## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- <%! import mpulsweb.lib.helper.filters as F %> <%inherit file="/casemanagement/main.mako" /> <%def name="buildNavipath()"> ${parent.buildNavipath()}
  • ${_('Selected case documents')}
  • ${_('Phase in CM')}
  • Erledigt${c.dialog_title | F.NA}

    ${c.dialog_text | F.NA}

    1. ${h.literal(_('Please remember: If the modus changes a printed case file has to be delivered to the young person. Further information you will find in Help.
      ') % h.url(controller='annotations', action='help', id='datenschutz_veraenderte_daten'))} ${_('Print')}

    % if g.mpuls_config.is_enabled('phases', 'changemode') == 1: % if session.get('navigation.selectedpage') is not None: ${_('Continue editing')} % else: ${_('Continue editing')} % endif %endif ${_('Back to phase overview')}