## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- <%inherit file="main.mako" /> <%! import mpulsweb.lib.helper.filters as F %> <%def name="buildNavipath()"> ${parent.buildNavipath()}
  • ${_('Selected case documents')}
  • ${_('Organisation')}
  • ${_('Organisation')}

    ${_('This page shows the main worker of a case document and his or her standin')}


    ${_('Lastname')}${c.editor.last_name | F.NA}
    ${_('Firstname')}${c.editor.first_name | F.NA}
    ${_('Phone')}${c.editor.telephone | F.NA}
    % if h.hasRole(['admin_ka']) and session.get('case').getState().getState() == 1:
    % endif


    % if ((h.hasRole(['admin_ka']) or (c.current_user.id == c.editor.id))) and session.get('case').getState().getState() == 1:
    <% idset = True %> % for group in c.group_list: % if idset: % if group.id in c.standin.getGroups(): % else: % endif % else: % if group.id in c.standin.getGroups(): % else: % endif % endif <% idset = not idset %> % endfor
    ${group.name | F.NA}${group.name | F.NA}
    % else: <% idset = 0 %> % for group in c.group_list2: % if group.id in c.standin.getGroups(): % if idset==0: <% idset = 1 %> % else: <% idset = 0 %> % endif % endif % endfor
    ${group.name | F.NA}
    ${group.name | F.NA}
    % endif