## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
<%inherit file="../casemanagement/main.mako" />
<%! import mpulsweb.lib.helper.filters as F %>
${_('Meta search')}
% if c.remaining_searches < 5:
${h.literal(_('To prevent misuse of the meta-search the meta-account will be disabled after after %s more unsuccessful searches. Counter will be reset on successful search or on linking a case.') % str(c.remaining_searches + 1))}
% endif
% if c.show_create:
% if len(c.result) <= 0:
${_('No Meta-Cases found!')}
${_('Please make sure that you tried different spellings of the name of client to maximize the chance of finding a meta case. ')}
% else:
${_('Meta-Cases found')}
${_('Please select one of the Meta-Cases below to link the local case with the Meta-Case.')}
% endif
% for num, m in enumerate(c.result):
% endfor
% if len(c.result) <= 0:
${_('No data found.')}
% endif
${_('Create new meta case')}
${_('If you can find not find a counterpart for this case on the metas erver you can create a new one on the meta server.')}
% if not c.case.is_hashable():
${_('State')}:${_('Required fields to create a new meta case are not filled out')}