 Child: 190 Child: 191 Child: 192 Child: 194 Child: 196 Child: 198 Child: 199 Child: 200 ResBox: 201 ResBox: 202 ResBox: 203 ResBox: 204 ResBox: 205 ResBox: 206 ResBox: 207 ResBox: 208 Listening: 1 ) (TextLabel.190 InternalName: "txt_title" Constraints: 0x55 Label: "wms_title" Listening: 1 ) (TextLabel.191 InternalName: "txt_onlineresource" Constraints: 0x55 Label: "wms_onlineresource" Listening: 1 ) (TextLine.192 InternalName: "txl_title" Label: " " Constraints: 0x55 Listening: 1 TextType: 193 NextControl: 165 ) (AVEnum.193 Name: "TEXTLINE_TYPE_ALL" ) (TextLine.194 InternalName: "txl_onlineres" Label: " " Constraints: 0x55 Listening: 1 TextType: 195 NextControl: 165 ) (AVEnum.195 Name: "TEXTLINE_TYPE_ALL" ) (TextLine.196 InternalName: "txl_srs" Label: " " Constraints: 0x55 Listening: 1 TextType: 197 NextControl: 165 ) (AVEnum.197 Name: "TEXTLINE_TYPE_ALL" ) (LButn.198 InternalName: "but_srs" Label: "wms_srs" ) (TextBox.199 InternalName: "aTextBox8" Listening: 1 Constraints: 0x55 VerticalScroll: 1 NextControl: 165 ) (TextLabel.200 InternalName: "aTextLabel9" Constraints: 0x55 Label: "Other" Listening: 1 ) (RectD.201 Left: 14.00000000000000 Top: 42.00000000000000 Right: 93.00000000000000 Bottom: 24.00000000000000 ) (RectD.202 Left: 14.00000000000000 Top: 73.00000000000000 Right: 132.00000000000000 Bottom: 55.00000000000000 ) (RectD.203 Left: 116.00000000000000 Top: 43.00000000000000 Right: 382.00000000000000 Bottom: 23.00000000000000 ) (RectD.204 Left: 115.00000000000000 Top: 72.00000000000000 Right: 381.00000000000000 Bottom: 52.00000000000000 ) (RectD.205 Left: 114.00000000000000 Top: 103.00000000000000 Right: 380.00000000000000 Bottom: 83.00000000000000 ) (RectD.206 Left: 13.00000000000000 Top: 102.00000000000000 Right: 90.00000000000000 Bottom: 82.00000000000000 ) (RectD.207 Left: 12.00000000000000 Top: 282.00000000000000 Right: 382.00000000000000 Bottom: 143.00000000000000 ) (RectD.208 Left: 13.00000000000000 Top: 146.00000000000000 Right: 69.00000000000000 Bottom: 127.00000000000000 ) (Nil.209 ) (RectD.210 Left: 0.47916666666667 Top: 4.92708333333333 Right: 4.84375000000000 Bottom: 1.45833333333333 ) (SEd.211 Name: "avmscfg.ReadIni" CreationDate: "Thursday, 17 October, 2002 21:38:00" GUIName: "Script" Win: 212 CSMgr: 213 DocExts: 214 Source: "\n'====================================\n' READ INI FILE AND RETURN KEY VALUE\n'-----------------------------------\n' Armin Burger\n'====================================\n\n'-------------------------\n' INITIALIZE KERNEL32.DLL\n'-------------------------\nkernel32 = DLL.Make(FileName.FindInSystemSearchPath(\"kernel32.dll\"))\nif (kernel32 = nil) then\n msgBox.Error(\"Cannot find file kernel32.dll\",\"\")\n exit\nend \n\n\n'--------------------------------------\n' GET INPUT PARAMETERS AND GET INI KEY\n'------------------------- -------------\n\nhomeVar = system.getEnvVar(\"AVHOME\")\niniFile = homeVar + \"\\etc\\avpmapper.ini\"\nif (iniFile.AsFileName.IsFile.Not) then\n msgBox.Error(\"Config file avpgcon.ini not in directory ..\\ARCVIEW\\ETC\", \"INI File Not Found\")\n return nil\nend \n\n\n\niniSection = self.Get(0)\niniKey = self.Get(1)\n\nkeyValue = String.MakeBuffer(100)\n\niniFName = Filename.Make(iniFile) '' CHECK FOR INI FILE\nif (File.Exists(iniFName)=FALSE) then\n msgBox.Error(\"INI file \" + nl+ iniFName.AsString + nl + \"not found. Te rminating\",\"\")\n exit\nend \n\nReadIni = DLLProc.Make(kernel32, \"GetPrivateProfileStringA\", \n #DLLPROC_TYPE_INT32, {#DLLPROC_TYPE_STR, #DLLPROC_TYPE_STR, #DLLPROC_TYPE_STR, #DLLPROC_TYPE_STR, #DLLPROC_TYPE_INT32, #DLLPROC_TYPE_STR})\n'' returnMsg SECTION [..] Key \"\" EmptyInValueStr Count(EmptyInValueStr) ini-FileName\n\niniReadVal = ReadIni.Call({iniSection, iniKey, \"\", keyValue, keyValue.Count, iniFName.AsString}) \n\nif (iniReadVal <= 0) then\n msgBox.Error(\"Section = \" + iniSection + \" or Key = \" + iniKey + \" not found in .INI file\" + nl+ iniFile, \"\")\n exit \nend\n\nkeyValue = keyValue.Substitute(\"*null*\",\"\")\nreturn keyValue\n" ) (DocWin.212 Owner: 211 X: 80 Y: 80 W: 726 H: 453 ) (CSMgr.213 ) (DocAct.214 Doc: 211 ) (SEd.215 Name: "avmscfg.ReConfig.Themes" CreationDate: "Thursday, 17 October, 2002 21:38:00" GUIName: "Script" Win: 216 CSMgr: 217 DocExts: 218 Source: "\n' RE-CONFIGURE SELECTED THEMES\n' e.g. after changes to legend\n\n\ntheView = av.GetActiveDoc\ntheThemes = theView.GetThemes\n\nnewThemes = msgBox.MultiListAsString(theThemes, \"Select themes that you want to re-configure.\" + nl+\n \"Note: all manual changes will be lost\", \"Themes to Re-Configure\")\n\nif (newThemes = nil) then exit end\n\nfor each t in newThemes\n layConfig = av.Run(\"avmscfg.BaseConfig.ReturnThmProp\", t)\n t.SetObjectTag(layConfig)\nend\n\n" ) (DocWin.216 Owner: 215 X: 95 Y: 95 W: 365 H: 247 ) (CSMgr.217 ) (DocAct.218 Doc: 215 ) (SEd.219 Name: "avmscfg.SaveEnableBut" CreationDate: "Thursday, 17 October, 2002 21:38:00" GUIName: "Script" Win: 220 CSMgr: 221 DocExts: 222 Source: "\n' CHANGE SCRIPT FOR TEXT BOX\n' is called when user modifies text and thus enables \"Save\" button\n\nmapDlg = av.FindDialog(\"avmscfg.mapDlg\")\nmapDlg.FindByName(\"but_save\").SetEnabled(TRUE)" ) (DocWin.220 Owner: 219 X: 5 Y: 5 ) (CSMgr.221 ) (DocAct.222 Doc: 219 ) (SEd.223 Name: "avmscfg.SaveParams" CreationDate: "Thursday, 17 October, 2002 21:38:00" GUIName: "Script" Win: 224 CSMgr: 225 DocExts: 226 Source: "\n''\n'' SAVE PARAMETERS MODIFIED BY USER BACK TO OBJECT TAGS\n''\n\ntheView = _avmscfg_theView\nmapDlg = av.FindDialog(\"avmscfg.mapDlg\")\nparamTxtBox = mapDlg.FindByName(\"tbx_params\")\n\nif (paramTxtBox.IsEmpty.Not) then\n\n paramList = _avmscfg_LoadedTag\n pObj = paramList.Get(0)\n objIdx = paramList.Get(1) \n ''msgBox.Info(objIdx.AsString,\"\")\n\n '# CHANGE PARAMETERS FOR MAP, WEB, REF, SBAR\n if (pObj = \"view\") then\n\n viewOTag = theView.GetObjectTag\n elemParams = viewOTag.Get(objIdx) \n\n elemParams.Set(1, paramTxtBox.GetText)\n viewOTag.Set(objIdx, elemParams) \n\n '# CHANGE PARAMETERS FOR LAYERS\n else\n theLayers = theView.GetThemes\n curLayer = theLayers.Get(objIdx)\n layOTag = curLayer.GetObjectTag\n layOTag.Set(2, paramTxtBox.GetText)\n\n end\n\n\n self.SetEnabled(FALSE)\n\n\nend " ) (DocWin.224 Owner: 223 X: 20 Y: 20 ) (CSMgr.225 ) (DocAct.226 Doc: 223 ) (SEd.227 Name: "avmscfg.TileIndexShape" CreationDate: "Thursday, 17 October, 2002 21:38:00" GUIName: "Script" Win: 228 CSMgr: 229 DocExts: 230 Source: "\n' =======================================================================================\n' CREATE TILE POLYGONS FROM IMAGE EXTENTS FOR USE IN MAPSERVER\n'\n' creates tileindex shapes for images\n' NOTES: for processing JPEGs, the appropriate extension has to be loaded before\n' for UNIX servers the images have to be accessable by the Win host via SAMBA \n'\n' =======================================================================================\n\n'----------------------\n' GET IMAGES FROM DISK\n'------ ----------------\nimgList = {}\nwhile (TRUE)\n srcList = SourceDialog.Showclass(\"Select Images\",ImgSrc)\n if (srcList.Count < 1) then\n exit\n end\n\n for each i in srcList\n imgPath = i.GetFileName.AsString.Substitute(\"\\\",\"/\")\n imgList.Add(imgPath)\n end\n\n again = MsgBox.YesNo( \"Do you want to add other images?\", \"Add Other Images\", FALSE ) \n if (not again) then \n break \n end\nend\n\n'msgBox.multiListAsString(imgList,\"\",\"\")\n\n\n\n'-----------------------------------\n' OUT SHAPE FILE AS TILEINDEX S HAPE\n'-----------------------------------\nfileDef = av.GetProject.MakeFileName(\"tileind\", \"shp\")\nmyFileName = FileDialog.Put(fileDef,\"*.shp\",\"Save the new theme\")\nif (myFileName = nil) then\n exit\nend \nnewFTab = FTab.MakeNew(myFileName,Polygon)\n\nGrdID = Field.Make(\"ID_NR\", #FIELD_LONG, 10, 0)\ntheLoc = Field.Make(\"Location\", #FIELD_CHAR, 130, 0)\n\nfldList = {}\nfldList.Add(GrdID)\nfldList.Add(theLoc)\n\nnewFTab.SetEditable(TRUE)\nnewFTab.AddFields(fldList)\n\n\n\n'------------------------\n' WRITE TILE POLYGONS\n'----- -------------------\n\n''''''''''''''''''''''''unix'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''\n'' FOR UNIX SERVERS \nlabels = {\"WIN PATH\", \"UNIX PATH\"}\ndefVals = {imgList.Get(0).Left(3), \"/var/www/mapserver/\"} '' <=== CHANGE DEFAULT UNIX PATH HERE\naskStr = \"Change paths WIN -> UNIX. CANCEL for WIN environment.\"\nsubstLst = msgBox.MultiInput(askStr, \"??? win2unix ???\", labels, defVals)\nif (substLst.Count > 1) then \n isUnix = TRUE \n winPath = substLst.Get(0)\n unixPath = substLst.Get(1)\nelse\n isUnix = F ALSE\nend \n''''''''''''''''''''''''unix'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''\n\nid = 1\nfor each img in imgList\n myTheme = Theme.Make(SrcName.Make(img))\n if (myTheme = nil) then\n continue\n end \n\n minX = myTheme.ReturnExtent.GetLeft.SetFormat(\"d.dddd\") ''.AsString\n minY = myTheme.ReturnExtent.GetBottom.SetFormat(\"d.dddd\") ''.AsString\n maxX = myTheme.ReturnExtent.GetRight.SetFormat(\"d.dddd\") ''.AsString\n maxY = myTheme.ReturnExtent.GetTop.SetFormat(\"d.dddd\") ''.AsString \n\n ' POINTS\n ' 2--3 <== order of points\n ' | |\n ' 1--4\n\n p1 = Point.Make(minX,minY)\n p2 = Point.Make(minX,maxY)\n p3 = Point.Make(maxX,maxY)\n p4 = Point.Make(maxX,minY)\n\n ' POLYGON AND ATTRIBUTE VALUES\n newPoly = Polygon.Make({{p1, p2, p3, p4}})\n\n n = newFTab.AddRecord\n newFTab.SetValue(newFTab.FindField(\"Shape\"),n,newPoly)\n\n newFTab.SetValue(GrdID,n,id)\n id = id + 1\n\n if (isUnix = TRUE) then\n img = img.Substitute(winPath, unixPath)\n end \n\n newFTab.SetValue(theLoc,n,img)\n\nend\n\nnewFTab.SetEditable(FALSE)\nnewFTab.Flush\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ) (DocWin.228 Owner: 227 X: 35 Y: 35 ) (CSMgr.229 ) (DocAct.230 Doc: 227 ) (SEd.231 Name: "avmscfg.WriteIni" CreationDate: "Sunday, December 07, 2003 12:02:42" GUIName: "Script" Win: 232 CSMgr: 233 DocExts: 234 Source: "'====================================\n' WRITE NEW KEY TO INI FILE \n'====================================\n\n' takes input \n' * iniFile as path to .INI file\n' * iniSection as SECTION [...]\n' * iniKey as Key\n' * newKeyVal as the new Key\n\n' outputs\n' * TRUE if successfull\n\n' SYNTAX\n' retMsg = av.run(\"WriteIni\",{iniFile, iniSection, iniKey, newKeyVal}) ''=> BOOLEAN\n\n'=====================================\n\n'-------------------------\n' INITIALIZE KERNEL32.DLL\n'-------------------------\nker nel32 = DLL.Make(FileName.FindInSystemSearchPath(\"kernel32.dll\"))\nif (kernel32 = nil) then\n msgBox.Error(\"Cannot find file kernel32.dll\",\"\")\n exit\nend \n\n\n'--------------------------------------\n' GET INPUT PARAMETERS AND GET INI KEY\n'--------------------------------------\n\niniFile = self.Get(0)\niniSection = self.Get(1)\niniKey = self.Get(2)\nnewKeyVal = self.Get(3)\n\niniFName = Filename.Make(iniFile) '' CHECK FOR INI FILE\nif (File.Exists(iniFName)=FALSE) then\n msgBox.Error(\"INI file \" + n l+ iniFName.AsString + nl + \"not found. Terminating\",\"\")\n exit\nend \n\nWriteini = DLLProc.Make(kernel32, \"WritePrivateProfileStringA\", \n #DLLPROC_TYPE_INT32, {#DLLPROC_TYPE_STR, #DLLPROC_TYPE_STR, #DLLPROC_TYPE_STR, #DLLPROC_TYPE_STR})\n'' returnMsg SECTION [..] Key newKeyValue ini-FileName \n\niniWriteVal = WriteIni.Call({iniSection, iniKey, newKeyVal, iniFName.AsString})\n\nif (iniWriteVal <= 0) then\n return FALSE\nelse\n return TRUE \nend\n\n" FontSize: 1 ) (DocWin.232 Owner: 231 X: 200 Y: 79 W: 660 H: 521 ) (CSMgr.233 ) (DocAct.234 Doc: 231 ) (SEd.235 Name: "avmscfg.WriteMapFile" CreationDate: "Thursday, 17 October, 2002 21:38:00" GUIName: "Script" Win: 236 CSMgr: 237 DocExts: 238 Source: "\n'' WRITE VIEW AND THEME PARAMS TO MAP FILE\n'' avmscfg.WriteMapFile\n\n\nmapFileType = self.GetTag\n\n\n\ntheView = _avmscfg_theView\nviewOTag = theView.GetObjectTag\n\n'------------------------\n' MAP FILE HEADER PARAMS\n'------------------------\nmapStr = viewOTag.Get(1).Get(1)\nwebStr = viewOTag.Get(2).Get(1)\nrefStr = viewOTag.Get(3).Get(1)\nsbarStr = viewOTag.Get(4).Get(1)\nlegStr = \"LEGEND\" + nl + \"END\" + nl\n\n'--------\n' LAYERS\n'--------\nmapDlg = av.FindDialog(\"avmscfg.mapDlg\")\nlayerLBox = mapDlg.FindByName(\"lbx_l ayers\")\n\nmapLayers = layerLBox.GetSelection\nif (mapLayers.Count = 0) then\n mapLayers = layerLBox.GetList\nend\n\nnumLayers = mapLayers.Count\nallLayStr = \"#================== START OF LAYER SECTION =====================#\" +nl\n\nfor each layId in (numLayers -1)..0 by -1\n mapLay = mapLayers.Get(layId)\n layStr = mapLay.GetObjectTag.Get(2)\n allLayStr = allLayStr + layStr + nl \nend \n\nmapFileStr = mapStr + nl + webStr + nl + refStr + nl + legStr + nl +sbarStr + nl+nl +allLayStr + nl + \"END #Map\"\n'msgBox.Report(m apFileStr,\"\")\n\n\n'------------\n' WRITE FILE\n'------------\n' WRITE MAP FILE FOR USE IN APPLICATION\nif (mapFileType = \"write\") then\n\n mapFilename = FileDialog.Put(\"pmapper.map\".AsFilename, \"*.map\", \"Save File As...\")\n if (mapFilename = nil) then \n return nil \n end\n\n txtF = TextFile.Make(mapFilename, #FILE_PERM_WRITE )\n txtF.Write (mapFileStr, mapFileStr.Count)\n txtF.Close\n\n\n' WRITE TEST MAP FILE AND LOAD INTO BROWSER\nelse\n\n webServer = av.Run(\"avmscfg.ReadIni\", {\"SERVER\",\"webserver\"})\n testpage = a v.Run(\"avmscfg.ReadIni\", {\"SERVER\",\"testpage\"})\n mapdir = av.Run(\"avmscfg.ReadIni\", {\"SERVER\",\"mapdir\"})\n\n mapFilePath = mapdir + \"/pmappertest.map\"\n mapFilename = mapFilePath.AsFilename\n txtF = TextFile.Make(mapFilename, #FILE_PERM_WRITE )\n txtF.Write (mapFileStr, mapFileStr.Count)\n txtF.Close\n\n baseURL = webServer + \"/\" + testpage + \"?mapfile=\" + mapFilePath\n baseURL = baseURL.Substitute(\"//\", \"/\")\n mapURL = \"http://\" + baseURL \n\n av.Run(\"avmscfg.Map2Browser\", mapURL)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nend\n\n\n" ) (DocWin.236 Owner: 235 X: 191 Y: 175 W: 874 H: 650 ) (CSMgr.237 ) (DocAct.238 Doc: 235 ) (SEd.239 Name: "avmscfg_Extension_Install" CreationDate: "Wednesday, May 08, 1996 11:00:05" GUIName: "Script" Win: 240 CSMgr: 241 DocExts: 242 Source: "'DO NOT EDIT!!!