# # mpulsweb - Pylons development environment configuration # # The %(here)s variable will be replaced with the parent directory of this file # [DEFAULT] debug = True # Uncomment and replace with the address which should receive any error reports #email_to = you@yourdomain.com smtp_server = localhost error_email_from = paste@localhost # set this to 'false' if you do not want the application # to handle static content. serve_static = true # # Database Settings # # The Case Database # jmd.casedb.host = localhost jmd.casedb.port = 5432 # %s will be replaced by certificate value: jmd.casedb.database = ka_%s_db # first %s -> database name, second %s -> user: jmd.casedb.user = ka_%s_%s # Define fallback name of the database if fetching name from # SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN in ssl certificte fails. jmd.casedb.name = mydb # # The Structure Database # # Most of the settings are the same as for the case db, so they can be # copied with references of the form %(jmd.casedb.FOO)s # jmd.structuredb.host = %(jmd.casedb.host)s jmd.structuredb.port = %(jmd.casedb.port)s # %s will be replaced by certificate value: # The structure database usually has the prefix "st" in the database name jmd.structuredb.database = ka_st%s_db # first %s -> database name, second %s -> user: jmd.structuredb.user = %(jmd.casedb.user)s # Define fallback name of the database if fetching name from # SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN in ssl certificte fails. jmd.structuredb.name = %(jmd.casedb.name)s # # DB Mapping # #mpuls.app.dbmapping=%(here)s/dbmapping.json # Beaker session settings. Configured here because the need to be the # same for both MPuls application parts beaker.session.key = jmdweb beaker.session.secret = somesecret beaker.session.timeout = 1800 # cache_dir must have the same value in app:struktur and app:jmd because # both applications share the session information cache_dir = %(here)s/data/ # If true, add a simple exception handle that only logs any exceptions # raised by the main MPuls application. This can be useful during # debugging for exception containing non-ASCII characters which the # default debug handler doesn't handle properly. mpuls.app.simple-exception-handler = True # WARNING: *THE LINE BELOW MUST BE COMMENTED OUT IN A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT* # Debug mode will enable the interactive debugging tool, allowing ANYONE to # execute malicious code after an exception is raised. set debug = true [server:main] use = egg:Paste#http host = port = 5002 #ssl_pem = * # Main WSGI application that makes the case and structure parts # available under two different URL prefixes [composite:main] use = egg:Paste#urlmap /jmd = jmd /struktur = struktur / = redirector [app:redirector] use = egg:mpulsweb#redirector location = /jmd # Main Case Management Part [app:jmd] use = egg:mpulsweb lang = de full_stack = true # Name of the application mpuls.app.title = "JMD" mpuls.app.name = "JMD Fallakten" # You can provide a user specific configuration for the mpuls server. mpuls.app.root=%(here)s # The configuration file for this application. It defines which modules # are enabled or which phases are present. mpuls.app.config=%(here)s/jmd.json mpuls.app.tagging=%(here)s/default_tagging.xml # The name of the application instance. This is the name of the # directory containing the instance specific controller, templates and # model. mpuls.app.instance=jmdweb # Controller serving as the main entry point of the appliction mpuls.app.indexcontroller=mpuls # installation specific search paths mpuls.app.path=%(mpuls.app.root)s/%(mpuls.app.instance)s mpuls.app.path.public = %(mpuls.app.path)s/public mpuls.app.path.controllers = %(mpuls.app.path)s/controllers mpuls.app.path.templates = %(mpuls.app.path)s/templates mpuls.app.path.template_cache = %(cache_dir)s/templates/jmd mpuls.app.path.formed=%(mpuls.app.path.public)s/formed mpuls.app.path.i18n = %(mpuls.app.path)s/i18n # The MPuls case database is the same as the jmd.casedb, so copy all # settings mpuls.db.host = %(jmd.casedb.host)s mpuls.db.port = %(jmd.casedb.port)s mpuls.db.database = %(jmd.casedb.database)s mpuls.db.user = %(jmd.casedb.user)s mpuls.db.name = %(jmd.casedb.name)s # URL to put into the Web-interface to let the user switch to the other # part of the JMD application. This URL must include the prefix of the # other app used in the [composite:main] section jmd.otherapp.url = /struktur/ # Structure Part [app:struktur] use = egg:mpulsweb lang = de full_stack = true # Name of the application mpuls.app.title = "JMD Struktur" mpuls.app.name = "JMD Struktur" # You can provide a user specific configuration for the mpuls server. mpuls.app.root=%(here)s # The configuration file for this application. It defines which modules # are enabled or which phases are present. mpuls.app.config=%(here)s/jmdstruktur.json mpuls.app.tagging=%(here)s/default_tagging.xml # The name of the application instance. This is the name of the # directory containing the instance specific controller, templates and # model. mpuls.app.instance=jmdstrukturweb # Controller serving as the main entry point of the appliction mpuls.app.indexcontroller=jmdstruktur # installation specific search paths mpuls.app.path=%(mpuls.app.root)s/%(mpuls.app.instance)s mpuls.app.path.public = %(mpuls.app.path)s/public mpuls.app.path.controllers = %(mpuls.app.path)s/controllers mpuls.app.path.templates = %(mpuls.app.path)s/templates mpuls.app.path.template_cache = %(cache_dir)s/templates/struktur mpuls.app.path.formed=%(mpuls.app.path.public)s/formed mpuls.app.path.i18n = %(mpuls.app.path)s/i18n # The main database for the structure part jmd.structuredb, so copy all # settings mpuls.db.host = %(jmd.structuredb.host)s mpuls.db.port = %(jmd.structuredb.port)s mpuls.db.database = %(jmd.structuredb.database)s mpuls.db.user = %(jmd.structuredb.user)s mpuls.db.name = %(jmd.structuredb.name)s # URL to put into the Web-interface to let the user switch to the other # part of the JMD application. This URL must include the prefix of the # other app used in the [composite:main] section jmd.otherapp.url = /jmd/ # force login to be done with the jmd application. # # The prefix used here must match the one used in the [composite:main] # section mpuls.auth.login_url = /jmd/auth/login # Logging configuration [loggers] keys = root, mpulsweb, jmdweb, jmdstrukturweb [handlers] keys = console, file [formatters] keys = generic [logger_root] level = INFO # add ", file" to handlers to activate logging into the file configured # in the handler_file section handlers = console [logger_mpulsweb] level = DEBUG handlers = qualname = mpulsweb [logger_jmdweb] level = DEBUG handlers = qualname = jmdweb [logger_jmdstrukturweb] level = DEBUG handlers = qualname = jmdstrukturweb [handler_console] class = StreamHandler args = (sys.stderr,) level = NOTSET formatter = generic [handler_file] class = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler # Third parameter in args is maximum size of the log file in bytes. # Fourth parameter specifies the number of old files to keep. args=('mpuls.log', 'w', 1048576, 5) level = NOTSET formatter = generic [formatter_generic] format = %(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s datefmt = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S