Z CGI Extension Map - Edit Extension Mappings Description This view allows you to review, edit, add and remove the extension mappings used by all ZGIScripts and ZCGIFolders. An extension mapping maps a file extension (.py, .pl etc) to a handler - the program that runs the script (python, perl etc). You can use the controls on this page to manage the handlers and extensions you want to support within your Zope. Note, the order of this lines in this list can be significant if you use a catch all - A blank extension - Anything listed after it is effectivly disabled. Controls - Top Form 'Select Box' -- Check this to operate on this line with the **Move First** or **Delete** buttons. 'Extension' -- *(Fixed)* Shows the extension that will trigger this handler. 'Handler' -- The command line that is executed. Place **%s** where the name of the CGI-BIN script file should go in the command line. 'Move First' -- Move the selected entries (If any) to the top of the list. 'Delete' -- Delete the selected entries (If any) from the list. 'Save Changes' -- Save any changes you have made to **Handlers** above. Controls - Bottom Form 'Extension' -- The extension to trigger this handler (Or blank for catch all). 'Handler' -- The handler for this extension. Place **%s** where the name of the CGI-BIN script file should go in the command line. 'Add Handler' -- Click this to add this new handler to the list.