## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- <%inherit file="../../main.mako" /> <%def name="buildNavipath()"> ${parent.buildNavipath()}
  • ${_('Case Management')}
  • ${_('Case document overview')}
  • ${_('cm_np_show')}
  • ${_('Missing data for the sync persmission')}

    ${_('The sync permission of the youth to sync data to the meta server. You are resonsible for this.')}

    % if h.hasRole(['cm']):
    1. ${h.literal(_('Permission granted, when the permission is granted.'))}
    2. ${h.literal(_('Permission unclear, when the permission is unclear but should be obtained later.'))}
    3. ${h.literal(_('Permission refused, when permission is refused and will not be granted later.'))}

    ${_('Permission granted')} ${_('Permission unclear')} ${_('Permission refused')}

    % else:


    % endif