## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- <%inherit file="../casemanagement/main.mako" /> <%! import mpulsweb.lib.helper.filters as F %>
${_('The meta case is a comprehensive case wich provides information about the client and his supervision in different projects over a longer period of time.')}
${h.literal(_('The agreement of the client to transfer data from and to the meta case is the elementary precondition! It requires a documented acceptance statement and discretion statement from the client in a printable form. Please remember to hand out the digest of saved data in the meta-case to the client after linking the case with the meta case.'))}
% if c.meta.is_sync_allowed():${_('State')}: ${_('Sychronisation is allowed')}
${_('Disallow transfer')} % if c.agency.is_metauser_configured() and c.meta.is_sync_allowed() and c.meta.is_linked(): ${_('Show digest of meta')} % endif
% elif not session.get('meta_acceptance_statement') or not session.get('meta_discretion_statement'):${_('State')}: ${_('Not all required statements to allow sync has be set')}
% endif ##% else: #### ${_('State')}: ## ## ${_('Sychronisation is not allowed')} ##
#### ${_('Allow transfer')} ##
##% endif
${_('Acceptance statement')}${h.literal(_('This must be translated with the deatailed description for the acceptance statement.'))}
% if not session.get('meta_acceptance_statement') and not c.meta.is_sync_allowed():
${_('Print accpetance statement')}
${_('Discretion statement')}${h.literal(_('This must be translated with the deatailed description for the discretion statement.'))}
% if not session.get('meta_discretion_statement') and not c.meta.is_sync_allowed():
${_('Print discretion statement')}
${h.literal(_('Transfer of data can be done in two directions.
${_('State')}: ${_('Case is linked')}
${_('Download meta')} ${_('Upload case')} ${_('Unlink case')}
% else:${_('State')}: ${_('Case is not linked')}
${_('State')}: ${_('Sychronisation is not allowed. Please set permission for synchronisation before linking')}
%endif %else:${_('State')}: ${_('Meta user is not configured properly. Please consult the administration to do so.')}