\n\nif (av.getproject=nil) then return(nil) end\n\n\ntheDocs = SELF.get(0)\ntheDialogs = SELF.get(1)\ntheControlList = SELF.get(2)\ntheMenuList = SELF.get(3)\ntheToolMenuList=SELF.Get(4)\ntheProject=Av.getproject\n\n\n'Add the Docs\n'\nfor each adoc in theDocs\n theProject.addDoc(adoc)\nend\n\n'Add the Dialogs\n'\nfor each adialog in theDialogs\n theProject.addDialog(adialog)\nend\n\n'Add the Controls\n'\nfor each totalControl in theControlList\n 'The Control list\n acontrol=totalControl.get(0)\n \n 'The physical c ontrol\n theControl = totalControl.get(1)\n \n 'The control Index\n theCindex=totalControl.get(2)\n\n 'Find the DocGUI\n theControlDoc=av.getproject.findGUI(aControl.get(0))\n if (theControlDoc=NIL) then \n MsgBox.Warning(\"The GUI \"+aControl.get(0)+\" cannot be found in the current project.\",\"Script Eror\")\n return(nil)\n end\n \n 'This finds the control set \n thecommand=\"av.getproject.findGUI(\"\"\"+aControl.get(0)+\"\"\").Get\"+acontrol.get(1)\n thescript1=Script.Make(thecommand)\n thec ontrolset=thescript1.doit(\"\")\n \n 'Add the control to the control set\n theControlSet.Add(theControl,theCindex)\nend\n\n\n'Add the menus\nfor each totalcontrol in theMenuList\n \n 'The Control list\n acontrol=totalControl.get(0)\n mDoc=acontrol.get(0)\n mMenu=acontrol.get(1)\n mMenuItem=acontrol.get(2)\n\n 'The physical control\n theControl = totalControl.get(1)\n \n 'The control Index\n theCindex=totalControl.get(2)\n\n 'Find the DocGUI\n theControlDoc=av.getproject.findGUI(aControl.get(0))\n if (theControlDoc=NIL) then \n MsgBox.Warning(\"The GUI \"+aControl.get(0)+\" cannot be found in the current project.\",\"Script Eror\")\n return(nil)\n end\n \n theMbar=av.getproject.findGUI(mDoc).GetMenuBar\n themenu=theMbar.findbylabel(mMenu)\n if (themenu=NiL) then\n themenu=menu.make\n themenu.setlabel(mMenu)\n theMbar.add(themenu,999)\n end\n \n themenu.add(thecontrol, theCindex)\nend\n \n \n'Add the Tool Menus\n\nfor each totalControl in theToolMenuList\n 'The Control list\n acontrol=totalControl.get(0)\n \n 'The physical control\n theControl = totalControl.get(1)\n \n 'The control Index\n theCindex=totalControl.get(2)\n\n 'Find the DocGUI\n theControlDoc=av.getproject.findGUI(aControl.get(0))\n if (theControlDoc=NIL) then \n MsgBox.Warning(\"The GUI \"+aControl.get(0)+\" cannot be found in the current project.\",\"Script Eror\")\n return(nil)\n end\n \n 'This finds the control set \n thecommand=\"av.getproject.findGUI(\"\"\"+aControl.get(0)+\"\"\").Get\"+acontr ol.get(1)\n thescript1=Script.Make(thecommand)\n thecontrolset=av.getproject.findGUI(aControl.get(0)).GetToolBar\n \n 'Add the control to the control set\n theControlSet.Add(theControl,theCindex)\nend\n\n\nav.getproject.setmodified(true)\n\n\n'And the scripts add themselves\n" SearchStr: "exit" FontSize: 1 ) (DocWin.240 Owner: 239 X: -3 Y: 2 W: 582 H: 383 ) (CSMgr.241 ) (DocAct.242 Doc: 239 ) (SEd.243 Name: "avmscfg_Extension_MAKE" CreationDate: "Wednesday, May 08, 1996 11:00:05" GUIName: "Script" Win: 244 CSMgr: 245 DocExts: 246 Source: "' Name: Extension Builder - Source Code\n'\n' Title: Extension Builder - Source Code\n'\n' Topics: \n'\n' Description: \n'\n' Requires: \n'\n' Self: \n'\n' Returns: \n\n\n\n'------------------------------\n 'the Filename of the extension\n '\ntheExtensionFile = \"$AVEXT\\avpmapper.avx\"\n\n'------------------------------\n 'The Name of the extension to be displayed in the\n 'extension dialog\ntheExtensionName = \"AV-p.mapper\"\n\n'------------------------------\n 'The description of the extension to be displayed\n ' in the extension dialog\n \ntheDescription = \"AV-p.mapper is a utility for creating map files for p.mapper application.\"\n\n'------------------------------\n 'The version of the extension\ntheVersion = 1.0\n\n'------------------------------\n 'Install Script\n ' The Script to use to install the extension\n 'NOTE: \"My Extension Install\" is a pre-perpared script for this\nInScriptName=\"avmscfg_Extension_Install\"\n\n'------------------------------\n 'Uninstall Script\n ' The Script to use to uninstall the extension\n 'NOTE: \"My Extension Unins tall\" is a pre-perpared script for this\n\nUnScriptName=\"avmscfg_Extension_Uninstall\"\n\n'------------------------------\n 'Any document Names to include\n ' This is a list of any documents to include\n ' e.g. theDocs={\"View1\",\"Layout1\"}\ntheDocs={}\n\n'------------------------------\n 'Controls (Buttons and normal Tools) to include\n 'Controls {GUI name,ControlType,ScriptName}\n 'e.g. TheControlList={{\"View\",\"ButtonBar\",\"View.ZoomIn\"}, {\"View\",\"ToolBar\",\"View.Identify\"}}\nTheControllist={{\"View\",\"ButtonBar\",\"avmscfg.mDl g.Open\"},\n {\"Table\",\"ButtonBar\",\"avmscfg.ImgCat2TileShape\"} \n }\n\n\n'------------------------------\n 'Tool menus to include\n ' This is a list of which tool menus to include. Tool menus are specified\n ' by giving a GUI name and a script name of one of the tools in the tool menu\n ' Using this to locate the tool menu ALL other tools inb that menu and \n ' their scripts will be extracted\n ' theToolMenu={{\"View\",\"View.PointTool\"}}\nTheToolMenuList={}\n\n\n'------------------------------\n ' The Menus to include (a list of menu items listing the doc, the top menu, and the script for the menu item)\n 'The MenuList {Doc name, Main Menu name , menu item Scriptname}\n ' e.g. The MenuList={{\"View\", \"File\", \"View.Export\"}}\nTheMenuList={{\"View\", \"p.mapper\", \"avmscfg.mDlg.Open\"},\n {\"View\", \"p.mapper\", \"avmscfg.BaseConfig\"},\n {\"View\", \"p.mapper\", \"avmscfg.ReConfig.Themes\"},\n {\"View\", \"p.mapper\", \"avmscfg.EditIni\"}, \n {\"View\", \"p.mapper\", \"avmscfg.TileIndexSh ape\"}\n }\n\n'------------------------------\n 'The scripts to include, not in controls or menus\n 'e.g. theScripts={\"My.Script\",\"View.export\"}\n theScripts={ \"avmscfg.BaseConfig.ReturnThmProp\",\n \"avmscfg.CheckThemeOTag\",\n \"avmscfg.CheckViewOTag\",\n \"avmscfg.ReadIni\",\n \"avmscfg.WriteIni\",\n \"avmscfg.Map2Browser\",\n \"avmscfg.mDlg.ClearBut\",\n \"avmscfg.mDlg.ShowParams\",\n \"avmscfg.mDlg.ShowThmParams\",\n \"avmscfg.SaveEnableBut\",\n \"avmscfg.SaveParams\",\n \"avmscfg.WriteMapFile\" \n }\n\n\n'------------------------------\n 'The dialogs to include\n 'e.g. theDialogs={\"Dialog Name\"}\ntheDialogs={\"avmscfg.mapDlg\"}\n\n\n'------------------------------\n 'The Dependencies\ntheDependencies={}\n\n'------------------------------\n' ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n' Do NOT alter the script after these lines, the remainer of this script\n' uses the lists you provided above to build the exte nsion object.\n'_______________________________________________________________\n'_______________________________________________________________\n'_______________________________________________________________\n'_______________________________________________________________\n'_______________________________________________________________\n'_______________________________________________________________\n'_______________________________________________________________\n'__________________________________________ _____________________\n'_______________________________________________________________\n\n'Create a total list of the needed scripts\nTheNeeded={}\n\nfor each ControlScript in thecontrolList\n TheNeeded.add(ConTrolScript.get(2))\nend\n\nFor each MenuScript in theMenuList\n theNeeded.add(MenuScript.get(2))\nend\n \ntotalscripts=thescripts.merge(theNeeded)\nTotalScripts.removeduplicates\n \ntheInstall=av.GetProject.FindScript(InscriptName)\nif (theInstall=NIL) then \n Msgbox.Error(\"The install Script \"+InScriptName+\" was not found\",\"Script not found\")\n return(nil)\nend\n\ntheUninstall=av.GetProject.FindScript(unscriptName)\nif (theUninstall=NIL) then \n Msgbox.Error(\"The install Script \"+UnScriptName+\" was not found\",\"Script not found\")\n return(nil)\nend\n\n\n'Create the extension\n' Extension.Make(ExtensionFile, theExtensionName, InstallScript, UninstallScript, Dependancies_\n\nmyExt = Extension.Make(theExtensionFile.asFilename, \n theExtensionName,\n theInstall,\n theUninstall, \n theDependencies)\n\n\n\nTheDocList={}\nTheDialogList={}\nTheTotalControls={}\nThetotalMenus={}\ntheTotalToolMenus={}\n\n' Process the Document List\n'__________________________________________\nfor each aDoc in TheDocs\n if ((av.getproject.findDoc(aDoc)=\"Null\").NOT) then\n TheDocList.Add(av.GetProject.FindDoc(aDoc))\n else\n MsgBox.Warning(\"The Doc \"+adoc.asstring+\" cannot be found in the current project.\",\"Script Error\")\n return(nil)\n end\nend\n\n'Add the List of Documents\nMyExt.add(TheDocList)\n\n\n' Pr ocess the Dialog List\n'__________________________________________\nfor each aDialog in TheDialogs\n if ((av.getproject.findDialog(aDialog)=\"Null\").NOT) then\n TheDialogList.Add(av.GetProject.FindDialog(aDialog))\n else\n MsgBox.Warning(\"The Dialog \"+aDialog.asstring+\" cannot be found in the current project.\",\"Script Error\")\n return(nil)\n end\nend\n\n'Add the List of Documents\nMyExt.add(TheDialogList)\n\n\n\n' Process the control List\n'__________________________________________\n\n'Controls {GUI,ControlTy pe,Scriptname}\n'__________________________________________\n'__________________________________________\n'__________________________________________\n\nfor each aControl in TheControlList\n theControlDoc=av.getproject.findGUI(aControl.get(0))\n if (theControlDoc=NIL) then \n MsgBox.Warning(\"The GUI \"+aControl.get(0)+\" cannot be found in the current project.\",\"Script Error\")\n return(nil)\n end\n thecommand=\"av.getproject.findGUI(\"\"\"+aControl.get(0)+\"\"\").Get\"+acontrol.get(1)\n 'msgbox.info(thecomma nd,\"\")\n thescript1=Script.Make(thecommand)\n thecontrolset=thescript1.doit(\"\")\n theFoundControl=TheControlSet.FindbyScript(aControl.get(2))\n if (theFoundControl=NIL) then \n MsgBox.Warning(\"No Control found with the script \"+aControl.get(2)+\" in \"+acontrol.get(1),\"Warning\")\n return(nil)\n end\n if (theFoundControl.is(ToolMenu)) then \n MsgBox.Warning(\"The script \"+aControl.get(2)+\" in \"+acontrol.get(1)+\" is for a tool menu.\",\"Not Supported\")\n return(nil)\n end\n \n TheT otalControls.Add({aControl,thefoundControl,theControlSet.getcontrols.find(thefoundcontrol)})\nend \n'Add to Ext\nMyExt.add(TheTotalControls)\n\n'__________________________________________\n\n'The MenuList {Doc, Menu, MenuScript}\n'__________________________________________\n'__________________________________________\n'__________________________________________\n\nFor each aMenu in themenulist\n mDoc=aMenu.get(0)\n mMenu=aMenu.get(1)\n mScript=aMenu.get(2)\n \n themDoc=av.getproject.findGUI(mDoc)\n if (themDoc=NIL) th en \n MsgBox.Warning(\"The GUI \"+mDoc+\" cannot be found in the current project.\",\"Script Error\")\n return(nil)\n end\n theMbar=av.getproject.findGUI(mDoc).GetMenuBar\n themenu=theMbar.findbylabel(mMenu)\n if (themenu=NiL) then\n MsgBox.Warning(\"The menu named \"+mMenu+\" is not here.\",\"Script Error\")\n return(nil)\n end\n \n themenucontrol=themenu.findbyScript(mScript)\n\n if (themenucontrol=NiL) then\n MsgBox.Warning(\"The script \"+mScript+\" not found.\",\"Warning\")\n return(nil)\n e nd\n themenuitemidx=themenu.getcontrols.find(themenucontrol)\n thetotalmenus.add({amenu,theMenuControl,theMenuItemIdx})\n\nend\n\nmyext.add(thetotalmenus)\n \n'__________________________________________\n\n'Process the Tool Menu List\n'__________________________________________\n'__________________________________________\n'__________________________________________\n \nfor each aControl in TheToolMenuList\n theControlDoc=av.getproject.findGUI(aControl.get(0))\n if (theControlDoc=NIL) then \n MsgBox.Warning(\"Th e GUI \"+aControl.get(0)+\" cannot be found in the current project.\",\"Script Error\")\n return(nil)\n end\n thecontrolset=theControlDoc.getToolbar\n theFoundControl=TheControlSet.FindbyScript(aControl.get(1))\n if (theFoundControl=NIL) then \n MsgBox.Warning(\"No Control found with the script \"+aControl.get(1)+\" in \"+acontrol.get(1),\"Warning\")\n return(nil)\n end\n if (theFoundControl.is(ToolMenu).not) then \n MsgBox.Warning(\"The script \"+aControl.get(1)+\" is NOT for a tool menu.\",\"Use r Error\")\n return(nil)\n end \n \n TheTotalToolMenus.Add({aControl,thefoundControl,theControlSet.getcontrols.find(thefoundcontrol)})\nend \n\nmyext.add(thetotalToolmenus)\n \n\n'__________________________________________\n\n' Process the Script list\n'__________________________________________\n'__________________________________________\n'__________________________________________\n\nfor each ascript in TotalScripts\n if ((av.getproject.findscript(ascript)=\"Null\").NOT) then\n myExt.Add(av.GetProject. FindScript(ascript))\n else\n MsgBox.Warning(\"The script \"+ascript+\" cannot be found in the current project.\",\"Script Eror\")\n return(nil)\n end\nend\n \nmyExt.SetAbout(theDescription)\nmyExt.SetExtVersion(theVersion)\nmyExt.Commit" SearchStr: "exit" FontSize: 1 ) (DocWin.244 Owner: 243 X: 284 Y: 8 W: 591 H: 567 ) (CSMgr.245 ) (DocAct.246 Doc: 243 ) (SEd.247 Name: "avmscfg_Extension_Uninstall" CreationDate: "Wednesday, May 08, 1996 11:00:05" GUIName: "Script" Win: 248 CSMgr: 249 DocExts: 250 Source: "'DO NOT EDIT!!!