README for OSAAS Server ======================= The OSAAS server is the core component of OSAAS. It accepts HTTP requests from OSAAS clients containing information about WMS requests, processes the information and stores it into a database. Installation ------------ For now, the server is meant to be run directly from the source directory. You need to the following software to run the OSAAS server: Python >= 2.3, comes with most Linux Distributions And one of the following database API modules, depending on which database you use: cx_Oracle >= 4.3.1 psycopg2 >= Configuration ------------- The configuration is read from an XML file. The name of this file is specified on the command line when the OSAAS server is started. As a starting point for your configuration file, you can use the commented example file demo-config.xml. The user database mentioned there can be created with the script: ./ -f my-userdb-file username The script will ask for a password for the user and store the user and hashed password in the file given with the -f option. The OSAAS client has to use one of the username/password pairs from the userdb file to authenticate itself. The OSAAS server expects the database to have been set up to match the definitions in the configuration file. The script can be used to create the table automatically from the configuration file: ./ --config-file my-config-file.xml creates the table described in my-config-file.xml and a sequence for the ID column. Starting The Server ------------------- When the server has been configured you can start it with ./ --config-file=config.xml All of the settings from config-file except for the DBRules can be specified on the command line. Run with the --help option to see a list of the options. Stopping The Server ------------------- You can stop the server with kill. When the server receives the TERM signal -- the default signal sent by kill -- it stops listening on the socket and waits until any pending requests have been processed and the terminates. License ------- The OSAAS server is free software under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or any later version. See the file GPL.txt for details.