## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- <%inherit file="../main.mako" /> <%def name="buildNavipath()"> ${parent.buildNavipath()}
  • ${_('Document overview')}
  • ${_('Add document')}
  • ${_('Add new document')}

    ${_('The size of the documents isnt allowed to exceed 10MB.')}

    ${h.form(h.url(controller="document", action='globalUploadAction'), multipart=True)}
    % if g.mpuls_config.is_enabled("module", "documents-description"): % endif

    ${_('You can optional choose a alternative name for the file, so that you can add more versions of a document. If you choose no optional name, the name of the file is used.')}


    ${_('Please note: you need to set Overwrite, if you want to overwrite a file with same name.')}

    ${h.submit('upload', _('Submit'))}