\n\n'The SELF is the Extension\n\ntheDocs = SELF.get(0)\ntheDialogs = SELF.get(1)\ntheControlList = SELF.get(2)\ntheMenuList = SELF.get(3)\ntheToolMenuList=SELF.get(4)\ntheProject=Av.getproject\n\n\n'Remove the Docs\n'\nfor each adoc in theDocs\n If (theProject.finddoc(adoc.getname)<>NIL) then \n theAnswer=msgbox.yesno(\"Remove the Document \"+adoc.getname+\"?\",\"Remove Document?\",TRUE)\n if (theAnswer=TRUE) then theProject.RemoveDoc(adoc) end\n end\nend\n\n'Remove the Dialogs\n'\nfor each adialog in theDialogs\n the Project.RemoveDialog(adialog.AsString)\nend\n\n'Removethe Controls\n'\nfor each totalControl in theControlList\n 'Get the control list from the Ext\n acontrol=totalControl.get(0)\n \n 'Get the physical Control\n theControl = totalControl.get(1)\n \n 'Get the Controls Index\n theCindex=totalControl.get(2)\n\n 'Find the DocGUI for the Control\n theControlDoc=av.getproject.findGUI(aControl.get(0))\n if (theControlDoc=NIL) then \n MsgBox.Warning(\"The GUI \"+aControl.get(0)+\" cannot be found in the current project.\",\"Script Eror\")\n return(nil)\n end\n \n 'This sequence finds the appropiate control set\n thecommand=\"av.getproject.findGUI(\"\"\"+aControl.get(0)+\"\"\").Get\"+acontrol.get(1)\n thescript1=Script.Make(thecommand)\n thecontrolset=thescript1.doit(\"\")\n\n 'See if the control is in the set , if so remove it\n if (theControlSet.GetControls.find(theControl)<>NIL) then\n theControlSet.remove(theControl)\n if (thecontrol = \"ToolBar\") then\n theControlSet.selectdefault\n end\n end\nend\n\n\n'Remove the Menus\n'\nfor each totalcontrol in theMenuList\n \n 'The Control list\n acontrol=totalControl.get(0)\n mDoc=acontrol.get(0)\n mMenu=acontrol.get(1)\n mMenuItem=acontrol.get(2)\n\n 'The physical control\n theControl = totalControl.get(1)\n \n 'The control Index\n theCindex=totalControl.get(2)\n\n 'Find the DocGUI\n theControlDoc=av.getproject.findGUI(aControl.get(0))\n if (theControlDoc=NIL) then \n MsgBox.Warning(\"The GUI \"+aControl.get(0)+\" cannot b e found in the current project.\",\"Script Eror\")\n return(nil)\n end\n \n theMbar=av.getproject.findGUI(mDoc).GetMenuBar\n themenu=theMbar.findbylabel(mMenu)\n if (themenu=NiL) then\n MsgBox.Warning(\"The menu named \"+mMenu+\" is not here.\",\"Script Eror\")\n 'return(nil)\n else\n \n thething=themenu.getcontrols.find(thecontrol)\n if (thething<>NIL) then \n themenu.remove(thecontrol) \n end\n 'msgbox.info(themenu.GetControls.count.asstring,\"\")\n if (themenu.GetControls.count<1) th en\n theMbar.remove(themenu)\n end\n end\nend\n \nfor each totalControl in theToolMenuList\n 'Get the control list from the Ext\n acontrol=totalControl.get(0)\n \n 'Get the physical Control\n theControl = totalControl.get(1)\n \n 'Get the Controls Index\n theCindex=totalControl.get(2)\n\n 'Find the DocGUI for the Control\n theControlDoc=av.getproject.findGUI(aControl.get(0))\n if (theControlDoc=NIL) then \n MsgBox.Warning(\"The GUI \"+aControl.get(0)+\" cannot be found in the current pr oject.\",\"Script Eror\")\n return(nil)\n end\n \n 'This sequence finds the appropiate control set\n thecontrolset=av.getproject.findGUI(aControl.get(0)).GetToolBar\n\n \n 'See if the control is in the set , if so remove it\n if (theControlSet.GetControls.find(theControl)<>NIL) then\n \n theControlSet.remove(theControl)\n theControlSet.selectdefault\n end\n\nend\n \n\n'And the scripts delete themselves\n\n\nav.getproject.setmodified(true)\n" SearchStr: "exit" FontSize: 1 ) (DocWin.248 Owner: 247 Y: 8 W: 574 H: 551 ) (CSMgr.249 ) (DocAct.250 Doc: 247 ) (SEd.251 Name: "ImgCat2MSTileIndex" CreationDate: "Thursday, 17 October, 2002 21:38:00" GUIName: "Script" Win: 252 CSMgr: 253 DocExts: 254 Source: "\n' TILEINDEX FOR MAPSERVER FROM ESRI IMAGECATALOG\n' Author: Armin Burger\n' Calculates the tileindex shape file from an ESRI \n' image catalog for use in the MapServer map file.\n' Usage: Load dbf/Info table as table in ArcView. \n' Run the script for this table.\n\n\n'-----------------------------------------\n' INTABLE - INPUT TABLE FOR IMAGE CATALOG\n'-----------------------------------------\ntheInTable = av.GetActiveDoc\ntheInVTab = theInTable.GetVTab\ntheInFields = theInVTab.GetFields\n\ntheLocFld = theInVTab.Find Field(\"IMAGE\")\nminXFld = theInVTab.FindField(\"XMIN\")\nminYFld = theInVTab.FindField(\"YMIN\")\nmaxXFld = theInVTab.FindField(\"XMAX\")\nmaxYFld = theInVTab.FindField(\"YMAX\")\n\n'-----------------------------------\n' OUT SHAPE FILE AS TILEINDEX SHAPE\n'-----------------------------------\nfileDef = av.GetProject.MakeFileName(\"tileind\", \"shp\")\nmyFileName = FileDialog.Put(fileDef,\"*.shp\",\"Save the new theme\")\nnewFTab = FTab.MakeNew(myFileName,Polygon)\n\nGrdID = Field.Make(\"ID\", #FIELD_LONG, 10, 0)\ntheLoc = Field.Make(\"Loc ation\", #FIELD_CHAR, 100, 0)\n\nfldList = {}\nfldList.Add(GrdID)\nfldList.Add(theLoc)\n\nnewFTab.AddFields(fldList)\n\n\n'------------------------------\n' CALCULATE COORDINATES\n'------------------------------\nid = 1\nfor each rec in theInVTab \n\n ' POINTS\n ' 2--3 <== order of points\n ' | |\n ' 1--4\n\n minX = theInVTab.ReturnValueNumber(minXFld, rec)\n minY = theInVTab.ReturnValueNumber(minYFld, rec)\n maxX = theInVTab.ReturnValueNumber(maxXFld, rec)\n maxY = theInVTab.ReturnValueNumber(ma xYFld, rec)\n\n p1 = Point.Make(minX,minY)\n p2 = Point.Make(minX,maxY)\n p3 = Point.Make(maxX,maxY)\n p4 = Point.Make(maxX,minY)\n\n ' POLYGON AND ATTRIBUTE VALUES\n newPoly = Polygon.Make({{p1, p2, p3, p4}})\n\n n = newFTab.AddRecord\n newFTab.SetValue(newFTab.FindField(\"Shape\"),n,newPoly)\n\n newFTab.SetValue(GrdID,n,id)\n id = id + 1\n\n newFTab.SetValue(theLoc,n,theInVTab.ReturnValue(theLocFld, rec))\n\nend\n\n\n" ) (DocWin.252 Owner: 251 X: 65 Y: 65 ) (CSMgr.253 ) (DocAct.254 Doc: 251 ) (SEd.255 Name: "LICENSE" CreationDate: "Monday, 23 June, 2003 21:02:38" GUIName: "Script" Win: 256 CSMgr: 257 DocExts: 258 Source: "'Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Armin Burger\n'\n'Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining \n'a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), \n'to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation \n'the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, \n'and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software \n'is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n'\n'The above copyright notic e and this permission notice must be included \n'in all copies or substantial portions of the Software and in supporting \n'documentation.\n'\n'THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR \n'IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS \n'FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR \n'COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER \n'IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN \n'CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE." FontSize: 1 ) (DocWin.256 Owner: 255 X: 5 Y: 5 W: 842 H: 595 ) (CSMgr.257 ) (DocAct.258 Doc: 255 ) (SEd.259 Name: "x_gezAllScripts" CreationDate: "Thursday, 17 October, 2002 21:37:48" GUIName: "Script" Win: 260 CSMgr: 261 DocExts: 262 Source: "fullList = av.GetProject.GetDocs\nScrList0 = {}\nfor each d in fullList\n if (d.Is(SED)) then\n ScrList0.Add(d)\n end\nend \n'msgBox.ListAsString(ScrList,\"\",\"\")\n\nScrList = msgBox.MultiListAsString(ScrList0, \"\",\"\")\n\nScrString = \"\"\nfor each i in ScrList\n ScrString = ScrString+\"\"\"\"+i.AsString+\"\"\"\"+\",\"+nl\nend\n\nClipboard.The.Empty\nClipboard.The.Add(ScrString)\nClipboard.The.Update\n\nmsgBox.Report(ScrString,\"\") \n" FontSize: 1 ) (DocWin.260 Owner: 259 X: 20 Y: 20 W: 365 H: 247 ) (CSMgr.261 ) (DocAct.262 Doc: 259 ) (SEd.263 Name: "x_scriptscompileall" CreationDate: "Thursday, 17 October, 2002 21:38:08" GUIName: "Script" Win: 264 CSMgr: 265 DocExts: 266 Source: "fullList = av.GetProject.GetDocs\nScrList0 = {}\nfor each d in fullList\n if (d.Is(SED)) then\n ScrList0.Add(d)\n end\nend \n\nfor each s in ScrList0\n if (s.IsCompiled.Not) then\n s.Compile\n end\nend " FontSize: 1 ) (DocWin.264 Owner: 263 X: 80 Y: 80 W: 365 H: 247 ) (CSMgr.265 ) (DocAct.266 Doc: 263 ) (LButn.267 HelpTopic: "New_button" Update: "Doc.NewUpdate" Label: "&New" Click: "Script.New" ) (LButn.268 HelpTopic: "Open_button" Update: "Doc.OpenUpdate" Label: "&Open" Click: "Doc.Open" ) (LButn.269 HelpTopic: "Run_button" Update: "Script.ActionUpdate" Label: "&Run" Click: "Script.Action" ) (FN.270 Path: "$AVEXT/dialog.avx" ) (NameDict.271 ) (NameDict.272 Obj: 273 Obj: 274 Obj: 277 ) (AVDict.273 InternalName: "Table of Contents Defaults Dialog" ) (AVDict.274 InternalName: "Dialog Designer" Key: 275 Value: 276 ) (AVStr.275 S: "IsVisible" ) (Bool.276 Truth: 1 ) (AVDict.277 InternalName: "_Thor_" Key: 278 Value: 279 ) (AVStr.278 S: "DLOGS" ) (NameDict.279 ) (DocGUI.280 Name: "View" Type: "View" Modified: 1 Visible: 1 MenuBar: 281 ButnBar: 406 Popups: 449 ToolBar: 471 NewScript: "View.New" OpenScript: "Doc.Open" ActionScript: "Doc.Action" NewUpdateScript: "Doc.NewUpdate" OpenUpdateScript: "Doc.OpenUpdate" ActionUpdateScript: "Doc.ActionUpdate" Title: "Views" Icon: 548 ) (MenuBar.281 Child: 282 Child: 299 Child: 319 Child: 342 Child: 365 Child: 383 Child: 395 Child: 400 ) (PMenu.282 InternalName: "File" Child: 283 Child: 284 Child: 285 Child: 286 Child: 287 Child: 288 Child: 289 Child: 290 Child: 291 Child: 292 Child: 293 Child: 294 Child: 295 Child: 296 Child: 297 Child: 298 Label: "&File" ) (Choice.283 Help: "Closes the active component" HelpTopic: "Close" Label: "&Close" Click: "Project.CloseDoc" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.284 Help: "Closes all components" HelpTopic: "Close_All" Label: "Close &All" Click: "Project.CloseAll" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.285 ) (Choice.286 Help: "Allows you to specify the current working directory" HelpTopic: "Set_Working_Directory" Label: "Set &Working Directory..." Click: "Project.SetProjectWorkDir" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.287 Help: "Saves the current project" HelpTopic: "Save_Project" Label: "&Save Project" Click: "Project.Save" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+S" ) (Choice.288 Help: "Saves the current project with a new name" HelpTopic: "Save_Project_As" Label: "Save Project As..." Click: "Project.SaveAs" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.289 ) (Choice.290 Help: "Displays the Extensions dialog" HelpTopic: "Extensions" Label: "Extensions..." Click: "Appl.GetExtensionWin" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.291 ) (Choice.292 Help: "Prints the view" HelpTopic: "Print" Label: "&Print..." Click: "View.Print" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.293 Help: "Edits the printer and the printing options" HelpTopic: "Print_Setup" Label: "P&rint Setup..." Click: "Project.PrintSetup" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.294 Disabled: 1 Help: "Exports the view" HelpTopic: "Export" Update: "View.HasThemesUpdate" Label: "&Export..." Click: "View.ExportDisp" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.295 ) (Choice.296 Help: "Displays the dialog box to delete, edit, and copy data sources" HelpTopic: "Manage_Sources" Label: "&Manage Data Sources..." Click: "View.ManageSources" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.297 ) (Choice.298 Help: "Exits ArcView" HelpTopic: "Exit" Label: "E&xit" Click: "Project.Exit" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.299 InternalName: "Edit" Child: 300 Child: 301 Child: 302 Child: 303 Child: 304 Child: 305 Child: 306 Child: 307 Child: 308 Child: 309 Child: 310 Child: 311 Child: 312 Child: 313 Child: 314 Child: 315 Child: 316 Child: 317 Child: 318 Label: "&Edit" ) (Choice.300 Disabled: 1 Help: "Cuts the active themes to the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Cut_Themes" Update: "View.ActiveDeletableThemesUpdate" Label: "Cut T&hemes" Click: "View.CutThemes" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.301 Disabled: 1 Help: "Copies the active themes to the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Copy_Themes" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Label: "Cop&y Themes" Click: "View.CopyThemes" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.302 Disabled: 1 Help: "Removes the active themes from the view" HelpTopic: "Delete_Themes" Update: "View.ActiveDeletableThemesUpdate" Label: "De&lete Themes" Click: "View.DeleteThemes" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.303 ) (Choice.304 Disabled: 1 Help: "Undo the last edit to graphics on a view" HelpTopic: "Undo_Graphic_Edit_on_a_view" Update: "View.UndoEditUpdate" Label: "&Undo Graphic Edit" Click: "View.UndoEdit" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+Z" ) (Choice.305 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Redo the last edit operation on a theme that was undone" HelpTopic: "Redo_Feature_Edit_on_a_view" Update: "View.RedoEditUpdate" Label: "&Redo Feature Edit" Click: "View.RedoEdit" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+Y" ) (Space.306 ) (Choice.307 Disabled: 1 Help: "Cuts the selected graphics to the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Cut_Graphics" Update: "View.CutUpdate" Label: "Cu&t Graphics" Click: "View.CutGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+X" ) (Choice.308 Disabled: 1 Help: "Copies the selected graphics to the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Copy_Graphics" Update: "View.CopyUpdate" Label: "&Copy Graphics" Click: "View.CopyGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+C" ) (Choice.309 Disabled: 1 Help: "Removes the selected graphics from the view" HelpTopic: "Delete_Graphics" Update: "View.DeleteUpdate" Label: "&Delete Graphics" Click: "View.DeleteGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.Del" ) (Space.310 ) (Choice.311 Disabled: 1 Help: "Combines the selected polygons" HelpTopic: "Combine_Graphics" Update: "View.CombineUpdate" Label: "Com&bine Graphics" Click: "View.CombineGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.312 Disabled: 1 Help: "Unions the selected graphics to create a new graphic" HelpTopic: "Union_Graphics" Update: "View.UnionUpdate" Label: "U&nion Graphics" Click: "View.UnionGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.313 Disabled: 1 Help: "Subtracts one selected polygon from the other selected polygon" HelpTopic: "Subtract_Graphics" Update: "View.SubtractUpdate" Label: "&Subtract Graphics" Click: "View.SubtractGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.314 Disabled: 1 Help: "Creates a new polygon from the area of overlap between the selected polygons" HelpTopic: "Intersect_Graphics" Update: "View.IntersectUpdate" Label: "&Intersect Graphics" Click: "View.IntersectGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.315 ) (Choice.316 Disabled: 1 Help: "Inserts the contents of the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Paste" Update: "View.PasteUpdate" Label: "&Paste" Click: "View.Paste" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+V" ) (Space.317 ) (Choice.318 Disabled: 1 Help: "Selects all graphics in the view" HelpTopic: "Select_All_Graphics" Update: "View.HasGraphicsUpdate" Label: "Select &All Graphics" Click: "Graphic.SelectAll" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.319 InternalName: "View" Child: 320 Child: 321 Child: 322 Child: 323 Child: 324 Child: 325 Child: 326 Child: 327 Child: 328 Child: 329 Child: 330 Child: 331 Child: 332 Child: 333 Child: 334 Child: 335 Child: 336 Child: 337 Child: 338 Child: 339 Child: 340 Child: 341 Label: "&View" ) (Choice.320 Help: "Displays the dialog box to edit properties of the view" HelpTopic: "View_Properties" Label: "&Properties..." Click: "View.Properties" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.321 ) (Choice.322 Help: "Inserts themes into the view" HelpTopic: "Add_Theme" Label: "&Add Theme..." Click: "View.Add" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+T" ) (Choice.323 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays a dialog box to create a geocoded theme" HelpTopic: "Geocode_Addresses" Update: "View.GeocodeUpdate" Label: "&Geocode Addresses..." Click: "View.Geocode" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.324 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays a dialog box to create an XY or dynamic segmentation event-based theme " HelpTopic: "Add_Event_Theme" Update: "View.AddEventUpdate" Label: "Add &Event Theme..." Click: "View.AddEvent" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.325 Help: "Creates a new theme" HelpTopic: "New_Theme" Label: "&New Theme..." Click: "View.NewTheme" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.326 Disabled: 1 Help: "Makes all themes visible" HelpTopic: "Themes_On_Themes_Off" Update: "View.HasThemesUpdate" Label: "&Themes On" Click: "View.ThemesOn" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.327 Disabled: 1 Help: "Makes all themes invisible" HelpTopic: "Themes_On_Themes_Off" Update: "View.HasThemesUpdate" Label: "T&hemes Off" Click: "View.ThemesOff" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.328 ) (Choice.329 Disabled: 1 Help: "Create a Layout from the View" HelpTopic: "Layout_menu_choice" Update: "View.HasThemesUpdate" Label: "La&yout..." Click: "View.Layout" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.330 ) (Choice.331 Help: "Shows a dialog where you can change the style of the TOC" HelpTopic: "TOC_Defaults" Update: "TocDefs.ShowUpdate" Label: "TOC Style..." Click: "TocDefs.Show" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.332 ) (Choice.333 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zooms to the extent of all themes" HelpTopic: "Zoom_to_Full_Extent" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Label: "Full E&xtent" Click: "View.ZoomFullExtent" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.334 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zooms in on the center of the display" HelpTopic: "Zoom_In" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Label: "Zoom &In" Click: "View.ZoomIn" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.335 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zooms out from the center of the display" HelpTopic: "Zoom_Out" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Label: "Zoom &Out" Click: "View.ZoomOut" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.336 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zooms to the extent of active themes" HelpTopic: "Zoom_to_Active_Theme" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Label: "&Zoom To Themes" Click: "View.ZoomToThemes" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.337 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zooms to the extent of the selected features" HelpTopic: "Zoom_to_Selected" Update: "View.SelectableThemesUpdate" Label: "Zoom To &Selected" Click: "View.ZoomToSelected" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.338 Disabled: 1 Help: "Goes back to the previous extent you were viewing" HelpTopic: "Zoom_Previous" Update: "View.UndoZoomUpdate" Label: "Zoom Pre&vious" Click: "View.UndoZoom" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.339 ) (Choice.340 Disabled: 1 Help: "Finds features in the active themes using the text you enter" HelpTopic: "Find" Update: "View.TabularThemesUpdate" Label: "&Find..." Click: "View.Find" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+F" ) (Choice.341 Disabled: 1 Help: "Locates an address in the active, matchable theme" HelpTopic: "Locate_Address" Update: "View.LocateUpdate" Label: "&Locate Address..." Click: "View.Locate" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.342 InternalName: "Theme" Child: 343 Child: 344 Child: 345 Child: 346 Child: 347 Child: 348 Child: 349 Child: 350 Child: 351 Child: 352 Child: 353 Child: 354 Child: 355 Child: 356 Child: 357 Child: 358 Child: 359 Child: 360 Child: 361 Child: 362 Child: 363 Child: 364 Label: "&Theme" ) (Choice.343 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays the dialog box to edit properties of the active theme" HelpTopic: "Theme_Properties" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Label: "&Properties..." Click: "View.ThemeProperties" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.344 ) (Choice.345 Disabled: 1 Help: "Starts or stops editing of shapefile" HelpTopic: "Start_Stop_Editing_in_a_view" Update: "View.ToggleEditingUpdate" Label: "Start &Editing" Click: "View.ToggleEditing" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.346 Disabled: 1 Help: "Save edits to the source shapefile" HelpTopic: "Save_edits_theme" Update: "View.SaveEditsUpdate" Label: "Save Ed&its" Click: "View.SaveEdits" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.347 Disabled: 1 Help: "Saves edits to a new shapefile" HelpTopic: "Save_edits_as_theme" Update: "View.SaveEditsUpdate" Label: "Save E&dits As..." Click: "View.SaveEditsAs" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.348 Disabled: 1 Help: "Converts a theme to a shapefile" HelpTopic: "Convert_to_Shapefile" Update: "View.ExportUpdate" Label: "Convert to &Shapefile..." Click: "View.Export" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.349 ) (Choice.350 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays the legends of the active themes" HelpTopic: "Edit_Legend" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Label: "Edit &Legend..." Click: "View.EditLegendClick" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.351 Disabled: 1 Help: "Shows or hides the active themes' legends" HelpTopic: "Hide_show_Legend" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Label: "&Hide/Show Legend" Click: "View.ToggleLegend" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.352 ) (Choice.353 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays the Re-match dialog for re-matching addresses" HelpTopic: "Re_match_Addresses" Update: "View.EditMatchUpdate" Label: "&Re-match Addresses..." Click: "View.EditMatch" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.354 ) (Choice.355 Disabled: 1 Help: "Labels features in active, visible themes" HelpTopic: "Auto_label" Update: "View.LabelThemesUpdate" Label: "&Auto-label..." Click: "View.LabelThemes" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+L" ) (Choice.356 Disabled: 1 Help: "Removes any labels from active themes" HelpTopic: "Remove_Labels" Update: "View.RemoveThemeLabelsUpdate" Label: "Rem&ove Labels" Click: "View.RemoveThemeLabels" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+R" ) (Choice.357 Disabled: 1 Help: "Removes the overlapping labels from active themes, if they are still green." HelpTopic: "Remove_Overlapping_Labels" Update: "View.RemoveOverlapThemeLabelsUpdate" Label: "Remove Overlappi&ng Labels" Click: "View.RemoveOverlapThemeLabels" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.358 Disabled: 1 Help: "Converts selected overlapping labels to symbol of selected good label" HelpTopic: "Convert_Overlapping_Labels" Update: "View.ConvertOverlapLabelsUpdate" Label: "&Convert Overlapping Labels" Click: "View.ConvertOverlapLabels" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+O" ) (Space.359 ) (Choice.360 Disabled: 1 Help: "Opens the tables of the active themes" HelpTopic: "Open_Theme_Table" Update: "View.TabularThemesUpdate" Label: "&Table..." Click: "View.ShowTable" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.361 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays the Query Builder to select features with a logical expression" HelpTopic: "Query_Builder" Update: "View.AttributeThemesUpdate" Label: "&Query..." Click: "View.Query" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+Q" ) (Choice.362 Disabled: 1 Help: "Selects features in the active themes using another theme's features" HelpTopic: "Select_By_Theme" Update: "View.SelectableThemesUpdate" Label: "Select &By Theme..." Click: "View.SelectByTheme" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.363 Disabled: 1 Help: "Creates buffers around features" HelpTopic: "Create_Buffer_Choice" Update: "WizardBuffer.OpenDialogUpdate" Label: "Create Buffers..." Click: "WizardBuffer.OpenDialog" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.364 Disabled: 1 Help: "Unselects the selected features of all active themes" HelpTopic: "Clear_Selected_Features" Update: "View.AttributeThemesUpdate" Label: "Clear Selected &Features" Click: "View.ClearSelect" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.365 InternalName: "Graphics" Child: 366 Child: 367 Child: 368 Child: 369 Child: 370 Child: 371 Child: 372 Child: 373 Child: 374 Child: 377 Child: 378 Child: 379 Child: 380 Child: 381 Child: 382 Label: "&Graphics" ) (Choice.366 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays the property editor for the selected graphic" HelpTopic: "Graphic_Properties" Update: "Graphic.HasSelectionUpdate" Label: "&Properties..." Click: "Graphic.Edit" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.367 ) (Choice.368 Help: "Shows a dialog where you can set the default values for the label and text tools" HelpTopic: "Default_settings_for_text_and_label_tools" Label: "&Text and Label Defaults..." Click: "Graphic.Label Defaults Show" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.369 ) (Choice.370 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays a dialog box to adjust size and position of selected graphic" HelpTopic: "Size_and_Position" Update: "Graphic.SingleSelectionUpdate" Label: "&Size and Position..." Click: "Graphic.SizePos" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.371 Disabled: 1 Help: "Aligns the selected graphics" HelpTopic: "Align" Update: "Graphic.HasSelectionUpdate" Label: "&Align..." Click: "Graphic.Align" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+A" ) (Space.372 ) (Choice.373 Disabled: 1 Help: "Moves selected graphics in front of other graphics" HelpTopic: "Bring_to_Front_on_a_view" Update: "Graphic.HasSelectionUpdate" Label: "Bring to &Front" Click: "Graphic.ToFront" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.374 Disabled: 1 Help: "Moves selected graphics behind other graphics" HelpTopic: "Send_to_Back_on_a_view" Update: "Graphic.HasSelectionUpdate" Label: "Send to &Back " Click: "Graphic.ToBack" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.377 Disabled: 1 Help: "Groups selected graphics" HelpTopic: "Group_on_a_view" Update: "Graphic.GroupUpdate" Label: "&Group" Click: "Graphic.Group" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+G" ) (Choice.378 Disabled: 1 Help: "Ungroups selected graphics" HelpTopic: "Ungroup_on_a_view" Update: "Graphic.UngroupUpdate" Label: "&Ungroup" Click: "Graphic.Ungroup" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+U" ) (Space.379 ) (Choice.380 Disabled: 1 Help: "Associates selected graphics with active themes" HelpTopic: "Attach_Graphics" Update: "View.AddGraphicsUpdate" Label: "A&ttach Graphics" Click: "View.AddGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.381 Disabled: 1 Help: "Removes association between graphics and active themes" HelpTopic: "Detach_Graphics" Update: "View.ClearGraphicsUpdate" Label: "&Detach