## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- <%inherit file="../../main.mako" /> <%def name="buildNavipath()"> ${parent.buildNavipath()}
  • ${_('Case Management')}
  • ${_('Export case')}
  • ${_('attention')}${c.dialog_title or c.confirm_for}

    <% case_bundle = session.get('casebundle') %> % if case_bundle and len(case_bundle.case_list) > 1 and g.mpuls_config.is_enabled('offline-client', 'enabled'):

    ${_('Selected cases')}

    ${_('Notice: You have selected more than one case document. The now created file cannot be used with the offline client at the moment. If you want to use the offline client, you need to select just one case document.')}

    % endif

    ${_('Exported parts of the case document')}

    ${_('Please choose the exported pages of the case document:')}

    % if c.allow_logbook_export: % endif


    ${_('Please notice, that you export personal data, if you do not export with')} '${_('Export anonymisated data')}' ${_('You need to follow the data privacy.')}