## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

${_('Missing data for the statement')}

${_('The acceptance statement of the youth for work and usage of his data. You are resonsible for this.')}

% if h.hasRole(['cm']):

${h.literal(_('Please notice that the acceptence statement needs to be written. For this use Printversion of this statement. Please choose:') % h.url(controller="privacy", action="printStatement", id=c.ds_id))}

  1. ${h.literal(_('Statement accepted, when a statement is obtained.'))}
  2. ${h.literal(_('Statement unclear, when at the moment no statement is available, but should be obtained.'))}
  3. ${h.literal(_('Statement declined, when no statement is available and wont be available. The case document will be made anonymous.'))}

${_('Statement accepted')} ${_('Statement unclear')} ${_('Statement declined')}

% else:


% endif