Graphics" Click: "View.ClearGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.382 ) (PMenu.383 InternalName: "Window" Child: 384 Child: 385 Child: 386 Child: 387 Child: 388 Child: 390 Child: 392 Child: 393 Child: 394 Label: "&Window" ) (Choice.384 Help: "Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles" HelpTopic: "Tile" Label: "&Tile" Click: "Project.Tile" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.385 Help: "Arranges windows" HelpTopic: "Cascade" Label: "&Cascade" Click: "Project.Cascade" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.386 Help: "Arranges iconified windows" HelpTopic: "Arrange_Icons" Label: "&Arrange Icons" Click: "Project.ArrangeIcons" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.387 ) (Choice.388 Help: "Shows the symbol window" HelpTopic: "Show_Symbol_Window" Label: "Show Symbol Window..." Click: "Project.ShowHideSymWin" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+P" ) (Space.390 ObjectTag: 391 Update: "WindowMenuUpdate" ) (AVStr.391 S: "makedef.apr View.Highway5 Apply View1" ) (Choice.392 Help: "Activates makedef.apr" Label: "&1 makedef.apr" Click: "WindowActivate" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.393 Help: "Activates View.Highway5 Apply" Label: "&2 View.Highway5 Apply" Click: "WindowActivate" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.394 Help: "Activates View1" Label: "&3 View1" Click: "WindowActivate" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.395 InternalName: "Help" Child: 396 Child: 397 Child: 398 Child: 399 Label: "&Help" ) (Choice.396 Help: "Displays the dialog for browsing and searching ArcView's help system" HelpTopic: "Help_on_Help_Topics" Label: "Help &Topics..." Click: "Project.HelpTopics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.397 Help: "Provides instructions for how to obtain help from ArcView" HelpTopic: "Help_on_How_to_Get_Help" Label: "&How to Get Help..." Click: "Project.HelpHelp" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.398 ) (Choice.399 Help: "Provides information about ArcView" HelpTopic: "About" Label: "&About ArcView..." Click: "Project.About" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.400 Child: 401 Child: 402 Child: 403 Child: 404 Child: 405 Label: "p.mapper" ) (Choice.401 Label: "MapFile Creator" Click: "avmscfg.mDlg.Open" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.402 Label: "Base Configuration" Click: "avmscfg.BaseConfig" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.403 Label: "Re-Configure Theme" Click: "avmscfg.ReConfig.Themes" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.404 Label: "Edit INI File" Click: "avmscfg.EditIni" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.405 Label: "Create Tile Shape" Click: "avmscfg.TileIndexShape" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (ButnBar.406 Child: 407 Child: 409 Child: 410 Child: 412 Child: 413 Child: 415 Child: 417 Child: 419 Child: 420 Child: 422 Child: 424 Child: 426 Child: 427 Child: 429 Child: 431 Child: 433 Child: 435 Child: 437 Child: 439 Child: 440 Child: 442 Child: 444 Child: 445 Child: 447 ) (Butn.407 Help: "Save Project//Saves the current project" HelpTopic: "Save_Project" Icon: 408 Click: "Project.Save" ) (AVIcon.408 Name: "Save" Res: "Icons.Save" ) (Space.409 ) (Butn.410 Help: "Add Theme//Inserts themes into the view" HelpTopic: "Add_Theme" Icon: 411 Click: "View.Add" ) (AVIcon.411 Name: "AddTheme" Res: "Icons.AddTheme" ) (Space.412 ) (Butn.413 Disabled: 1 Help: "Theme Properties//Displays the dialog box to edit properties of the active theme" HelpTopic: "Theme_Properties" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Icon: 414 Click: "View.ThemeProperties" ) (AVIcon.414 Name: "Props" Res: "Icons.Props" ) (Butn.415 Disabled: 1 Help: "Edit Legend//Displays the legends of the active themes" HelpTopic: "Edit_Legend" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Icon: 416 Click: "View.EditLegendClick" ) (AVIcon.416 Name: "Legend" Res: "Icons.Legend" ) (Butn.417 Disabled: 1 Help: "Open Theme Table//Opens the tables of the active themes" HelpTopic: "Open_Theme_Table" Update: "View.TabularThemesUpdate" Icon: 418 Click: "View.ShowTable" ) (AVIcon.418 Name: "Table" Res: "Icons.Table" ) (Space.419 ) (Butn.420 Disabled: 1 Help: "Find//Finds features in the active themes using the text you enter" HelpTopic: "Find" Update: "View.TabularThemesUpdate" Icon: 421 Click: "View.Find" ) (AVIcon.421 Name: "Find" Res: "Icons.Find" ) (Butn.422 Disabled: 1 Help: "Locate Address//Locates an address in the active, matchable theme" HelpTopic: "Locate_Address" Update: "View.LocateUpdate" Icon: 423 Click: "View.Locate" ) (AVIcon.423 Name: "AddMatch" Res: "Icons.AddMatch" ) (Butn.424 Disabled: 1 Help: "Query Builder//Displays the Query Builder to select features with a logical expression" HelpTopic: "Query_Builder" Update: "View.AttributeThemesUpdate" Icon: 425 Click: "View.Query" ) (AVIcon.425 Name: "QueryBuilder" Res: "Icons.QueryBuilder" ) (Space.426 ) (Butn.427 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom to Full Extent//Zooms to the extent of all themes" HelpTopic: "Zoom_to_Full_Extent" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 428 Click: "View.ZoomFullExtent" ) (AVIcon.428 Name: "ZoomView" Res: "Icons.ZoomView" ) (Butn.429 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom to Active Theme(s)//Zooms to the extent of active themes" HelpTopic: "Zoom_to_Active_Theme" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Icon: 430 Click: "View.ZoomToThemes" ) (AVIcon.430 Name: "ZoomTheme" Res: "Icons.ZoomTheme" ) (Butn.431 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom to Selected//Zooms to the extent of the selected features" HelpTopic: "Zoom_to_Selected" Update: "View.SelectableThemesUpdate" Icon: 432 Click: "View.ZoomToSelected" ) (AVIcon.432 Name: "ZoomToSelected" Res: "Icons.ZoomToSelected" ) (Butn.433 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom In//Zooms in on the center of the display" HelpTopic: "Zoom_In" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 434 Click: "View.ZoomIn" ) (AVIcon.434 Name: "ZoomIn" Res: "Icons.ZoomIn" ) (Butn.435 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom Out//Zooms out from the center of the display" HelpTopic: "Zoom_Out" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 436 Click: "View.ZoomOut" ) (AVIcon.436 Name: "ZoomOut" Res: "Icons.ZoomOut" ) (Butn.437 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom to Previous Extent//Goes back to the previous extent you were viewing" HelpTopic: "Zoom_Previous" Update: "View.UndoZoomUpdate" Icon: 438 Click: "View.UndoZoom" ) (AVIcon.438 Name: "ZoomPrevious" Res: "Icons.ZoomPrevious" ) (Space.439 ) (Butn.440 Disabled: 1 Help: "Select Features Using Graphic//Selects features in active themes using selected graphics" HelpTopic: "Select_Features_Using_Graphic" Update: "View.SpatialSelectUpdate" Icon: 441 Click: "View.SpatialSelect" ) (AVIcon.441 Name: "SpatialSelect" Res: "Icons.SpatialSelect" ) (Butn.442 Disabled: 1 Help: "Clear Selected Features//Unselects the selected features of all active themes" HelpTopic: "Clear_Selected_Features" Update: "View.AttributeThemesUpdate" Icon: 443 Click: "View.ClearSelect" ) (AVIcon.443 Name: "SelectNone" Res: "Icons.SelectNone" ) (Space.444 ) (Butn.445 Help: "Open MapFile Creator//Open MapFile Creator" Icon: 446 Click: "avmscfg.mDlg.Open" ) (AVIcon.446 Name: "M" Res: "Icons.M" ) (Butn.447 Help: "Help//Gets help about the next button, tool, or menu choice you click" HelpTopic: "Help_button" Icon: 448 Click: "Help.Tool" ) (AVIcon.448 Name: "HelpTool" Res: "Icons.HelpTool" ) (PopupSet.449 Child: 450 ) (Popup.450 Child: 451 Child: 452 Child: 453 Child: 454 Child: 455 Child: 456 Child: 457 Child: 458 Child: 459 Child: 460 Child: 461 Child: 462 Child: 463 Child: 464 Child: 465 Child: 466 Child: 467 Child: 468 Child: 469 Child: 470 Label: "Menu" ) (Choice.451 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Deletes the last entered point on the line or polygon being drawn" Update: "View.DelLastPointUpdate" Label: "Delete Last Point" Click: "View.DeleteLastPoint" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.452 Disabled: 1 Help: "Undo the last edit to graphics on a view" HelpTopic: "Undo_Graphic_Edit_on_a_view" Update: "View.UndoEditUpdate" Label: "Undo Graphic Edit" Click: "View.UndoEdit" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.453 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Redo the last edit operation on a theme that was undone" Update: "View.RedoEditUpdate" Label: "Redo Feature Edit" Click: "View.RedoEdit" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.454 ) (Choice.455 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Turns general snapping on" Update: "View.ToggleGeneralSnapUpdate" Label: "Enable General Snapping" Click: "View.ToggleGeneralSnap" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.456 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Turns interactive snapping on" Update: "View.ToggleInteractiveSnapUpdate" Label: "Enable Interactive Snapping" Click: "View.ToggleInteractiveSnap" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.457 Help: "Turns snap tolerance cursor on" Update: "View.ToggleTolCursorUpdate" Label: "Show Snap Tolerance Cursor" Click: "View.ToggleTolCursor" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.458 ) (Choice.459 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Snaps the next entered point to the nearest vertex within the user tolerance" Update: "View.InteractiveSnapUpdate" Label: "Snap to Vertex" Click: "View.SnapToVertex" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.460 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Snaps the next entered point to the nearest line segment" Update: "View.InteractiveSnapUpdate" Label: "Snap to Boundary" Click: "View.SnapToBoundary" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.461 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Snaps the next entered point to the nearest node common to two or more features" Update: "View.InteractiveSnapUpdate" Label: "Snap to Intersection" Click: "View.SnapToIntersection" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.462 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Snaps the next entered point to the nearest endpoint of an existing line" Update: "View.SnapToEndPointUpdate" Label: "Snap to Endpoint" Click: "View.SnapToEndPoint" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.463 ) (Choice.464 Disabled: 1 Help: "Unselects the selected features in all active themes" Update: "View.AttributeThemesUpdate" Label: "Clear Selection" Click: "View.ClearSelect" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.465 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zooms in at point where you click to bring up popup menu" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Label: "Zoom In" Click: "View.PopupZoomIn" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.466 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zooms out from point where you click to bring up popup menu" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Label: "Zoom Out" Click: "View.PopupZoomOut" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.467 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zooms to the extent of the selected features" Update: "View.SelectableThemesUpdate" Label: "Zoom to Selected" Click: "View.ZoomToSelected" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.468 Disabled: 1 Help: "Centers display on point where you click to bring up popup" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Label: "Pan" Click: "View.PopupPan" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.469 ) (Choice.470 Disabled: 1 Help: "Opens the shape properties window for editing vertex locations" Update: "ShapeWin.PopUp Update" Label: "Shape Properties" Click: "ShapeWin.PopUp Open" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (ToolBar.471 Child: 472 Child: 474 Child: 476 Child: 478 Child: 480 Child: 482 Child: 484 Child: 486 Child: 488 Child: 490 Child: 492 Child: 511 Child: 524 Child: 543 ) (Tool.472 Disabled: 1 Help: "Identify//Provides information about a feature" HelpTopic: "Identify_tool" Update: "View.IdentifyUpdate" Icon: 473 Cursor: "Cursors.ID" Apply: "View.Identify" ) (AVIcon.473 Name: "ID" Res: "Icons.ID" ) (Tool.474 Disabled: 1 Help: "Pointer//Selects, moves, and resizes graphics" HelpTopic: "Pointer_tool" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 475 Cursor: "Cursors.Select" Apply: "View.Select" Click: "View.SelectTool" ) (AVIcon.475 Name: "Select" Res: "Icons.Select" ) (Tool.476 Disabled: 1 Help: "Vertex Edit//Adds, moves, and deletes vertices of features and graphics" HelpTopic: "Vertex_Edit_tool" Update: "View.SelectToEditUpdate" Icon: 477 Cursor: "Cursors.SelectEdit" Apply: "View.SelectToEdit" Click: "View.SelectToEditTool" ) (AVIcon.477 Name: "SelectEdit" Res: "Icons.SelectEdit" ) (Tool.478 Disabled: 1 Help: "Select Feature//Selects features in the active themes by pointing or dragging" HelpTopic: "Select_Feature_tool" Update: "View.SelectableThemesUpdate" Icon: 479 Cursor: "Cursors.Default" Apply: "View.SelectPoint" ) (AVIcon.479 Name: "FeatureSelect" Res: "Icons.FeatureSelect" ) (Tool.480 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom In//Zooms in at a point you click or zooms in on a rectangle you drag" HelpTopic: "Zoom_In_tool" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 481 Cursor: "Cursors.ZoomIn" Apply: "View.ZoomInTool" ) (AVIcon.481 Name: "ZoomInTool" Res: "Icons.ZoomInTool" ) (Tool.482 