======================= Installing OSAAS Server ======================= The OSAAS server is the core component of OSAAS. It accepts HTTP requests from OSAAS clients containing information about WMS requests, processes the information and stores it into a database. This chapter will lead you through OSAAS installation process. Requirements ------------ Before you are able to install *OSAAS*, you need to install some software: - Python >= 2.3 (see http://python.org/) Depending on which database you use, you need one of the following database API modules: - cx_Oracle >= 4.3.1 (see http://www.python.net/crew/atuining/cx_Oracle/) - psycopg2 >= (see http://www.initd.org/pub/software/psycopg/) After downloading and installing the required software, you should download *OSAAS* from `wald.intevation.org `_ or using *Subversion* (see http://svnbook.red-bean.com/) with the following command:: svn checkout https://svn.wald.intevation.org/svn/osaas/trunk osaas-trunk .. note:: The recommended way of getting *OSAAS* is to download the tarball of an official release instead of checking out the development branch via SVN. PostgreSQL Configuration ------------------------ The next step is to set up your PostgreSQL database. If you have installed PostgreSQL from Debian packages, the path definitions of the next steps should go with your environment. Otherwise, the pathes may differ. At first, you should create a user *osaas* and the database *osaas_logging* with the commands below:: su postgres -c "createuser -SDRleP osaas" su postgres -c "createdb -O osaas osaas_logging" In order that the created user is allowed to access the database, it is necessary to modify ``/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf`` and ``/var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf``. In ``/var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf`` you will find the config options *listen_adress* and *port*. Modify these as follows:: listen_addresses='localhost' port = 5432 and append the following line to ``/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf``:: host osaas_logging osaas md5 Now, the PostgreSQL database is ready. Restart it with the command:: /etc/init.d/postgresql restart .. _installation-label: OSAAS Server Installation ------------------------- *OSAAS* server is written in python and needs no explicit installation. Downloading the tarball from `wald.intevation.org `_ or via SVN is all you need to do. But there are some things you need to initialize before you are able to run *OSAAS*. First of all: *OSAAS* server requires a user authentication. Use the ``adduser.py`` script to create new users. The following command will create a new user *osaas* and ask you for a password for this user. Afterwards, the user and its hashed password are stored in the user database file given with the -f option. In this case, users and passwords are stored in *my-osaas-users*:: ./server/adduser.py -f my-osaas-users osaas *OSAAS* itself reads a configuration file that contains the database connection parameters, server settings and information about *OSAAS* datamodel. ``server/demo-config.xml`` is a demo configuration. See `Configuration`_ for more details on possible configuration options. After creating a new user and a configuration file, you are ready to initialize the database using ``initosaasdb.py``. ``initosaasdb.py`` reads your configuration and creates all necessary database tables - independent of which database (Oracle or PostgreSQL) you use. Initialize the database with:: ./server/initosaasdb.py --config-file=my-osaas-config.xml If everything was fine, you can start *OSAAS* server (see :ref:`Start\/Stop OSAAS Server `). ============= Configuration ============= As already mentioned above, you can find a demo configuration in ``server/demo-config.xml``. To understand the config options, please read the comments inline this configuration:: 8989 /var/log/osaas/osaas-access.log /var/log/osaas/osaas-error.log INFO /etc/osaas/osaas-users /var/run/osaas.pid postgresql user=mydbuser password=mydbpassword host=localhost port=myport dbname=mydb mydbuser mydbpassword myDSN ===================== Building OSAAS Client ===================== OSAAS Java Client is a small library for java programs that want to send data to the OSAAS server. The build process uses ant. So, you need to make clear that you have ant installed (http://ant.apache.org/). Now, if you have ant installed on your machine, you can change to the ``client/java/`` directory and enter the following command:: ant The default ant target builds a ``osaas-client.jar`` file in the ``dist/`` subdirectory. Use this file in your client. Integration in *deegree OWSProxy* --------------------------------- First of all, you need to download the deegree2 sources in a specific version, apply the patch ``client/java/owsproxy/owsproxy.diff`` and make *OSAAS* client available to deegree. After this, you are ready to build *deegree OWSProxy*. Follow the instructions below: 1. Download the sources using deegree:: svn co -r 15164 https://svn.wald.intevation.org/svn/deegree/base/trunk deegree-osaas 2. Apply the patch ``client/java/owsproxy/owsproxy.diff``:: cd deegree-osaas patch -p 0 < owsproxy.diff 3. Make the osaas client code available to deegree (``$DIST_HOME_OSAAS_CLIENT`` is the directory where ``osaas-client.jar`` is located):: cd deegree-osaas/lib ln -s $DIST_HOME_OSAAS_CLIENT/ osaas 4. Build deegree:: ant build-lib Now, you have built *deegree OWSProxy* with *OSAAS* integration. Finally, you need to configure logging. *OSAAS* logging configuration is read from the same WEB-INF/web.xml file as the *OWSProxy* configuration. Add the following lines to this file and replace the url, username, password and faillog:: OSAAS_URL http://localhost:8989/owsaccounting/ OSAAS_USERNAME aUser OSAAS_PASSWORD secret OSAAS_FAILLOG /usr/share/tomcat/logs/osaas-faillog