## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- <%! import mpulsweb.lib.helper.filters as F %> <%inherit file="../main.mako" />
${_('Black Board')}
% if (h.getLogin() == 'adm'):

${_('You reside in the central administration')}

${_('Under the menu item "User" you can')}.

${_('Under the menu item "Agency" you can')}:

% else: ## NEWS % if g.mpuls_config.is_enabled('module', 'news'): % if c.news.getList():

${_('Current information')}

<%include file="/news/newslist.mako"/>
% endif % endif ## CUSTOM CONTENT ON BLACKBOARD <%include file="/home/customcontent.mako"/> ## APPOINTMENTS ## Reminders % if g.mpuls_config.is_enabled('case-module', 'reminders'):


<%include file="/home/remindlist.mako"/> % endif ## Case % if g.mpuls_config.is_enabled('case-module', 'appointments') and h.hasRole(['cm']):

${_('Own appointments')}

<%include file="/home/caseappointmentlist.mako"/> % endif ## Global % if g.mpuls_config.is_enabled('module', 'appointments'):

${_('Agency-wide appointments')}

<%include file="/home/globalappointmentlist.mako"/> % endif % endif