## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- <%inherit file="../main.mako" /> <%! import mpulsweb.lib.helper.filters as F %> <%def name="buildNavipath()"> ${parent.buildNavipath()}
${_('Here you can see institution wide settings.')}
${_('Name of the institution')} | ${c.agency.getName()| F.NA} |
${_('Address of the institution')} | ${c.agency.getAddress()| F.NA} |
${_('Formular number of the institution')} | ${c.agency.getFKZ()| F.NA} |
${_('Automatic review after days')} | ${c.agency.getMaxSavetime()| F.NA} |
${_('additional conditions for reminders')} | ${h.literal(c.agency.getReminderConditionDesc())} |
${_('Assign case document')} | % if c.agency.isAnonTransfer(): ${_('Yes')} % else: ${_('No')} % endif |
${_('Here you can see meta user settings')}
${_('Name of the meta user')} | ${c.agency.getMetaUserName()} |
${_('Password of the meta user')} | ${c.agency.getMetaUserPassword()} |