## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- <%inherit file="../casemanagement/main.mako" /> <%! import mpulsweb.lib.helper.filters as F %>

${_('Meta case')}

${_('The meta case is a comprehensive case wich provides information about the client and his supervision in different projects over a longer period of time.')}

${_('Agreement for synchronisation')}

${h.literal(_('The agreement of the client to transfer data from and to the meta case is the elementary precondition! It requires a documented acceptance statement and discretion statement from the client in a printable form. Please remember to hand out the digest of saved data in the meta-case to the client after linking the case with the meta case.'))}

% if c.meta.is_sync_allowed():

${_('State')}: Ok ${_('Sychronisation is allowed')}

${_('Disallow transfer')} % if c.agency.is_metauser_configured() and c.meta.is_sync_allowed() and c.meta.is_linked(): ${_('Show digest of meta')} % endif

% elif not session.get('meta_acceptance_statement') or not session.get('meta_discretion_statement'):

${_('State')}: Error ${_('Not all required statements to allow sync has be set')}

% endif ##% else: ##

## ${_('State')}: ## Error ## ${_('Sychronisation is not allowed')} ##


## ${_('Allow transfer')} ##

##% endif

${_('Acceptance statement')}

${h.literal(_('This must be translated with the deatailed description for the acceptance statement.'))}

% if not session.get('meta_acceptance_statement') and not c.meta.is_sync_allowed(): ${_('Print accpetance statement')}

${_('Set acceptance statement')} % else: Ok ${_('Acceptance statement is set')} %endif

${_('Discretion statement')}

${h.literal(_('This must be translated with the deatailed description for the discretion statement.'))}

% if not session.get('meta_discretion_statement') and not c.meta.is_sync_allowed(): ${_('Print discretion statement')}

${_('Set discretion statement')} % else: Ok ${_('Discretion statement is set')} %endif


${h.literal(_('Transfer of data can be done in two directions.

  1. You can download data from the meta case to display it. Downloading data will not effect any data stored in the local case.
  2. To update the meta case with data from the local case you can upload.
The updated data will be stored permanently in the meta case and will be available for other agencys who also have access to the meta case.'))}

% if c.agency.is_metauser_configured(): % if c.meta.is_sync_allowed(): % if c.meta.is_linked():

${_('State')}: Ok ${_('Case is linked')}

${_('Download meta')} ${_('Upload case')} ${_('Unlink case')}

% else:

${_('State')}: ${_('Error')} ${_('Case is not linked')}

${_('Link case')}

% endif %else:

${_('State')}: ${_('Error')} ${_('Sychronisation is not allowed. Please set permission for synchronisation before linking')}

%endif %else:

${_('State')}: ${_('Error')} ${_('Meta user is not configured properly. Please consult the administration to do so.')}