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom Out//Zooms out from a point you click or zooms out to include a rectangle you drag" HelpTopic: "Zoom_Out_tool" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 483 Cursor: "Cursors.ZoomOut" Apply: "View.ZoomOutTool" ) (AVIcon.483 Name: "ZoomOutTool" Res: "Icons.ZoomOutTool" ) (Tool.484 Disabled: 1 Help: "Pan//Drags the display in the direction you move the cursor" HelpTopic: "Pan_tool" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 485 Cursor: "Cursors.Pan" Apply: "View.Pan" ) (AVIcon.485 Name: "Pan" Res: "Icons.Pan" ) (Tool.486 Disabled: 1 Help: "Measure//Measures distance" HelpTopic: "Measure_tool" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 487 Cursor: "Cursors.Measure" Apply: "View.Measure" ) (AVIcon.487 Name: "Measure" Res: "Icons.Measure" ) (Tool.488 Disabled: 1 Help: "Hot Link//Follows a hot link in the active themes" HelpTopic: "Hot_Link_tool" Update: "View.HotLinkUpdate" Icon: 489 Cursor: "Cursors.Media" Apply: "View.HotLink" ) (AVIcon.489 Name: "Media" Res: "Icons.Media" ) (Tool.490 Disabled: 1 Help: "Area of Interest//Sets the view's Area Of Interest for library-based themes" HelpTopic: "Area_Of_Interest_tool" Update: "View.AOIToolUpdate" Icon: 491 Cursor: "Cursors.Default" Apply: "View.AOITool" ) (AVIcon.491 Name: "AOI" Res: "Icons.AOI" ) (ToolMenu.492 Disabled: 1 Help: "Label//Labels a feature in the active theme with data from its table" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.LabelToolUpdate" Icon: 493 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.LabelTool" Child: 494 Child: 495 Child: 497 Child: 499 Child: 501 Child: 503 Child: 505 Child: 507 Child: 509 ) (AVIcon.493 Name: "Tag" Res: "Icons.Tag" ) (Tool.494 Disabled: 1 Help: "Label//Labels a feature in the active theme with data from its table" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.LabelToolUpdate" Icon: 493 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.LabelTool" ) (Tool.495 Disabled: 1 Help: "Callout Label//Click on a feature and drag in the direction you want the label to appear" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 496 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.CalloutLabelTool" ) (AVIcon.496 Name: "CallOutLabel1" Res: "Icons.CallOutLabel1" ) (Tool.497 Disabled: 1 Help: "Bullet Leader Label//Click on a feature and drag in the direction you want the label to appear" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 498 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.BulletLeaderLabelTool" ) (AVIcon.498 Name: "CallOutLabel2" Res: "Icons.CallOutLabel2" ) (Tool.499 Disabled: 1 Help: "Banner Label//Click on a feature you want to label" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 500 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.ShadowBoxLabelTool" ) (AVIcon.500 Name: "CallOutLabel3" Res: "Icons.CallOutLabel3" ) (Tool.501 Disabled: 1 Help: "U.S. Interstate//Click where you want to place a highway shield" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 502 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.Highway1 Apply" ) (AVIcon.502 Name: "BW US Interstate" Res: "Icons.BW US Interstate" ) (Tool.503 Disabled: 1 Help: "U.S. Route//Click where you want to place a highway shield" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 504 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.Highway2 Apply" ) (AVIcon.504 Name: "USRoute" Res: "Icons.USRoute" ) (Tool.505 Disabled: 1 Help: "Generic State Hwy//Click where you want to place a highway shield" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 506 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.Highway3 Apply" ) (AVIcon.506 Name: "GenericStateHighway" Res: "Icons.GenericStateHighway" ) (Tool.507 Disabled: 1 Help: "Generic Square Hwy//Click where you want to place a highway shield" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 508 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.Highway4 Apply" ) (AVIcon.508 Name: "GenericHighway1" Res: "Icons.GenericHighway1" ) (Tool.509 Disabled: 1 Help: "Generic Oval Hwy//Click where you want to place a highway shield" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 510 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.Highway5 Apply" ) (AVIcon.510 Name: "GenericHighway2" Res: "Icons.GenericHighway2" ) (ToolMenu.511 Disabled: 1 Help: "Text//Creates text on the display" HelpTopic: "Text_tool" Update: "View.TextToolUpdate" Icon: 512 Cursor: "Cursors.Text" Apply: "View.TextTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayFontPanel" Child: 513 Child: 514 Child: 516 Child: 518 Child: 520 Child: 522 ) (AVIcon.512 Name: "Text" Res: "Icons.Text" ) (Tool.513 Disabled: 1 Help: "Text//Creates text on the display" HelpTopic: "Text_tool" Update: "View.TextToolUpdate" Icon: 512 Cursor: "Cursors.Text" Apply: "View.TextTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayFontPanel" ) (Tool.514 Disabled: 1 Help: "Callout Text//Click and drag to where you want your text to appear, then enter the text" HelpTopic: "Text_tool" Update: "View.TextToolUpdate" Icon: 515 Cursor: "Cursors.Bullseye" Apply: "View.CalloutTextTool" ) (AVIcon.515 Name: "CallOutText1" Res: "Icons.CallOutText1" ) (Tool.516 Disabled: 1 Help: "Bullet Leader Text//Click and drag to where you want your text to appear, then enter the text" HelpTopic: "Text_tool" Update: "View.TextToolUpdate" Icon: 517 Cursor: "Cursors.Bullseye" Apply: "View.BulletLeaderTextTool" ) (AVIcon.517 Name: "CallOutText2" Res: "Icons.CallOutText2" ) (Tool.518 Disabled: 1 Help: "Banner Text//Click where you want your label to appear and enter your text" HelpTopic: "Text_tool" Update: "View.TextToolUpdate" Icon: 519 Cursor: "Cursors.Bullseye" Apply: "View.ShadowBoxTextTool" ) (AVIcon.519 Name: "CallOutText3" Res: "Icons.CallOutText3" ) (Tool.520 Disabled: 1 Help: "Drop-Shadow Text//Click where you want your text to appear and enter your text" HelpTopic: "Text_tool" Update: "View.TextToolUpdate" Icon: 521 Cursor: "Cursors.Target" Apply: "View.CreateDropShadowText" ) (AVIcon.521 Name: "DropShadowText" Res: "Icons.DropShadowText" ) (Tool.522 Help: "Spline Text//Adds text that is aligned to a splined baseline" HelpTopic: "Text_tool" Update: "View.TextToolUpdate" Icon: 523 Cursor: "Cursors.Bullseye" Apply: "View.SplineText" ) (AVIcon.523 Name: "TextAligned" Res: "Icons.TextAligned" ) (ToolMenu.524 Help: "Draw Point//Creates a point on the display" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.PointToolUpdate" Icon: 525 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.PointTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayMarkerPanel" Child: 526 Child: 527 Child: 529 Child: 531 Child: 533 Child: 535 Child: 537 Child: 539 Child: 541 ) (AVIcon.525 Name: "Point" Res: "Icons.Point" ) (Tool.526 Help: "Draw Point//Creates a point on the display" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.PointToolUpdate" Icon: 525 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.PointTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayMarkerPanel" ) (Tool.527 Help: "Draw Straight Line//Creates a line on the display" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.GraphicToolUpdate" Icon: 528 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.LineTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayPenPanel" ) (AVIcon.528 Name: "SelectLine" Res: "Icons.SelectLine" ) (Tool.529 Help: "Draw Line//Creates a line with two or more points on the display" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.PolyLineToolUpdate" Icon: 530 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.PolyLineTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayPenPanel" ) (AVIcon.530 Name: "Lines" Res: "Icons.Lines" ) (Tool.531 Help: "Draw Rectangle//Creates a rectangle on the display" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.PolyToolUpdate" Icon: 532 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.RectTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayFillPanel" ) (AVIcon.532 Name: "Rect" Res: "Icons.Rect" ) (Tool.533 Help: "Draw Circle//Creates a circle on the display" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.PolyToolUpdate" Icon: 534 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.CircleTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayFillPanel" ) (AVIcon.534 Name: "Disk" Res: "Icons.Disk" ) (Tool.535 Help: "Draw Polygon//Creates a polygon on the display" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.PolyToolUpdate" Icon: 536 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.PolyTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayFillPanel" ) (AVIcon.536 Name: "Poly" Res: "Icons.Poly" ) (Tool.537 Disabled: 1 Help: "Draw Line to Split Feature//Creates a line to split line features" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.SplitLineToolUpdate" Icon: 538 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.SplitTool" ) (AVIcon.538 Name: "SplitLine" Res: "Icons.SplitLine" ) (Tool.539 Disabled: 1 Help: "Draw Line to Split Polygon//Creates a line to split polygon features" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.SplitPolyToolUpdate" Icon: 540 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.SplitTool" ) (AVIcon.540 Name: "SplitPoly" Res: "Icons.SplitPoly" ) (Tool.541 Disabled: 1 Help: "Draw Line to Append Polygon//Appends a new polygon adjacent to other polygons" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.AutoCompleteUpdate" Icon: 542 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.AutoCompleteTool" ) (AVIcon.542 Name: "AutoComplete" Res: "Icons.AutoComplete" ) (ToolMenu.543 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Snap//Sets the general snapping tolerance for the editable theme" HelpTopic: "Snap_tools" Update: "View.SnapToolUpdate" Icon: 544 Cursor: "Cursors.Default" Apply: "View.SnapTool" Child: 545 Child: 546 ) (AVIcon.544 Name: "SnapTool" Res: "Icons.SnapTool" ) (Tool.545 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Snap//Sets the general snapping tolerance for the editable theme" HelpTopic: "Snap_tools" Update: "View.SnapToolUpdate" Icon: 544 Cursor: "Cursors.Default" Apply: "View.SnapTool" ) (Tool.546 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Snap//Sets the interactive snapping tolerance for the editable theme" HelpTopic: "Snap_tools" Update: "View.InteractiveSnapToolUpdate" Icon: 547 Cursor: "Cursors.Default" Apply: "View.InteractiveSnapTool" ) (AVIcon.547 Name: "SnapFeatureTool" Res: "Icons.SnapFeatureTool" ) (AVIcon.548 Name: "Icon" Res: "View.Icon" ) (DocGUI.549 Name: "Table" Type: "Table" Modified: 1 Visible: 1 MenuBar: 550 ButnBar: 623 Popups: 668 ToolBar: 669 NewScript: "Table.New" OpenScript: "Doc.Open" ActionScript: "Table.Action" NewUpdateScript: "Doc.NewUpdate" OpenUpdateScript: "Doc.OpenUpdate" ActionUpdateScript: "Table.ActionUpdate" Title: "Tables" Icon: 676 ) (MenuBar.550 Child: 551 Child: 565 Child: 581 Child: 599 Child: 608 Child: 618 ) (PMenu.551 InternalName: "File" Child: 552 Child: 553 Child: 554 Child: 555 Child: 556 Child: 557 Child: 558 Child: 559 Child: 560 Child: 561 Child: 562 Child: 563 Child: 564 Label: "&File" ) (Choice.552 Help: "Closes the active component" HelpTopic: "Close" Label: "&Close" Click: "Project.CloseDoc" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.553 Help: "Closes all components" HelpTopic: "Close_All" Label: "Close &All" Click: "Project.CloseAll" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.554 ) (Choice.555 Help: "Saves the current project" HelpTopic: "Save_Project" Label: "&Save Project" Click: "Project.Save" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+S" ) (Choice.556 Help: "Saves the current project with a new name" HelpTopic: "Save_Project_As" Label: "Save Project As..." Click: "Project.SaveAs" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.557 ) (Choice.558 Help: "Displays the Extensions Dialog" HelpTopic: "Extensions" Label: "Extensions..." Click: "Appl.GetExtensionWin" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.559 ) (Choice.560 Help: "Prints the table" HelpTopic: "Print" Label: "&Print..." Click: "Doc.Print" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.561 Help: "Edits the printer and the printing options" HelpTopic: "Print_Setup" Update: "PrintSetupUpdate" Label: "P&rint Setup..." Click: "Project.PrintSetup" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.562 Help: "Exports the current table to a dBASE, INFO, or text file" HelpTopic: "Export_Table" Update: "Table.ExportUpdate" Label: "&Export..." Click: "Table.Export" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.563 ) (Choice.564 Help: "Exits ArcView" HelpTopic: "Exit" Label: "E&xit" Click: "Project.Exit" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.565 InternalName: "Edit" Child: 566 Child: 567 Child: 568 Child: 569 Child: 570 Child: 571 Child: 572 Child: 573 Child: 574 Child: 575 Child: 576 Child: 577 Child: 578 Child: 579 Child: 580 Label: "&Edit" ) (Choice.566 Disabled: 1 Help: "Cuts the selected cell to the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Cut" Update: "Table.CutUpdate" Label: "Cu&t" Click: "Table.Cut" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+X" ) (Choice.567 Disabled: 1 Help: "Copies the selected cell to the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Copy" Update: "Table.CutUpdate" Label: "&Copy" Click: "Table.Copy" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+C" ) (Choice.568 Disabled: 1 Help: "Inserts the contents of the Clipboard into the active cell" HelpTopic: "Paste" Update: "Table.CutUpdate" Label: "&Paste" Click: "Table.Paste" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+V" ) (Space.569 ) (Choice.570 Disabled: 1 Help: "Undo the last edit operation on the Table" HelpTopic: "Undo_Edit_on_a_table" Update: "Table.UndoEditUpdate" Label: "&Undo Edit" Click: "Table.UndoEdit" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+Z" ) (Choice.571 Disabled: 1 Help: "Redo the last undone operation on the Table" HelpTopic: "Redo_Edit_on_a_table" Update: "Table.RedoEditUpdate" Label: "Red&o Edit" Click: "Table.RedoEdit" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+Y" ) (Space.572 ) (Choice.573 Disabled: 1 Help: "Adds a new field to the table" HelpTopic: "Add_Field" Update: "Table.AddFieldUpdate" Label: "Add &Field..." Click: "Table.AddField" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.574 Disabled: 1 Help: "Adds a new record at the bottom of the table" HelpTopic: "Add_Record" Update: "Table.AddRecordUpdate" Label: "Add &Record" Click: "Table.AddRecord" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+A" ) (Choice.575 Disabled: 1 Help: "Deletes the active field from the table" HelpTopic: "Delete_Field" Update: "Table.DeleteFieldUpdate" Label: "&Delete Field" Click: "Table.DeleteField" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.576 Disabled: 1 Help: "Deletes the selected records from the table" HelpTopic: "Delete_Records" Update: "Table.DeleteRecordsUpdate" Label: "D&elete Records" Click: "Table.DeleteRecords" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.577 ) (Choice.578 Help: "Selects all records in the table" HelpTopic: "Select_All" Label: "Select &All" Click: "Table.SelectAll" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.579 Help: "Unselects all records in the table" HelpTopic: "Select_None_in_a_table" Label: "Select &None" Click: "Table.UnselectAll" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.580 Help: "Toggles selected and unselected records in the table" HelpTopic: "Switch_Selection" Label: "&Switch Selection" Click: "Table.SwitchSelection" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.581 InternalName: "Table" Child: 582 Child: 583 Child: 584 Child: 585 Child: 586 Child: 587 Child: 588 Child: 589 Child: 590 Child: 591 Child: 592 Child: 593 Child: 594 Child: 595 Child: 596 Child: 597 Child: 598 Label: "&Table" ) (Choice.582 Help: "Displays the dialog box to edit properties of the table" HelpTopic: "Table_Properties" Label: "&Properties..." Click: "Table.Properties" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.583 ) (Choice.584 Help: "Creates a chart from the table" HelpTopic: "Create_Chart" Update: "Table.ChartUpdate" Label: "&Chart..." Click: "Table.Chart" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.585 Help: "Starts or stops editing of table values" HelpTopic: "Start_Stop_Editing" Update: "Table.ToggleEditingUpdate" Label: "Start &Editing" Click: "Table.ToggleEditing" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.586 Disabled: 1 Help: "Saves edits to the source file" HelpTopic: "Save_edits_table" Update: "Table.SaveEditsUpdate" Label: "Save Ed&its" Click: "Table.SaveEdits" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.587 Disabled: 1 Help: "Save edits to a new source file" HelpTopic: "Save_edits_as_table" Update: "Table.SaveEditsUpdate" Label: "Save E&dits As..." Click: "Table.SaveEditsAs" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.588 ) (Choice.589 Help: "Finds the row in the table using the text you enter" HelpTopic: "Find" Label: "&Find..." Click: "Table.Find" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+F" ) (Choice.590 Help: "Displays the Query Builder to select records with a logical expression" HelpTopic: "Query_Builder" Label: "&Query..." Click: "Table.Query" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+Q" ) (Choice.591 Disabled: 1 Help: "Promotes selected rows to the top of the table" HelpTopic: "Promote" Update: "Table.PromoteUpdate" Label: "Pr&omote" Click: "Table.Promote" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.592 ) (Choice.593 Disabled: 1 Help: "Appends the fields of another table to the active table based on a common field" HelpTopic: "Join" Update: "Table.JoinUpdate" Label: "&Join" Click: "Table.Join" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+J" ) (Choice.594 Disabled: 1 Help: "Removes any fields joined to the table" HelpTopic: "Remove_All_Joins" Update: "Table.HasJoinsUpdate" Label: "&Remove All Joins" Click: "Table.RemoveAllJoins" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.595 Disabled: 1 Help: "Associates the selection of the active table with another table" HelpTopic: "Link" Update: "Table.LinkUpdate" Label: "&Link" Click: "Table.Link" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.596 Disabled: 1 Help: "Removes the association between the active table and its linked tables" HelpTopic: "Remove_All_Links" Update: "Table.HasLinksUpdate" Label: "Re&move All Links" Click: "Table.RemoveAllLinks" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.597 ) (Choice.598 Help: "Refreshes the table" HelpTopic: "Refresh" Label: "Refres&h" Click: "Table.Refresh" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.599 InternalName: "Field" Child: 600 Child: 601 Child: 602 Child: 603 Child: 604 Child: 605 Child: 606 Child: 607 Label: "F&ield" ) (Choice.600 Disabled: 1 Help: "Sorts rows in ascending order (A-Z), (0-9)" HelpTopic: "Sort_table" Update: "Table.SortUpdate" Label: "Sort &Ascending" Click: "Table.SortAscending" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.601 Disabled: 1 Help: "Sorts rows in descending order (Z-A), (9-0)" HelpTopic: "Sort_table" Update: "Table.SortUpdate" Label: "Sort &Descending" Click: "Table.SortDescending" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.602 ) (Choice.603 Disabled: 1 Help: "Creates or removes an index on the active field" HelpTopic: "Create_Remove_Index" Update: "Table.IndexUpdate" Label: "Create &Index" Click: "Table.Index" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.604 ) (Choice.605 Disabled: 1 Help: "Creates a summary table grouped by the active field" HelpTopic: "Summarize" Update: "Table.SortUpdate" Label: "&Summarize..." Click: "Table.Summarize" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.606 Disabled: 1 Help: "Calculates the value of a field" HelpTopic: "Calculate" Update: "Table.CalculateUpdate" Label: "&Calculate..." Click: "Table.Calculate" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.607 Disabled: 1 Help: "Generates a report of statistics for data in the active, numeric field" HelpTopic: "Statistics" Update: "Table.StatisticsUpdate" Label: "S&tatistics..." Click: "Table.Statistics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.608 InternalName: "Window" Child: 609 Child: 610 Child: 611 Child: 612 Child: 613 Child: 614 Child: 616 Child: 617 Label: "&Window" ) (Choice.609 Help: "Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles" HelpTopic: "Tile" Label: "&Tile" Click: "Project.Tile" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.610 Help: "Arranges windows" HelpTopic: "Cascade" Label: "&Cascade" Click: "Project.Cascade" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.611 Help: "Arranges iconified windows" HelpTopic: "Arrange_Icons" Label: "&Arrange Icons" Click: "Project.ArrangeIcons" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.612 ) (Choice.613 Help: "Shows the symbol window" HelpTopic: "Show_Symbol_Window" Label: "Show Symbol Window..." Click: "Project.ShowHideSymWin" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+P" ) (Space.614 ObjectTag: 615 Update: "WindowMenuUpdate" ) (AVStr.615 S: "Untitled grid.dbf" ) (Choice.616 Help: "Activates Untitled" Label: "&1 Untitled" Click: "WindowActivate" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.617 Help: "Activates grid.dbf" Label: "&2 grid.dbf" Click: "WindowActivate" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.618 InternalName: "Help" Child: 619 Child: 620 Child: 621 Child: 622 Label: "&Help" ) (Choice.619 Help: "Displays the dialog for browsing and searching ArcView's help system" HelpTopic: "Help_on_Help_Topics" Label: "Help &Topics..." Click: "Project.HelpTopics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.620 Help: "Provides instructions for how to obtain help from ArcView" HelpTopic: "Help_on_How_to_Get_Help" Label: "&How to Get Help..." Click: "Project.HelpHelp" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.621 ) (Choice.622 Help: "Provides information about ArcView" HelpTopic: "About" Label: "&About ArcView..." Click: "Project.About" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (ButnBar.623 Child: 624 Child: 626 Child: 627 Child: 629 Child: 631 Child: 633 Child: 634 Child: 636 Child: 638 Child: 640 Child: 641 Child: 643 Child: 644 Child: 646 Child: 648 Child: 650 Child: 651 Child: 653 Child: 654 Child: 656 Child: 658 Child: 659 Child: 661 Child: 663 Child: 664 Child: 666 ) (Butn.624 Help: "Save Project//Saves the current project" HelpTopic: "Save_Project" Icon: 625 Click: "Project.Save" ) (AVIcon.625 Name: "Save" Res: "Icons.Save" ) (Space.626 ) (Butn.627 Disabled: 1 Help: "Cut//Cuts the selected cell to the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Cut" Update: "Table.CutUpdate" Icon: 628 Click: "Table.Cut" ) (AVIcon.628 Name: "Cut" Res: "Icons.Cut" ) (Butn.629 Disabled: 1 Help: "Copy//Copies the selected cell to the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Copy" Update: "Table.CutUpdate" Icon: 630 Click: "Table.Copy" ) (AVIcon.630 Name: "Copy" Res: "Icons.Copy" ) (Butn.631 Disabled: 1 Help: "Paste//Inserts the contents of the Clipboard into the active cell" HelpTopic: "Paste" Update: "Table.CutUpdate" Icon: 632 Click: "Table.Paste" ) (AVIcon.632 Name: "Paste" Res: "Icons.Paste" ) (Space.633 ) (Butn.634 Help: "Select All//Selects all records in the table" HelpTopic: "Select_All" Icon: 635 Click: "Table.SelectAll" ) (AVIcon.635 Name: "SelectAll" Res: "Icons.SelectAll" ) (Butn.636 Help: "Select None//Unselects all records in the table" HelpTopic: "Select_None_in_a_table" Icon: 637 Click: "Table.UnselectAll" ) (AVIcon.637 Name: "SelectNone" Res: "Icons.SelectNone" ) (Butn.638 Help: "Switch Selection//Toggles selected and unselected records in the table" HelpTopic: "Switch_Selection" Icon: 639 Click: "Table.SwitchSelection" ) (AVIcon.639 Name: "SwitchSelect" Res: "Icons.SwitchSelect" ) (Space.640 ) (Butn.641 Help: "Create Chart//Creates a chart from the table" HelpTopic: "Create_Chart" Update: "Table.ChartUpdate" Icon: 642 Click: "Table.Chart" ) (AVIcon.642 Name: "MakeChart" Res: "Icons.MakeChart" ) (Space.643 ) (Butn.644 Help: "Find//Finds the row in the table using the text you enter" HelpTopic: "Find" Icon: 645 Click: "Table.Find" ) (AVIcon.645 Name: "Find" Res: "Icons.Find" ) (Butn.646 Help: "Query Builder//Displays the Query Builder to select records with a logical expression" HelpTopic: "Query_Builder" Icon: 647 Click: "Table.Query" ) (AVIcon.647 Name: "QueryBuilder" Res: "Icons.QueryBuilder" ) (Butn.648 Disabled: 1 Help: "Promote//Promotes selected rows to the top of the table" HelpTopic: "Promote" Update: "Table.PromoteUpdate" Icon: 649 Click: "Table.Promote" ) (AVIcon.649 Name: "Promote" Res: "Icons.Promote" ) (Space.650 ) (Butn.651 Disabled: 1 Help: "Join//Appends the fields of another table to the active table based on a common field" HelpTopic: "Join" Update: "Table.JoinUpdate" Icon: 652 Click: "Table.Join" ) (AVIcon.652 Name: "Join" Res: "Icons.Join" ) (Space.653 ) (Butn.654 Disabled: 1 Help: "Summarize//Creates a summary table grouped by the active field" HelpTopic: "Summarize" Update: "Table.SortUpdate" Icon: 655 Click: "Table.Summarize" ) (AVIcon.655 Name: "Summarize" Res: "Icons.Summarize" ) (Butn.656 Disabled: 1 Help: "Calculate//Calculates the value of a field" HelpTopic: "Calculate" Update: "Table.CalculateUpdate" Icon: 657 Click: "Table.Calculate" ) (AVIcon.657 Name: "Calculator" Res: "Icons.Calculator" ) (Space.658 ) (Butn.659 Disabled: 1 Help: "Sort Ascending//Sorts rows in ascending order (A-Z), (0-9)" HelpTopic: "Sort_table" Update: "Table.SortUpdate" Icon: 660 Click: "Table.SortAscending" ) (AVIcon.660 Name: "SortAscending" Res: "Icons.SortAscending" ) (Butn.661 Disabled: 1 Help: "Sort Descending//Sorts rows in descending order (Z-A), (9-0)" HelpTopic: "Sort_table" Update: "Table.SortUpdate" Icon: 662 Click: "Table.SortDescending" ) (AVIcon.662 Name: "SortDescending" Res: "Icons.SortDescending" ) (Space.663 ) (Butn.664 Help: "Help//Gets help about the next button, tool, or menu choice you click" HelpTopic: "Help_button" Icon: 665 Click: "Help.Tool" ) (AVIcon.665 Name: "HelpTool" Res: "Icons.HelpTool" ) (Butn.666 Help: "Convert ImageCatalog to TileShape//Convert ImageCatalog to TileShape" Icon: 667 Click: "avmscfg.ImgCat2TileShape" ) (AVIcon.667 Name: "RandomColor" Res: "Icons.RandomColor" ) (PopupSet.668 ) (ToolBar.669 Child: 670 Child: 672 Child: 674 ) (Tool.670 Help: "Select//Selects records in the table" HelpTopic: "Select_tool" Icon: 671 Cursor: "Cursors.Default" Apply: "Table.Select" Click: "Table.StopEditing" ) (AVIcon.671 Name: "Select" Res: "Icons.Select" ) (Tool.672 Disabled: 1 Help: "Edit//Changes cell values" HelpTopic: "Edit_tool" Update: "Table.IsEditableUpdate" Icon: 673 Cursor: "Cursors.Finger" Apply: "Table.Edit" ) (AVIcon.673 Name: "Edit" Res: "Icons.Edit" ) (Tool.674 Help: "Identify//Provides information about a record" HelpTopic: "Identify_tool" Icon: 675 Cursor: "Cursors.ID" Apply: "Table.Identify" Click: "Table.StopEditing" ) (AVIcon.675 Name: "ID" Res: "Icons.ID" ) (AVIcon.676 Name: "Icon" Res: "Table.Icon" ) (DocGUI.948 Name: "Script" Type: "SEd" Modified: 1 Visible: 1 MenuBar: 949 ButnBar: 1011 Popups: 1055 ToolBar: 1056 NewScript: "Script.New" OpenScript: "Doc.Open" ActionScript: "Script.Action" NewUpdateScript: "Doc.NewUpdate" OpenUpdateScript: "Doc.OpenUpdate" ActionUpdateScript: "Script.ActionUpdate" Title: "Scripts" Icon: 1057 ) (MenuBar.949 Child: 950 Child: 963 Child: 979 Child: 996 Child: 1006 ) (PMenu.950 InternalName: "File" Child: 951 Child: 952 Child: 953 Child: 954 Child: 955 Child: 956 Child: 957 Child: 958 Child: 959 Child: 960 Child: 961 Child: 962 Label: "&File" ) (Choice.951 Help: "Closes the active component" HelpTopic: "Close" Label: "&Close" Click: "Project.CloseDoc" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.952 Help: "Closes all components" HelpTopic: "Close_All" Label: "Close &All" Click: "Project.CloseAll" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.953 ) (Choice.954 Help: "Saves the current project" HelpTopic: "Save_Project" Label: "&Save Project" Click: "Project.Save" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+S" ) (Choice.955 Help: "Saves the current project with a new name" HelpTopic: "Save_Project_As" Label: "Save Project As..." Click: "Project.SaveAs" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.956 ) (Choice.957 Help: "Displays the Extensions Dialog" HelpTopic: "Extensions" Label: "Extensions..." Click: "Appl.GetExtensionWin" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.958 ) (Choice.959 Help: "Prints the script" HelpTopic: "Print" Label: "&Print..." Click: "Doc.Print" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.960 Help: "Edits the printer and the printing options" HelpTopic: "Print_Setup" Update: "PrintSetupUpdate" Label: "P&rint Setup..." Click: "Project.PrintSetup" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.961 ) (Choice.962 Help: "Exits ArcView" HelpTopic: "Exit" Label: "E&xit" Click: "Project.Exit" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.963 InternalName: "Edit" Child: 964 Child: 965 Child: 966 Child: 967 Child: 968 Child: 969 Child: 970 Child: 971 Child: 972 Child: 973 Child: 974 Child: 975 Child: 976 Child: 977 Child: 978 Label: "&Edit" ) (Choice.964 Help: "Undoes the last change" HelpTopic: "Undo__Script_" Label: "&Undo" Click: "Script.Undo" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+Z" ) (Space.965 ) (Choice.966 Help: "Finds the selected or specified string" HelpTopic: "Script_Find" Label: "&Find..." Click: "Script.Find" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.967 Help: "Finds the next occurrence of the string" HelpTopic: "Script_FindNext" Update: "Script.FindNextUpdate" Label: "Find &Next" Click: "Script.FindNext" Shortcut: "Keys.F3" ) (Choice.968 Help: "Replaces the selected or specifed string" HelpTopic: "Script_Replace" Label: "Rep&lace..." Click: "Script.Replace" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.969 ) (Choice.970 Disabled: 1 Help: "Cuts the selection and puts it into the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Cut" Update: "Script.HasSelUpdate" Label: "Cu&t" Click: "Script.Cut" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+X" ) (Choice.971 Disabled: 1 Help: "Copies the selection and puts it into the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Copy" Update: "Script.HasSelUpdate" Label: "&Copy" Click: "Script.Copy" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+C" ) (Choice.972 Help: "Inserts the contents of the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Paste" Label: "&Paste" Click: "Script.Paste" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+V" ) (Space.973 ) (Choice.974 Help: "Selects all text in the script editor" HelpTopic: "Select_All_in_a_script" Label: "Select &All" Click: "Script.SelectAll" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.975 Help: "Deletes text from the cursor to the left margin" HelpTopic: "Delete_Left" Label: "&Delete Left" Click: "Script.KillLine" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+U" ) (Space.976 ) (Choice.977 Disabled: 1 Help: "Comments selected text" HelpTopic: "Comment" Update: "Script.HasSelUpdate" Label: "C&omment" Click: "Script.Comment" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.978 Disabled: 1 Help: "Uncomments selected text" HelpTopic: "Remove_Comment" Update: "Script.HasSelUpdate" Label: "&Remove Comment" Click: "Script.Uncomment" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.979 InternalName: "Script" Child: 980 Child: 981 Child: 982 Child: 983 Child: 984 Child: 985 Child: 986 Child: 987 Child: 988 Child: 989 Child: 990 Child: 991 Child: 992 Child: 993 Child: 994 Child: 995 Label: "&Script" ) (Choice.980 Help: "Displays the dialog box to edit properties of the script" HelpTopic: "Script_Properties" Label: "&Properties..." Click: "Script.Properties" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.981 ) (Choice.982 Disabled: 1 Help: "Compiles the script" HelpTopic: "Compile" Update: "Script.CompileUpdate" Label: "&Compile" Click: "Script.Compile" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.983 Help: "Executes one request or object reference in the compiled script" HelpTopic: "Step" Update: "Script.RunUpdate" Label: "&Step" Click: "Script.Step" Shortcut: "Keys.F8" ) (Choice.984 Help: "Runs the compiled script" HelpTopic: "Run" Update: "Script.RunUpdate" Label: "&Run" Click: "Script.Run" Shortcut: "Keys.F5" ) (Space.985 ) (Choice.986 Help: "Toggles a breakpoint on or off at the current cursor position" HelpTopic: "Toggle_Breakpoint" Update: "Script.RunUpdate" Label: "Toggle &Breakpoint" Click: "Script.ToggleBreak" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.987 Help: "Clears all breakpoints" HelpTopic: "Clear_All_Breakpoints" Update: "Script.RunUpdate" Label: "Clear &All Breakpoints" Click: "Script.ClearAllBreaks" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.988 Help: "Displays the current value of local and global variables" HelpTopic: "Examine_Variables" Update: "Script.RunUpdate" Label: "E&xamine Variables..." Click: "Script.ShowVariables" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+E" ) (Space.989 ) (Choice.990 Help: "Inserts the source code of a system script" HelpTopic: "Load_System_Script" Label: "&Load System Script..." Click: "Script.SystemLoad" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.991 Help: "Inserts the contents of a text file" HelpTopic: "Load_Text_File" Label: "Load &Text File..." Click: "Script.FileLoad" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.992 Help: "Writes the entire script or the selected text to a text file" HelpTopic: "Write_Text_File" Label: "&Write Text File..." Click: "Script.FileWrite" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.993 ) (Choice.994 Help: "Embeds the script in the project and deletes its window" HelpTopic: "Embed_Script" Update: "Script.RunUpdate" Label: "&Embed Script" Click: "Script.Embed" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.995 Disabled: 1 Help: "Removes specified script from embedded scripts and puts it in a SEd" HelpTopic: "Script_Unembed" Update: "Script.UnembedUpdate" Label: "&Unembed Script..." Click: "Script.Unembed" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.996 InternalName: "Window" Child: 997 Child: 998 Child: 999 Child: 1000 Child: 1001 Child: 1002 Child: 1004 Child: 1005 Label: "&Window" ) (Choice.997 Help: "Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles" HelpTopic: "Tile" Label: "&Tile" Click: "Project.Tile" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.998 Help: "Arranges windows" HelpTopic: "Cascade" Label: "&Cascade" Click: "Project.Cascade" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.999 Help: "Arranges iconified windows" HelpTopic: "Arrange_Icons" Label: "&Arrange Icons" Click: "Project.ArrangeIcons" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.1000 ) (Choice.1001 Help: "Shows the symbol window" HelpTopic: "Show_Symbol_Window" Label: "Show Symbol Window..." Click: "Project.ShowHideSymWin" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+P" ) (Space.1002 ObjectTag: 1003 Update: "WindowMenuUpdate" ) (AVStr.1003 S: "avpmapper.apr avmscfg.BaseConfig" ) (Choice.1004 Help: "Activates avpmapper.apr" Label: "&1 avpmapper.apr" Click: "WindowActivate" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.1005 Help: "Activates avmscfg.BaseConfig" Label: "&2 avmscfg.BaseConfig" Click: "WindowActivate" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.1006 InternalName: "Help" Child: 1007 Child: 1008 Child: 1009 Child: 1010 Label: "&Help" ) (Choice.1007 Help: "Displays the dialog for browsing and searching ArcView's help system" HelpTopic: "Help_on_Help_Topics" Label: "Help &Topics..." Click: "Project.HelpTopics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.1008 Help: "Provides instructions for how to obtain help from ArcView" HelpTopic: "Help_on_How_to_Get_Help" Label: "&How to Get Help" Click: "Project.HelpHelp" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.1009 ) (Choice.1010 Help: "Provides information about ArcView" HelpTopic: "About" Label: "&About ArcView..." Click: "Project.About" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (ButnBar.1011 Child: 1012 Child: 1014 Child: 1015 Child: 1017 Child: 1019 Child: 1021 Child: 1022 Child: 1024 Child: 1025 Child: 1027 Child: 1029 Child: 1030 Child: 1032 Child: 1034 Child: 1036 Child: 1038 Child: 1040 Child: 1041 Child: 1043 Child: 1045 Child: 1047 Child: 1048 Child: 1050 Child: 1051 Child: 1053 ) (Butn.1012 Help: "Save Project//Saves the current project" HelpTopic: "Save_Project" Icon: 1013 Click: "Project.Save" ) (AVIcon.1013 Name: "Save" Res: "Icons.Save" ) (Space.1014 ) (Butn.1015 Disabled: 1 Help: "Cut//Cuts the selection and puts it into the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Cut" Update: "Script.HasSelUpdate" Icon: 1016 Click: "Script.Cut" ) (AVIcon.1016 Name: "Cut" Res: "Icons.Cut" ) (Butn.1017 Disabled: 1 Help: "Copy//Copies the selection and puts it into the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Copy" Update: "Script.HasSelUpdate" Icon: 1018 Click: "Script.Copy" ) (AVIcon.1018 Name: "Copy" Res: "Icons.Copy" ) (Butn.1019 Help: "Paste//Inserts the contents of the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Paste" Icon: 1020 Click: "Script.Paste" ) (AVIcon.1020 Name: "Paste" Res: "Icons.Paste" ) (Space.1021 ) (Butn.1022 Help: "Undo//Undoes the last modification to the script editor text" HelpTopic: "Undo__Script_" Icon: 1023 Click: "Script.Undo" ) (AVIcon.1023 Name: "Undo" Res: "Icons.Undo" ) (Space.1024 ) (Butn.1025 Help: "Shift Lines Left//Shifts selected lines or current line two spaces to the left" HelpTopic: "Shift_lines_left_or_right" Icon: 1026 Click: "Script.ShiftLeft" ) (AVIcon.1026 Name: "ShiftLeft" Res: "Icons.ShiftLeft" ) (Butn.1027 Help: "Shift Lines Right//Shifts selected lines or current line two spaces to the right" HelpTopic: "Shift_lines_left_or_right" Icon: 1028 Click: "Script.ShiftRight" ) (AVIcon.1028 Name: "ShiftRight" Res: "Icons.ShiftRight" ) (Space.1029 ) (Butn.1030 Disabled: 1 Help: "Compile//Compiles the script" HelpTopic: "Compile" Update: "Script.CompileUpdate" Icon: 1031 Click: "Script.Compile" ) (AVIcon.1031 Name: "Check" Res: "Icons.Check" ) (Butn.1032 Help: "Run//Runs the compiled script" HelpTopic: "Run" Update: "Script.RunUpdate" Icon: 1033 Click: "Script.Run" ) (AVIcon.1033 Name: "Run" Res: "Icons.Run" ) (Butn.1034 Help: "Step//Executes one request or object reference in the compiled script" HelpTopic: "Step" Update: "Script.RunUpdate" Icon: 1035 Click: "Script.Step" ) (AVIcon.1035 Name: "Footprints" Res: "Icons.Footprints" ) (Butn.1036 Help: "Toggle Breakpoint//Toggles a breakpoint on or off at the current cursor position" HelpTopic: "Toggle_Breakpoint" Update: "Script.RunUpdate" Icon: 1037 Click: "Script.ToggleBreak" ) (AVIcon.1037 Name: "Hand" Res: "Icons.Hand" ) (Butn.1038 Help: "Examine Variables//Displays the current value of local and global variables" HelpTopic: "Examine_Variables" Update: "Script.RunUpdate" Icon: 1039 Click: "Script.ShowVariables" ) (AVIcon.1039 Name: "Examine" Res: "Icons.Examine" ) (Space.1040 ) (Butn.1041 Help: "Load System Script//Inserts the source code of a system script" HelpTopic: "Load_System_Script" Icon: 1042 Click: "Script.SystemLoad" ) (AVIcon.1042 Name: "LoadScript" Res: "Icons.LoadScript" ) (Butn.1043 Help: "Load Text File//Inserts the contents of a text file" HelpTopic: "Load_Text_File" Icon: 1044 Click: "Script.FileLoad" ) (AVIcon.1044 Name: "Open" Res: "Icons.Open" ) (Butn.1045 Help: "Write Text File//Writes the entire script or the selected text to a text file" HelpTopic: "Write_Text_File" Icon: 1046 Click: "Script.FileWrite" ) (AVIcon.1046 Name: "Write" Res: "Icons.Write" ) (Space.1047 ) (Butn.1048 Icon: 1049 Click: "x_scriptscompileall" ) (AVIcon.1049 Name: "C" Res: "Icons.C" ) (Butn.1050 Icon: 446 Click: "avmscfg_Extension_MAKE" ) (Butn.1051 Help: "Script Help//Searches for help using the current selection" HelpTopic: "Getting_help_about_script_components" Icon: 1052 Click: "Script.Help" ) (AVIcon.1052 Name: "Help" Res: "Icons.Help" ) (Butn.1053 Help: "Help//Gets help about the next button, tool, or menu choice you click" HelpTopic: "Help_button" Icon: 1054 Click: "Help.Tool" ) (AVIcon.1054 Name: "HelpTool" Res: "Icons.HelpTool" ) (PopupSet.1055 ) (ToolBar.1056 ) (AVIcon.1057 Name: "Icon" Res: "SEd.Icon" ) (FN.1240 Path: "$HOME" ) (AVStr.1241 S: "View" ) (AVStr.1242 S: "Table" ) (AVStr.1243 S: "Chart" ) (AVStr.1244 S: "Layout" ) (AVStr.1245 S: "Script" ) (AVStr.1246 S: "Project" ) (AVStr.1247 S: "Appl" ) (AVStr.1248 S: "DialogEditor" )