## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
<%! import mpulsweb.lib.helper.filters as F %>
<%inherit file="/casemanagement/main.mako" />
<%def name="buildNavipath()">
${_('Selected case documents')}
${_('Phase in CM')}
${c.dialog_title | F.NA}
${c.dialog_text | F.NA}
% if c.show_meta_case_hint:
${_('It is strongly recommended to sync the case with its meta-case after changing the phase as this is a significant change in the support of the client. Please open the meta-case to sync the updated case to the meta-server.')}
${_('Meta case')}
% endif
${h.literal(_('Please remember: If the modus changes a printed case file has to be delivered to the young person. Further information you will find in Help.
') % h.url_for(controller='/annotations', action='help', id='datenschutz_veraenderte_daten'))}