# Coordinates of the three STPs connected to the Itter river network # ID,X,Y,Pop,DWF(m^3/d),ADF(m^3/d),Type,StretchID,Name # here DWF = ADF, due to missing DWF flow; therefore ADF is the important value in this case # In Germany, the type is mostly AS (activated sludge, biolog. Elimination), other possibility is TF (Tropfkoerper) # revised data from BRW 1996 information 1,7.047,51.1975,11672,6874.797,6874.797,AS,6,Solingen-Graefrath 2,6.9885,51.175,88462,27132.611,27132.611,AS,13,Solingen-Ohligs 3,6.903,51.1615,64383,14953.767,14953.767,AS,18,Hilden