'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' QUICK INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS FOR P.MAPPER 2 '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ########################################### # # # An updated version is available at # # # # http://www.pmapper.net/wiki # # # ########################################### ============== PHP Settings ============== PHP/MapScript Library and WebServer Install the PHP/MapScript library in the appropriate place and configure your webserver to parse *.php and *.phtml files with PHP. Name the PHP/Mapscript extension accoring to the mapserver version, like php_mapscript_48.so or (php_mapscript_48.dll on Windows) for MapServer 4.8 See the documentation for PHP/MapScript and MapServer Wiki for details. LIBICONV: PHP needs to be compiled with support of the ICONV library. This should be the default on Windows and Unix versions of PHP PHP.INI ------- In section [PHP] under the paragraph Paths and Directories set: enable_dl = On alternatively: load the extension via the php.ini (required on Windows for IIS or Apache and PHP as module) The application uses PHP sessions to store user settings during the session. Modify the php.ini file to the following settings below section [Session]: session.save_path = ... : Set a valid path session.use_trans_sid = 0 : set to 0 in order to be compliant with W3C XHTML Strict session.auto_start = 0 ====================== Application settings ====================== config/config.ini The main configuration for p.mapper is set under the subdirectory config in the file config.ini. Adapt following settings to your environment: msVersion: e.g. for php_mapscript_48.dll set to 48 mapFile: Map file location (absolute path, no backslash) allGroups: a comma-separated list of layers/groups available in the application general rule: if a layer belongs to a group, use the group name, otherwise use the layer name =================== Other settings =================== Directory '/images/legend/' Has to be writeable for the user that runs the web server (used for automatic update of legend icons). On a Debian system for example, this could be achieved with the command ># chown -R www-data /var/www/pmapper_demo/images/legend/ On Windows and IIS set the directory security properties to 'Modify' for user IUSR_hostname ============ Demo data ============ You can download the demo dataset (demodata.zip) and test p.mapper with the supplied map file pmapper_demo.map. in pmapper_demo.map adapt settings for MAP SHAPEPATH (FONTSET) (SYMBOLSET) WEB IMAGEPATH IMAGEURL ================ Start p.mapper ================ Starting p.mapper can be done via the map.phtml file or a link from index.html.