OSAAS OWSProxy Patch ==================== The file owsproxy.diff contains a patch for deegree's owsproxy that makes it log successful requests to an OSAAS server. Applying the patch ------------------ 1. Check out deegree: svn co -r 15164 https://svn.wald.intevation.org/svn/deegree/base/trunk \ deegree-osaas 2. Apply the patch cd deegree-osaas patch -p 0 < owsproxy.diff 3. Make the osaas client code available to deegree: cd deegree-osaas/lib ln -s $DIST_HOME_OSAAS_CLIENT/ osaas 4. Build deegree. To build a jar-file it's usually just ant build-lib Configuring the OSAAS logging ----------------------------- The OSAAS-logging settings are read from the same file as the other OWSProxy configuration: WEB-INF/web.xml. The OSAAS patch adds these further settings to the element: OSAAS_URL http://localhost:8989/owsaccounting/ OSAAS_USERNAME aUser OSAAS_PASSWORD secret OSAAS_FAILLOG /usr/share/tomcat/logs/osaas-faillog